The Mountain Minstrel

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d1A dark lane in the city, contained a drunkard's cot
d2A glorious day is dawning, Upon our sinful earth
d3A health to dear woman, she bids us untwine
d4A life in the temperance cause
d5A song to the fall of alcohol
d6All hail the power of abstinence
d7All you who have come here this evening
d8Another song we'll sing to you
d9Behold the Washingtonians
d10Beneath this sketch there lies a wretch
d11Brother, a friendly line to thee
d12Brother has thy way been dreary
d13Brother, lift the banner cry
d14Cease poor drunkard, I implore you
d15Come, all ye sons of temperance true
d16Come, all ye temperance heroes, I pray you
d17Come, all ye true friends of the nation, Attend to humanity
d18Come hither, my sweet one, come hither to me
d19Come, join our temperance ship tonight
d20Come juin us, unfortunate rover
d21Come, my boys, come sign the pledge
d22Come sons of Columbia, while proudly and high
d23Come to the temperance tree
d24Come, ye children, learn to sing
d25Come ye inebriates, taste and hear the triumphs
d26Dark is the night, How dark, no light, no fire
d27Dear Father, drink no more, I pray
d28Death came to the drunkard's hut one night
d29Far and wide I'm doomed to wander
d30Farewell drink, so nigh and handy
d31Farewell, friends, but not forever
d32Farewell to the cup
d33Flow gently, sweet Merrimack, among thy green
d34From all that can intoxicate
d35From high and low, where'er we go
d36From Plymouth's rock of story
d37From the bright crystal fountain
d38From the high Rocky Mountains
d39From the mountain top and valley
d40Go, go, thou that enslavest me
d41Gulf of perdition and despair
d42Hail, Columbia, happy land
d43Hail, hail, hail to the cause
d44Hail, temperance, fair celestial ray
d45Hail to the veterans who labor unceasing
d46He stood beside the counter
d47Heavenly Father, give thy blessing
d48Help us to feel for drunken man
d49Ho the car of reformation
d50I find it very hard of late
d51I saw a youth in his father's hall
d52I would not drink alway
d53I'll taste no more of the poisoned cup
d54I'm gazing on thy grave, mother
d55I'm sitting on the style, Delia
d56I'm thinking on the time, brother
d57In a quiet churchyard
d58Let the still air rejoice
d59Life let us cherish while yet the taper glows
d60Lo the temperance banner floating
d61Long and gloomy was the night
d62Mid [midst] scenes of confusion, from morning till eve
d63Mid scenes of reflection on times which are past
d64Mid sorrows and sadness I'm destined to roam
d65Mother, dry that flowing tear
d66My pledge, it is of thee
d67O come, come away, from haunts of dissipation
d68O come, come away, from labor now reposing
d69O has my son then left me
d70O I was once the landlord's pet
d71O pity me, lady, I'm hungry and cold
d72O say, can you see the bright signs of the
d73O, shun the bowl, the draught beware
d74O soft sleep the hills on their sunny repose
d75O spare my child, in mercy spare
d76O what has made the grog men sigh
d77O when I remember the sorrow and sadness
d78O'er Mexic's bounding billow
d79Oft in the midnight hour
d80Old alcohol is dying fast
d81Once by intemperance I was bound
d82One lies in yonder lonely tomb
d83Onward, onward, all victorious
d84Our banner still floats
d85Our forefathers, heaven bless them
d86Our good old ship is under way
d87Push around the toddy can, no I'd rather not
d88Rejoice, for the day of deliverance has come
d89Rejoice, Washingtonians, your banner's unfurled
d90Say not that woman's voice must stay its silvery note
d91See, the temperance car is moving
d92See yon wretched drunkard reeling
d93Shades of evening close not o'er us
d94Sots, whose health and wealth have fled
d95Source of being, Holy Father
d96Sparkling and bright in its liquid light
d97Stay, mortal, stay, nor heedless thus
d98Stretched on a heap of straw, his bed
d99Temperance, fount of health and blessing
d100The drink that's in the drunkard's bowl

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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