Heaven's Lamp

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99O how bright the hours we've spent together[O how bright the hours we've spent together]
100If my blessed Lord is my guide[If my blessed Lord is my guide]
101I am coming Lord, to Thee[I am coming Lord, to Thee]
102I've wandered in the valley where evil hid the light[I've wandered in the valley where evil hid the light]
103When the morning light is breaking[When the morning light is breaking]
104Just a few more days of trouble and sorrow[Just a few more days of trouble and sorrow]
105Cast your care upon the Lord[Cast your care upon the Lord]
106There's a lovely garden blooming for me[There's a lovely garden blooming for me]
107I now prepare for joys up there[I now prepare for joys up there]
108Doing with a willing heart my Lord's command[Doing with a willing heart my Lord's command]Page Scan
109My heav'nly home is bright and far[My heav'nly home is bright and far]Page Scan
110It seems God's chosen people[It seems God's chosen people]
111Deep in my heart I have a joyful song[Deep in my heart I have a joyful song]
112Just look ahead and cease to tread[Just look ahead and cease to tread]
113Happy am I each passing day, trav'ling along the homeward way[Happy am I each passing day, trav'ling along the homeward way]
114Called to work with my Savior, commissioned[Called to work with my Savior, commissioned]
115Press along, weary pilgrim, thru the struggles and strife[Press along, weary pilgrim, thru the struggles and strife]
116I am happy today, thinking of that new home[I am happy today, thinking of that new home]
117Weary trudging[Weary trudging]
118I have a friend who watches over me[I have a friend who watches over me]
119In this world of sinful conflict[In this world of sinful conflict]
120This life is like a day of time[This life is like a day of time]
121I am so happy to serve my dear Lord[I am so happy to serve my dear Lord]
122Ever since the Savior told me of His wondrous love[Ever since the Savior told me of His wondrous love]
123Once I wandered in the darkness[Once I wandered in the darkness]
124Many times I feel so lone and sad when I think of friends that I once had[Many times I feel so lone and sad when I think of friends that I once had]
125I'm a stranger trav'ling thru this old world of sin[I'm a stranger trav'ling thru this old world of sin]
126Many precious soul in darkness live who would heed the message you could give[Many precious soul in darkness live who would heed the message you could give]
127There is work that each one may do, Jesus calls for me and for you[There is work that each one may do, Jesus calls for me and for you]
128Weary sinner, now consider just how far from God you stand[Weary sinner, now consider just how far from God you stand]
129Weary of roaming around[Weary of roaming around]
130A wonderful change that made me happy, giving me blessed hope indeed[A wonderful change that made me happy, giving me blessed hope indeed]
131I'm joyfully singing as onward I go[I'm joyfully singing as onward I go]
132I've read about a city foursquare, a city of eternal light[I've read about a city foursquare, a city of eternal light]
133As we daily look in the grand old book[As we daily look in the grand old book]
134When you get up yonder to that bright happy land[When you get up yonder to that bright happy land]
135On that lonely hill, there is pardon still[On that lonely hill, there is pardon still]
136Come all ye Christian soldiers, hear ye the call[Come all ye Christian soldiers, hear ye the call]
137What a song of joy will roll thru the city of the soul[What a song of joy will roll thru the city of the soul]
138Since I met the Savior and told Him my love[Since I met the Savior and told Him my love]

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