Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church: with tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
498Behold the throne of gracePage Scan
499And will the mighty GodPage Scan
500Jesus, I live to theePage Scan
501Blest are the pure in heartPage Scan
502O come, and dwell in mePage Scan
503Father, I dare believe Page Scan
504Had I the gift of tonguesPage Scan
505Jesus, my strength, my hopePage Scan
506I want a heart to prayPage Scan
507Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowPage Scan
508Being of beings, God of lovePage Scan
509O how the thought of God attractsPage Scan
510My Saviour, on the word of truthPage Scan
511I want a principle withinPage Scan
512I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
513Lord, I believe a rest remainsPage Scan
514O Jesus, at thy feet we waitPage Scan
515O joyful sound of gospel grace!Page Scan
516Let worldly minds the world pursuePage Scan
517Jesus, the Life, the Truth, the WayPage Scan
518Jesus, thine all-victorious lovePage Scan
519Jesus, my Life, thyself applyPage Scan
520Jesus hath died that I might livePage Scan
521O for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
522Come, O my God, the promise sealPage Scan
523God of eternal truth and gracePage Scan
524Come, O Thou greater than our heartPage Scan
525Holy, and true, and righteous LordPage Scan
526O Jesus, full of truth and gracePage Scan
527Jesus, in whom the Godhead's raysPage Scan
528God of all power, and truth, and gracePage Scan
529He wills that I should holy bePage Scan
530Arise, my soul, on wings sublimePage Scan
531O God, most merciful and truePage Scan
532What! never speak one evil wordPage Scan
533Forever here my rest shall bePage Scan
534Jesus, the sinner's rest thou artPage Scan
535I ask the gift of righteousnessPage Scan
536My God, I know, I feel thee minePage Scan
537Thy presence, Lord, the place shall fillPage Scan
538Deepen the wound Thy hands have madePage Scan
539What is our calling's glorious hopePage Scan
540O Love divine, how sweet thou art!Page Scan
541But can it be that I should provePage Scan
542O glorious hope of perfect love!Page Scan
543Help, Lord, to whom for help I flyPage Scan
544O God, thy faithfulness I pleadPage Scan
545Saviour, on me the grace bestowPage Scan
546Sweet was the time when first I feltPage Scan
547My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so?Page Scan
548My head is low, my heart is sadPage Scan
549O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
550As pants the hart for cooling streamsPage Scan
551Come, let us to the Lord our GodPage Scan
552Hark, my soul! it is the LordPage Scan
553O thou, whose mercy hearsPage Scan
554How oft this wretched heartPage Scan
555Gracious Redeemer, shakePage Scan
556Thou seest my feeblenessPage Scan
557O Jesus, full of gracePage Scan
558Jesus, let thy pitying eyePage Scan
559Jesus, Friend of sinners hearPage Scan
560O Thou who all things canst controlPage Scan
561O where is now that glowing lovePage Scan
562O thou who camest from abovePage Scan
563Onward, Christian soldiers!Page Scan
564Forward! be our watchwordPage Scan
565Work, for the night is comingPage Scan
566Soldiers of the cross, arise!Page Scan
567Stand up, stand up for JesusPage Scan
568Go forward, Christian soldierPage Scan
569Fear not, O little flock, the foePage Scan
570Are there not in the laborer's dayPage Scan
571Be it my only wisdom herePage Scan
572One more day's work for JesusPage Scan
573I and my house will serve the LordPage Scan
574A charge to keep I havePage Scan
575Sow in the morn thy seedPage Scan
576Make haste, O man, to livePage Scan
577Arise, ye saints, arise!Page Scan
578Laborers of Christ, arisePage Scan
579The harvest dawn is nearPage Scan
580Let us keep steadfast guardPage Scan
581My soul, be on thy guardPage Scan
582Hark, how the watchmen cry!Page Scan
583Urge on your rapid coursePage Scan
584My soul, weigh not thy lifePage Scan
585"I the good fight have fought"Page Scan
586Equip me for the warPage Scan
587Soldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
588Soldiers of Christ, lay holdPage Scan
589Pray, without ceasing prayPage Scan
590Lord, as to thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
591Workman of God! O lose not heartPage Scan
592Son of the carpenter, receivePage Scan
593Am I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
594Awake my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
595I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
596O it is hard to work for GodPage Scan
597Behold us, Lord, a little spacePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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