Journeysongs (2nd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Lord, open my lips[Lord, open my lips]Page Scan
2This day God gives meBUNESSANPage Scan
3O God, you are my God, for you I long[O God, you are my God, for you I long]Page Scan
4Blest be the God of IsraelFOREST GREENText
5Let us pray to the Lord[Let us pray to the Lord]Text
6Our Father, who art in heaven[Our Father, who art in heaven]TextPage Scan
7May the Lord bless you and keep you[May the Lord bless you and keep you]Text
8Light, joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ[Light, joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ]Page Scan
9O radiant Light, O Sun divineJESU DULCIS MEMORIAPage Scan
10Lord, I am calling: hasten to help me[Lord, I am calling: hasten to help me]Page Scan
11My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord[My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord]Page Scan
12Let us pray to the Lord[Let us pray to the Lord]TextPage Scan
13Our Father, who art in heaven[Our Father, who art in heaven]Text
14May the Lord bless us, protect us from evil[May the Lord bless us, protect us from evil]Page Scan
16Whoever walks blamelessly[Whoever walks blamelessly]Page Scan
17El Señor es el lote de mi heredad y mi copa (O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup)[O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup]
18Keep me, O God[Keep me, O God]
19I love you, O Lord, my strength[I love you, O Lord, my strength]Page Scan
20The law of the LORD is perfect[The law of the LORD is perfect]Page Scan
21Al verme se burlan de mí (I am scorned by all who see me)[I am scorned by all who see me]Page Scan
22All who see me scoff at me[All who see me scoff at me]
23aThe LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want[The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want]Page Scan
23bThe LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want[The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want]Page Scan
24El señor es mi pastor (My shepherd is the Lord)[Tú vas conmigo]Page Scan
25aThe LORD's are the earth and its fullness[The LORD's are the earth and its fullness]
25bThe LORD's are the earth and its fullness[The LORD's are the earth and its fullness]
26Your ways, O Lord[Your ways, O Lord]Page Scan
27Señor, enséñame tus caminos (Make me to know your ways, Lord)[Make me to know your ways, Lord]Page Scan
28Your ways, O Lord, make known to me[Your ways, O Lord, make known to me]Page Scan
29The Lord is my light and my salvation[The Lord is my light and my salvation]Page Scan
30The Lord is my light[The Lord is my light]Page Scan
31Give today, all you works of the Lord[Give today, all you works of the Lord]Page Scan
32I will praise you, Lord[I will praise you, Lord]
33You, O God, are my refuge[You, O God, are my refuge]Page Scan
34A ti, Señor, me acojo (In you, O LORD, I take refuge)[In you, O LORD, I take refuge]Page Scan
35For upright is the word of the LORD[For upright is the word of the LORD]Page Scan
36Your word, Lord, is faithful[Your word, Lord, is faithful]
37I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
38I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]
39Bendigo al Señor en todo momento (I will bless the LORD at all times)[Bendigo al Señor en todo momento]Page Scan
40aI will bless the LORD at all times[I will bless the LORD at all times]Page Scan
40bI will bless the LORD at all times[I will bless the LORD at all times]Page Scan
41aLong was I waiting for God[Long was I waiting for God]Page Scan
41bLong was I waiting for God[Long was I waiting for God]Page Scan
42Athirst my soul for you[Athirst my soul for you]Page Scan
43As the deer longs for running waters[As the deer longs for running waters]
44The Queen takes her place[The Queen takes her place]Page Scan
45All peoples, clap your hands[All peoples, clap your hands]Page Scan
46aHave mercy on me, God, in your kindness[Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness]Page Scan
46bHave mercy on me, God, in your kindness[Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness]Page Scan
47O God, in your goodness have mercy on me[O God, in your goodness have mercy on me]Page Scan
48Piedad de mí, Señor (Have mercy on me, O God)[Have mercy on me, O God]Page Scan
49Only in God is my soul at rest[Only in God is my soul at rest]Page Scan
50O God, my God, for you I long[O God, my God, for you I long]
51O God, you are my God whom I seek[O God, you are my God whom I seek]
52Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary[Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary]
53Shout joyfully to God, all the earth[Shout joyfully to God, all the earth]Page Scan
54aEl Señor tenga piedad (May God be gracious and bless us)[May God be gracious and bless us]
54bEl Señor tenga piedad (May God be gracious and bless us)[May God be gracious and bless us]
55Lord, look with favor on us[Lord, look with favor on us]Page Scan
56This is my prayer to you[This is my prayer to you]Page Scan
57aO God, with your judgment endow the king[O God, with your judgment endow the king]
57bO God, with your judgment endow the king[O God, with your judgment endow the king]
58A vine from Egypt you transplanted (O shepherd of Israel, hearken)[A vine from Egypt you transplanted]Page Scan
59My soul yearns and pines[My soul yearns and pines]Page Scan
60I will hear what God proclaims[I will hear what God proclaims]Page Scan
61Quiero escuchar lo que dice el Señor (I will hear what the Lord proclaims)[Quiero escuchar lo que dice el Señor]Page Scan
62I will hear what God proclaims[I will hear what God proclaims]Page Scan
63I have made a covenant[I have made a covenant]Page Scan
64Sellé una alianza (I have made a covenant)[Cantaré eternamente]
65Make us know the shortness of our life[Make us know the shortness of our life]
66You return us to dust[You return us to dust]Page Scan
67You who dwell in the shelter of God, Most High[You who dwell in the shelter of God, Most High]Page Scan
68He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High[He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High]
69Tú que habitas al amparo del Altísimo (You who live in the shelter of the Most High)[Acompáñame, Señor]Page Scan
70It is good to give thanks unto the Lord[It is good to give thanks unto the Lord]
71Vengan, aclamemos al Señor (Come with joy before the Lord)[Vengan, aclamemos al Señor]
72Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD[Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD]
73Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD[Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD]Page Scan
74Sing a new song to the Lord[Sing a new song to the Lord]Page Scan
75Sing to our God a joyful song![Sing to our God a joyful song]Page Scan
76Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo (Sing, sing to the Lord a new song)[Sing, sing to the Lord a new song]Page Scan
77Let us sing a new song[Let us sing a new song]Page Scan
78Sing a new song, all you lands[Sing a new song, all you lands]Page Scan
79Sing to the Lord a new song[Sing to the Lord a new song]Page Scan
80Aclamen al Señor, oh tierra entera (Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth)[Nosotros somos su pueblo]Page Scan
81Let all the earth shout for joy[Let all the earth shout for joy]Page Scan
82Bendice, alma mía al Señor (Bless the LORD, O my soul)[El Señor es compasivo]
83My soul, give thanks to the Lord[My soul, give thanks to the Lord]Page Scan
84Bless the Lord, O my soul[Bless the Lord, O my soul]Page Scan
85Bless the LORD, O my soul![Bless the LORD, O my soul]
86Bless the Lord, O my soul[Bless the Lord, O my soul]Page Scan
87Bendice, alma mía, al Señor (O bless the Lord, Bless the Lord, O my soul)[Bendice, alma mía, al Señor]
88The LORD said to my Lord[The LORD said to my Lord]Page Scan
89aCómo pagaré al Señor (What shall I return to the LORD)[Alzaré de la copa de la salvación]
89bCömo pagaré al Señor (What shall I return to the LORD)[El calíz que bendecimos]
90I love the LORD[I love the LORD]
91How shall I make a return to the LORD[How shall I make a return to the LORD]Page Scan
92How can we make a return[How can we make a return]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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