Hymns for the Use of the Society of United Christian Friends Professing the Faith of Universal Salvation

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d201Jesus is my great High Priest
d202Jesus is precious, says [saith] the word
d203Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d204Jesus, my God, thy name I bless
d205Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d206Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d207Jesus, sweet name, no name so dear
d208Jesus, the eternal, glorious Son of God
d209Jesus the grace revealed
d210Jesus the heavenly lover gave
d211Jesus, the Man divine, we sing
d212Jesus, the Savior, praise
d213Jesus, thine unexhausted love
d214Jesus, thou dearest, sweetest name
d215Jesus, thou Sun of righteousness
d216Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
d217Jesus, united by thy grace
d218Join all the glorious names
d219Just are thy ways, and true thy word
d220Kind are the words that Jesus speaks
d221Kindred in Christ, for his dear [name's] sake
d222King of kings and Lord of lords
d223Laid by Jehovah's mighty hands
d224Lamb of God, we fall before thee
d225Let all the [on] earth their voices raise, to sing
d226Let avarice from [borne] shore to shore
d227Let Christian faith and hope dispel
d228Let earth and heaven agree [combine]
d229Let every mortal ear attend
d230Let every tongue thy goodness speak
d231Let heaven arise, let earth appear
d232Let men on earth, and angels bring
d233Let party names no more
d234Let us adore the eternal word
d235Let us love and sing and wonder
d236Lift up to God the voice of praise
d237Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
d238Lo he comes with clouds descending
d239Lo he cometh countless trumpets
d240Lo what an entertaining sight
d241Long had earth's numerous nations sought
d242Lord, at thy table we stand
d243Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Hope and comfort from above
d244Lord, hast thou made me [us] know thy ways
d245Lord, I have made thy word my choice
d246Lord, thou art good, all nature shows
d247Lord, what is man, extremes how wide
d248Lord, when I count thy mercies o'er
d249Lord, when my [our] raptured thought surveys
d250Lord, when my thoughts delighted rove
d251Love is the strongest tie
d252Mark the soft falling snow
d253May God his favoring ear incline
d254Meet and right it is to sing
d255Mortals, awake, with angels join
d256My fellow sinners, hear
d257My God, how cheerful [cheering] is the sound
d258My God, how endless [lasting] is thy love
d259My God, my Father, blissful [blessed] [cheering] name
d260My God, the spring of all my joys
d261My God, thy service well demands
d262My heart is full of Christ
d263My life's a shade
d264My Maker and my King
d265My never ceasing song [songs] shall show
d266My Savior, my almighty Friend
d267My Shepherd will supply my need
d268My song shall bless the Lord of all
d269My soul, arise in [with] joyful lays
d270My soul, arise, shake off thy fears
d271My soul, inspired with sacred love, God's holy
d272My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so
d273My soul, triumphant in the Lord Proclaim [Shall tell] thy [its] joys
d274Nature with open volume stands
d275No more, dear Savior, will I boast
d276Not by our works of righteousness
d277Not to an idol god
d278Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smoke
d279Now be my heart [our hearts] inspired to sing
d280Now begin the heavenly theme
d281Now, I can read my title clear
d282Now let our souls, on wings sublime
d283Now let our voices join
d284Now let us raise our cheerful strains
d285Now shall our souls with pleasure raise
d286Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] song
d287O all ye nations, praise the Lord
d288O Christ, what gracious words
d289O for a firm and lively faith
d290O for a shout of sacred joy
d291O for a sweet, enlightening beam
d292O for a sweet, inspiring ray
d293O for an overcoming faith
d294O God of Bethel, by whose hand
d295O God of my salvation, hear and help
d296O God of our forefathers, hear
d297O God, our Father, and our king
d298O grace, what mortal tongue can style
d299O happy they who know the Lord, with whom
d300O haste the time, thou Prince of peace

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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