Melodies and Hymns for Divine Service in Appleton Chapel

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d1A mighty fortress is our God
d2All ye nations, praise the Lord
d3Angel [Angels], roll the rock [stone] away
d4Be thou, O God, by night, by day
d5Be thou ready, fellow mortal
d6Before Jehovah's awful throne
d7Behold the amazing sight, The Savior lifted high
d8Blest are the humble souls that [who] see
d9Blest are the sons of peace
d10Blest Spirit, source of grace divine
d11Cease, ye [you] mourners, cease to languish
d12Dayspring of eternity
d13Eternal Source of life and light supremely good
d14Father, glory be to thee
d15Father of mercies, in thy [your] word
d16Glorious in thy saints appear
d17Glory be to God on high, God whose glory fills the sky
d18God of mercy, do thou never
d19God of the morning, at whose [thy] voice
d20Gracious Spirit, Love divine
d21Hear what God the Lord hath [has] spoken
d22Heaven is a place of rest from sin
d23Heavenly Father, gracious name
d24Heavenly Father to whose eye
d25How shall the young secure their hearts
d26I want a principle within
d27Jesus and can it ever be
d28Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d29Jesus, thine all victorious love
d30Let one loud song of praise arise
d31Lo God is here let us adore
d32Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d33Lord of eternal truth and might
d34Lord, thou wouldst have us like to thee
d35Mighty One, before whose face
d36My God [O God], accept my [our] heart [hearts] this day
d37My gracious God, how plain are thy directions given
d38Not in anger, Mighty God, Not in anger smite us
d39Now let us all thank God
d40Now may he who from the dead
d41Now that the sun is beaming bright
d42O Jesus, Lord of all below
d43O lead me to the Rock
d44O thou true life of all that live
d45O thou whom neither time nor space
d46O wondrous depth of grace divine
d47Our hearts, by dying love subdued
d48Planted in Christ, the living vine
d49Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him
d50Praise to God, immortal praise
d51Praise to the Lord of the boundless might
d52Sons of men, behold him [from] far, Hail the
d53Teach me, O teach me, Lord, thy way
d54The heaven of heavens cannot contain
d55The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, in every star
d56The saints of earth and those above
d57They who on the Lord rely
d58Thou, Lord, by mortal eyes unseen
d59Thou who dwellest enthroned above
d60Thy home is with the humble, Lord
d61Thy name, Almighty Lord [God], shall sound
d62'Tis God the spirit leads
d63When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d64With sacred joy we lift our eyes
d65Word of the ever living God
d66Ye hear how kindly he invites
d67Zion's true, glorious God, on Thee
a1Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singPage Scan
a2Thou whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heardPage Scan
a3Come sound his praise [name] abroad, And hymnsPage Scan
a4Sow in the morn thy [the] seed, At evePage Scan
a5Sweet is the task, O LordPage Scan
a6Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
a7Stand up, and bless the Lord, ye peoplePage Scan
a8Lord, in this sacred hourPage Scan
a9Far from mortal cares retreatingPage Scan
a10Love divine, all loves [love] excellingPage Scan
a11Holy Father, thou hast taught me [us]Page Scan
a12Welcome, welcome, quiet morningPage Scan
a13God is in his holy templePage Scan
a14Come to the house of prayer, O thou afflictedPage Scan
a15Our heavenly Father, hearPage Scan
a16When before thy throne we kneelPage Scan
a17Sovereign and transforming gracePage Scan
a18Lord, it is not life to live, If thy presence thou denyPage Scan
a19The offerings to thy throne which arisePage Scan
a20While in thy house of prayer we kneelPage Scan
a21Shine on our souls, eternal GodPage Scan
a22Safely through another weekPage Scan
a23Now the shades of night are gonePage Scan
a24O God, whose presence glows in all Within, around us, and abovePage Scan
a25O thou to whom in ancient timePage Scan
a26Great God, as [the] followers of thy SonPage Scan
a27Blest hour, when mortal man retires [aspires]Page Scan
a28O Lord, where thy people [children] meetPage Scan
a29Lord, may thy truth upon the heartPage Scan
a30Early, my God, without delayPage Scan
a31O thou who hast thy servants children taughtPage Scan
a32O God, whose dread and dazzling browPage Scan
a33Each better thought the spirit knowsPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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