Hymnal Companion to the Prayer Book: suited to the special seasons of the Christian year, and other occasions of public worship, as well as for use in the Sunday-school...With accompanying tunes

Editor: James A. Moore
Publisher: H. S. Hoffman, Philadelphia, 1886
Denomination: Reformed Episcopal Church
Language: English
Notes: At head of title: Book of Common Praise
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
399With one consent let all the earthPage Scan
400Before Jehovah's awful ThronePage Scan
401aFor thee, O God, our constant praisePage Scan
401bFor thee, O God, our constant praisePage Scan
402aLord, with glowing heart I'd praise TheePage Scan
402bLord, with glowing heart I'd praise TheePage Scan
403Children of one common FatherPage Scan
404aHark! the song of jubileePage Scan
404bHark! the song of jubileePage Scan
404cHark! the song of jubileePage Scan
405aChildren of the heavenly KingPage Scan
405bChildren of the heavenly KingPage Scan
406aGod, my King, Thy might confessingPage Scan
406bGod, my King, Thy might confessingPage Scan
407aSing Alleluia forth in duteous praisePage Scan
407bSing Alleluia forth in duteous praisePage Scan
408aO bless the Lord, my soulPage Scan
408bO bless the Lord, my soulPage Scan
409aFor the grace that makes Thee minePage Scan
409bFor the grace that makes Thee minePage Scan
410aAlthough the vine its fruit denyPage Scan
410bAlthough the vine its fruit denyPage Scan
411aLead us, heavenly Father, lead usPage Scan
411bLead us, heavenly Father, lead usPage Scan
411cLead us, heavenly Father, lead usPage Scan
411dLead us, heavenly Father, lead usPage Scan
412aGod of my life, to Thee I callPage Scan
412bGod of my life, to Thee I callPage Scan
412cGod of my life, to Thee I callPage Scan
413aIs there a lone and dreary hourPage Scan
413bIs there a lone and dreary hourPage Scan
414No change of time shall ever shockPage Scan
415My soul, for help on God relyPage Scan
416Lord! it belongs not to my carePage Scan
417Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
418My spirit on Thy carePage Scan
419a'Tis my happiness belowPage Scan
419b'Tis my happiness belowPage Scan
420aThy way, not mine, O Lord!Page Scan
420bThy way, not mine, O Lord!Page Scan
420cThy way, not mine, O Lord!Page Scan
420dThy way, not mine, O Lord!Page Scan
421aLove Divine, all loves excellingPage Scan
421bLove Divine, all loves excellingPage Scan
421cLove Divine, all loves excellingPage Scan
422aOne there is above all othersPage Scan
422bOne there is above all othersPage Scan
423aGracious Spirit, Holy GhostPage Scan
423bGracious Spirit, Holy GhostPage Scan
424aHark! my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
424bHark! my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
425My God, how wonderful Thou artPage Scan
426Jesus, the very thought of TheePage Scan
427How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
428O Jesus, King most wonderful!Page Scan
429aJesus, my Lord, my God, my AllPage Scan
429bJesus, my Lord, my God, my AllPage Scan
430Thee will I love, my strength, my towerPage Scan
431aTo Thee, my God and SaviourPage Scan
431bTo Thee, my God and SaviourPage Scan
432Awake, and sing the songPage Scan
433Come, ye that love the LordPage Scan
434The Saviour smiles; upon my soulPage Scan
435Jesus, in Thy transporting namePage Scan
436My God, the spring of all my joysPage Scan
437Peace be to this congregationPage Scan
438A mind at perfect peace with GodPage Scan
439If Christ is mine, then all is minePage Scan
440Peace is the even-tide of LovePage Scan
441aPrince of peace! control my willPage Scan
441bPrince of peace! control my willPage Scan
442There is a fold whence none can strayPage Scan
443aRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
443bRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
444aAs when the weary traveler gainsPage Scan
444bAs when the weary traveler gainsPage Scan
445 Give to the winds thy fears!Page Scan
446aWhen I can read my title clearPage Scan
446bWhen I can read my title clearPage Scan
447God! my Supporter and my HopePage Scan
448Your harps, ye trembling saintsPage Scan
449Far from my heavenly homePage Scan
450O Holy Saviour, Friend unseenPage Scan
451Jesus! cast a look on me!Page Scan
452aLord, for ever at Thy sidePage Scan
452bLord, for ever at Thy sidePage Scan
453aQuiet, Lord, my froward heartPage Scan
453bQuiet, Lord, my froward heartPage Scan
454aJesus, my strength, my hopePage Scan
454bJesus, my strength, my hopePage Scan
455And can I yet delayPage Scan
456Take my life and let it bePage Scan
457Just as I am,--without one pleaPage Scan
458aNearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
458bNearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
458cNearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
458dNearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
459O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
460Lord, as to Thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
461aO for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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