The Hymnal: with tunes old and new

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
162Let me with light and truth be bless'dPage Scan
163To Thy temple I repairPage Scan
164Now may He who from the deadPage Scan
165aLord, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
165bLord, dismiss us with Thy blessingPage Scan
165cLord, dismiss us with Thy blessingPage Scan
166Almighty Father, bless the wordPage Scan
167Dismiss us with Thy blessing, LordPage Scan
168May the grace of Christ our SaviourPage Scan
169Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raisePage Scan
170Lord of the harvest, hearPage Scan
171Ye servants of the LordPage Scan
172Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead,Page Scan
173Lord, spare and save our sinful racePage Scan
174Great is our guilt, our fears are greatPage Scan
175From all Thy saints in warfarePage Scan
176The Son of God goes forth to warPage Scan
177How bright these glorious spirits shine!Page Scan
178O Lord, the Holy InnocentsPage Scan
179Glory to Thee, O LordPage Scan
180Behold a humble trainPage Scan
181Praise we the Lord this dayPage Scan
182Praise to God Who reigns abovePage Scan
183O what a cloud of witnessesPage Scan
184Not to the terrors of the LordPage Scan
185How vast must their advantage bePage Scan
186For the Apostles' glorious companyPage Scan
187Of all the Saints, who from their labours restPage Scan
188aCome, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
188bCome, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
189Hark! the sound of holy voicesPage Scan
190aGlorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
190bGlorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
191I love Thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
192aTriumphant Sion! lift thy headPage Scan
192bTriumphant Sion! lift thy headPage Scan
193God's temple crowns the holy mountPage Scan
194God is our refuge in distressPage Scan
195Like Noah's weary dovePage Scan
196The Lord, the only God, is greatPage Scan
197One sole baptismal signPage Scan
198Head of the hosts in glory!Page Scan
199With joy shall I behold the dayPage Scan
200Pleasant are Thy courts abovePage Scan
201Forth from the dark and stormy skyPage Scan
202The Church's one foundationPage Scan
203Thou, God, all glory, honour, powerPage Scan
204To Jesus, our exalted LordPage Scan
205aMy God, and is Thy table spreadPage Scan
205bMy God, and is Thy table spreadPage Scan
206And are we now brought near to GodPage Scan
207aBread of the world, in mercy brokenPage Scan
207bBread of the world, in mercy brokenPage Scan
208Come let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
209aBread of heav'n, on Thee we feedPage Scan
209bBread of heav'n, on Thee we feedPage Scan
210Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessPage Scan
211According to Thy gracious wordPage Scan
212The gentle Saviour callsPage Scan
213aSaviour, Who Thy flock was feedingPage Scan
213bSaviour, Who Thy flock art feedingPage Scan
214In token that thou shalt not fearPage Scan
215Dear Saviour, if these lambs should strayPage Scan
216aSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
216bSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
217My God! the covenant of Thy lovePage Scan
218Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
219When, His salvation bringingPage Scan
220Glory to the Father givePage Scan
221How bless'd are they who always keepPage Scan
222O happy is the man who hearsPage Scan
223aWhat a strange and wondrous storyPage Scan
223bWhat a strange and wondrous storyPage Scan
224By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
225aJesu, meek and gentlePage Scan
225bJesu, meek and gentlePage Scan
226I think when I read that sweet story of old[I think when I read that sweet story of old]Page Scan
227In the vineyard of our FatherPage Scan
228O write upon my memory, LordPage Scan
229Saviour, like a shepherd lead us[Savior, like a shepherd lead us]Page Scan
230When Jesus left His Father's thronePage Scan
231aThere is a green hill far awayPage Scan
231bThere is a green hill far awayPage Scan
232aOnward, Christian soldiersPage Scan
232bOnward, Christian soldiersPage Scan
233Once in royal David's CityPage Scan
234My God, accept my heart this day[My God, accept my heart today]Page Scan
235O happy day, that stays my choicePage Scan
236Jesus, I my cross have takenPage Scan
237aMy faith looks up to TheePage Scan
237bMy faith looks up to TheePage Scan
238Thine for ever: God of lovePage Scan
239Witness ye men and angels; nowPage Scan
240Draw, Holy Ghost, Thy sevenfold veilPage Scan
241Lord, shall Thy children come to Thee?Page Scan
242Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty LordPage Scan
243His mercy and His truthPage Scan
244May God accept our vowPage Scan
245O God of hosts, the mighty LordPage Scan
246How welcome was the callPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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