The National Baptist Hymnal: arranged for use in churches, Sunday schools, and young people's socieities (5th ed. Rev.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
498Meekly in Jordan's holy streamPage Scan
499Here, O ye faithful, seePage Scan
500Buried beneath the yielding wavePage Scan
501Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
502Down to the sacred waveLYTEPage Scan
503Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divinePage Scan
504O Father, Lord of earth and heavenPage Scan
505Immersed beneath the closing wavePage Scan
506Baptized into the namePage Scan
507Behold the grave where Jesus layPage Scan
508Amidst us our Beloved standsPage Scan
509By Christ redeemed, in Christ restoredPage Scan
510When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
511How sweet and awful [holy] [sacred] is the placePage Scan
512Sit down beneath his shadowPage Scan
513Bread of heaven, on thee I [we] feedPage Scan
514People of the living God! I have sought the worldPage Scan
515Enter, Jesus bids thee welcomePage Scan
516Here at thy table, Lord, we meetPage Scan
517O love divine, O matchless gracePage Scan
518Lord, at thy table I [we] behold The wonders of thy gracePage Scan
519Let Zion's watchman all awakePage Scan
520O Jesus, in this solemn hourPage Scan
521How beauteous are their [his] feetPage Scan
522Sweet feast of love divinePage Scan
523We bid thee welcome in the name of Jesus, our exaltedPage Scan
524Father of mercies, bow thine earPage Scan
525Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessingPage Scan
526Lord God, the Holy Ghost! In this acceptedPage Scan
527Lord of the harvest, bend thine earPage Scan
528Great King of saints, enthroned on highPage Scan
529Hear, gracious Sovereign, from thy thronePage Scan
530Spirit of everlasting gracePage Scan
531O Lord, thy work revive, In Zion's gloomy hourPage Scan
532Revive thy work, O Lord, Thy mighty arm make barePage Scan
533Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rainPage Scan
534Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
535Is this the kind returnPage Scan
536Father, for thy promised blessingPage Scan
537The Savior kindly calls Our childrenPage Scan
538Great God, now condescendPage Scan
539Great God, and wilt thou condescendPage Scan
540Jesus, to thy dear arms I fleePage Scan
541I think, when I read that [the] sweet story of oldPage Scan
542Jesus Christ, our Savior, Once for us a childPage Scan
543Savior, like a shepherd lead usPage Scan
544Once was heard the songs of childrenPage Scan
545Jesus, tender shepherd, hear usPage Scan
546Savior, [Say], who thy flock are [art] feedingPage Scan
547Come, let us sing of Jesus, While hearts and accents blendPage Scan
548Glory and praise and honorPage Scan
549See Isr'l's gentle Shepherd stand [stands]Page Scan
550By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
551Around the throne of God in heaven, thousandsPage Scan
552Sovereign of worlds, display thy powerPage Scan
553Go preach the blest salvationPage Scan
554Our country's voice is pleadingPage Scan
555O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
556On the mountain [mountain's] top appearingPage Scan
557From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
558The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappearsPage Scan
559Hark, the song of jubileePage Scan
560Hasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
561Look from thy sphere of endless dayPage Scan
562Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaimPage Scan
563Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
564Arise, in all thy splendor, LordPage Scan
565Lord, lead the way the [my] [our] Savior wentPage Scan
566Daughter of Zion, from the dustPage Scan
567Uplift the banner, let it float skyward and seawardPage Scan
568Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, put on thy strengthPage Scan
569Builder of mighty worlds on worldsPage Scan
570Spirit divine, attend our prayer [prayers]Page Scan
571Let all the heathen writers joinPage Scan
572To thee this temple we devotePage Scan
573O thou whose own vast temple standsPage Scan
574Dear Shepherd of thy people here, Thy presencePage Scan
575Praise, O praise our God and KingPage Scan
576Swell the anthem, raise the songPage Scan
577O God the Father, Christ the Son, and Holy spirit, three in OnePage Scan
578And wilt thou, O eternal GodPage Scan
579Great God, as seasons disappearPage Scan
580The God of harvest praisePage Scan
581'Tis thine alone, Almighty Name, to raise the dead to lifePage Scan
582Mourn for the thousands slainPage Scan
583How sweet the hour of closing dayPage Scan
584Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleepPage Scan
585O for the death of thosePage Scan
586And must this body dieST. THOMASPage Scan
587If I must die, O, let me die, With hopePage Scan
588Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friendsPage Scan
589Beneath our feet and o'er our headPage Scan
590Death cannot make our souls afraid, If God be with us therePage Scan
591Lo! what a glorious sight appearsPage Scan
592How short and hasty is our lifePage Scan
593Through sorrow's night and danger's path [way] [road]Page Scan
594Thee we adore, eternal name, And humblyPage Scan
595How blest the righteous when he diesPage Scan
596Why should we start and fear to diePage Scan
597Servant of God, well done, restPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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