Hymn Book of the Methodist Protestant Church

Publisher: Book Concern of the Methodist Protestant Church, Baltimore, 1859
Denomination: Methodist Protestant Church
Language: English
Notes: Doxologies and Spiritual Songs are numbered separately.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101With glorious clouds encompass'd roundPage Scan
102O love divine, what hast thou done!Page Scan
103Extended on a cursed treePage Scan
104Would Jesus have the sinner die!Page Scan
105"Christ, the Lord, is risen today!"Page Scan
106Ye humble souls that seek the LordPage Scan
107The Lord is risen indeed!Page Scan
108He dies-- the Friend of sinners dies!Page Scan
109Lord, when thou didst ascend on highPage Scan
110The sun of righteousness appearsPage Scan
111Angels, roll the rock awayPage Scan
112Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
113When I the lonely grave surveyPage Scan
114Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
115All hail the power of Jesus' name!Page Scan
116The head that once was crowned with thornsPage Scan
117Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
118Now let our cheerful eyes surveyPage Scan
119With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
120O the delights, the heavenly joysPage Scan
121He lives--the great Redeemer lives!Page Scan
122Hail, thou once despised Jesus!Page Scan
123Rejoice, the Lord is KingPage Scan
124I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
125Now let us raise our cheerful strainsPage Scan
126Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
127How great the wisdom, power and gracePage Scan
128Jesus, the name high over allPage Scan
129Let earth and heaven agreePage Scan
130Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
131Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songsPage Scan
132'Tis God the spirit leadsPage Scan
133Sure the blest Comforter is nighPage Scan
134Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
135O thou that hearest prayerPage Scan
136Father of peace, and God of lovePage Scan
137Power from on high, O God, impartPage Scan
138Come, Holy Spirit, comePage Scan
139Spirit of truth, come downPage Scan
140Come, Holy Spirit, comePage Scan
141Blest Comforter divine!Page Scan
142Holy Ghost, with light divinePage Scan
143Eternal Spirit! God of truth!Page Scan
144Why should the children of a KingPage Scan
145Come, blessed Spirit, Source of lightPage Scan
146Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
147O that the Comforter would come!Page Scan
148Enthroned on high, almighty LordPage Scan
149Holy Source of consolationPage Scan
150How helpless guilty nature liesPage Scan
151Great Father of each perfect giftPage Scan
152Holy Ghost! dispel our sadnessPage Scan
153Spirit divine! attend our prayerPage Scan
154The heavens declare thy glory, LordPage Scan
155Great God, with wonder and with praisePage Scan
156The counsels of redeeming gracePage Scan
157How perfect is thy wordPage Scan
158Thy word, Almighty LordPage Scan
159How precious is the book divinePage Scan
160Father of mercies, in thy wordPage Scan
161The Spirit breathes upon the wordPage Scan
162God, in the Gospel of his SonPage Scan
163Laden with guilt, and full of fearsPage Scan
164Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightPage Scan
165Let everlasting glories crownPage Scan
166O how I love thy holy wordPage Scan
167Now let my soul, eternal KingPage Scan
168Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
169My opening eyes with rapture seePage Scan
170With joy we hail the sacred dayPage Scan
171Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gonePage Scan
172This day the Lord hath called his ownPage Scan
173Safely through another weekPage Scan
174May I, throughout this day of thinePage Scan
175Frequent the day of God returnsPage Scan
176Another six days' work is donePage Scan
177This is the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
178Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vowsPage Scan
179Sweet is the work, my God, my KingPage Scan
180Lord, how delightful 'tis to seePage Scan
181Blest hour, when mortal man retiresPage Scan
182O Father, though the anxious fearPage Scan
183The Lord of Sabbath let us praisePage Scan
184Hallelujah! Lord, our voicesPage Scan
185Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
186I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
187And will the great eternal GodPage Scan
188O Lord, our languid souls inspirePage Scan
189Like Noah's weary dovePage Scan
190Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
191Far as thy name is knownPage Scan
192How honored is the placePage Scan
193How did my heart rejoice to hearPage Scan
194How pleasant--how divinely fairPage Scan
195How charming is the placePage Scan
196Great God, attend, while Zion singsPage Scan
197Awake, Jerusalem, awake!Page Scan
198Behold thy temple, God of gracePage Scan
199The Lord of glory is my lightPage Scan
200We, like Jesse's son, would raisePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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