Hymn book of the Methodist Protestant Church. (4th ed.)

Publisher: Book Committee of the Meth. Prot. Church, Baltimore, 1842
Denomination: Methodist Protestant Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
198Behold the sure foundation stonePage Scan
199Awake, our souls, away our fearsPage Scan
200The Savior, O what endless [boundless] charmsPage Scan
201Thou art the Way, to thee alonePage Scan
202Compared with Christ, in all beside No comeliness I seePage Scan
203Infinite excellence is thinePage Scan
204Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
205You now must hear my voice no morePage Scan
206Jesus, we on the [thy] word [words] dependPage Scan
207Lord God, the Holy Ghost! In this acceptedPage Scan
208He's come, let every knee be bentPage Scan
209Let songs of praises fill the skyPage Scan
210Come, Holy Spirit, raise our [your] songsPage Scan
211'Tis God the spirit leadsPage Scan
212Forever blessed be the Lord, my SaviorPage Scan
213God of my life and all my [its] powersPage Scan
214Sure the blest Comforter is nighPage Scan
215Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
216O thou that hearest prayer, attendPage Scan
217Savior, I Thy word believe, my unbelief removePage Scan
218Father, glorify thy SonPage Scan
219Father of peace, and God of lovePage Scan
220Father, if justly still we claimPage Scan
221On all the earth thy Spirit showerPage Scan
222Power from on high, O God, impartPage Scan
223Come, Holy Spirit, comePage Scan
224Come, Holy Spirit, comePage Scan
225Spirit of Truth, come down, Reveal the things of GodPage Scan
226Blest Comforter divine, let [whose] raysPage Scan
227Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divinePage Scan
228Gracious Spirit, Love divinePage Scan
229Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening powersPage Scan
230Eternal Spirit, God of truthPage Scan
231Why should the children of a KingPage Scan
232Holy Ghost, dispel [disperse] our sadnessPage Scan
233Stay, thou insulted [long suffering] SpiritPage Scan
234Come, blessed Spirit, source of [heavenly] lightPage Scan
235Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
236Eternal Spirit, Source of lightPage Scan
237I want the spirit of power withinPage Scan
238Come Holy Ghost, all quickening firePage Scan
239Come holy [and] celestial DovePage Scan
240I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
241Like Noah's weary dove that soared the earth aroundPage Scan
242Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
243Far as thy name is knownPage Scan
244How honored is the placePage Scan
245Great is our redeeming LordPage Scan
246How did my heart rejoice to hearPage Scan
247My soul, how lovely is the place to which thy GodPage Scan
248Glorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
249Where shall we go to seek and findPage Scan
250How pleasant, how [and] divinely fairPage Scan
251Great God, attend, while Zion sings [children sing] [here we sing]Page Scan
252The King of saints, how fair his facePage Scan
253How lovely are thy tents, O LordPage Scan
254Father of mercies, in thy [your] wordPage Scan
255The counsels of redeeming gracePage Scan
256How precious is the book divinePage Scan
257The Spirit breathes upon the WordPage Scan
258Come Holy Ghost, our [my] [these] heart [hearts] inspire, Let us thy influence provePage Scan
259Father of all, in whom alonePage Scan
260The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every starPage Scan
261God, in the gospel of his [the] SonPage Scan
262What is the world, a wildering mazePage Scan
263Inspirer of the ancient seersPage Scan
264I love the volume [volumes] of thy wordPage Scan
265Come, all ye servants of the LordPage Scan
266How beauteous are their [his] feetPage Scan
267Lord of the harvest, hear thy needy servants' cryPage Scan
268Hark, how the wtchmen cryPage Scan
269Let Zion's watchman all awakePage Scan
270Jesus, the name high over allPage Scan
271Jesus, thy wandering sheep beholdPage Scan
272Draw near, O Son of God, draw nearPage Scan
273Comfort, ye ministers of gracePage Scan
274Great Lord of all angels, we adorePage Scan
275Go preach my gospel, saith the [my] LordPage Scan
276Thus spake the Savior, when he sentPage Scan
277The Savior, when to heaven he rosePage Scan
278Father of mercies, bow thine earPage Scan
279aShall I for fear of feeble manPage Scan
279bSaviour of men, thy searching eyePage Scan
280Except the Lord conduct the planPage Scan
281Comfort, ye ministers of gracePage Scan
282Where shall my wondering soul beginPage Scan
283Give me the faith which [that] can removePage Scan
284Thou, Jesus, thou my breast inspirePage Scan
285Thy power and saving truth to showPage Scan
286Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
287Safely through another weekPage Scan
288May I, throughout this day of thinePage Scan
289Frequent the [this] day of [O] God returnsPage Scan
290My opening eyes with rapture seePage Scan
291Again our weekly labors endPage Scan
292Lord of the [this] Sabbath, hear our vowsPage Scan
293Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] KingPage Scan
294Lord, how delightful 'tis to see A whole assembly worship theePage Scan
295Great God, this hallowed day of thinePage Scan
296To thy temple I repairPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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