Lasting Songs

Editor: T. N. Beall
Publisher: B. B. Beal & Co., Douglasville, Ga., 1910
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d102Our Savior left his throne on high
d103Out on life's ocean many souls
d104Overhead dark clouds had gathered
d105Precious promise God hath given
d106Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d107Scatter golden sunbeams
d108Seek the blessings of a heart made pure
d109Shout the tidings of salvation to the aged and the young
d110Since Jesus washed my sins away, I am happy on
d111Sinner, hear the Savior calling
d112Someone is knocking, I hear the sound
d113Sometimes when clouds around us
d114Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross
d115The hand whose touch brouught life
d116The harvester's joy, O how sweet
d117The joy of salvation is now in my soul
d118The light of the world is Jesus
d119The Lord is our Savior, Redeemer
d120The Master looks over his fields
d121The night is dark, but God, my God, is here
d122There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d123There is a home awaiting me
d124There is music in heaven o'er the saved ones
d125There is no other way but the path
d126There is only one gem worth possessing
d127There will be a great reunion on the golden shore
d128There will come a day when the Lord shall say
d129There's a beautiful home beyond the dark stream
d130There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky
d131There's a glory side to the cloud we fear
d132There's a promise full of gladness
d133There's blessing abundant in Jesus
d134This life is full of pain and care
d135Though I may not for the night
d136Though life's way is dark and wild
d137Through the infant days I watched him
d138To your Savior come, he waits
d139Truly I need Jesus every step
d140Truly witnessing for Jesus
d141Unto every clime and nation
d142We are little reapers, toiling
d143We are now in life's fair summer
d144We are sowing seeds as we go along
d145What a friend we have in Jesus
d146When I can read my title clear
d147When the saved are called away
d148When the tempest rages high sailing on [o'er] life's boisterous sea
d149While toiling on life's rugged road
d150Yes, our blessed Lord is risen
d151You are giving to the Master
d152You ask what makes my heart so

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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