A New Selection of Psalms and Hymns from the Most Approved Authors, Adapted to Public and Private Worship. 2nd ed.

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d301Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] through
d302Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand
d303Lord, we come before thee now
d304Lord, we confess our numerous faults
d305Lord, what a feeble piece
d306Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I
d307Lord, what is man, extremes how wide
d308Lord, when I read the traitor's doom
d309Lord, when we see a saint of thine
d310Lord, where shall guilty souls retire
d311Lord, with a grieved and aching heart
d312Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound
d313Man has a soul of vast desires
d314Mercy, O thou Son of David
d315Methinks the last great day is come
d316Mistaken souls, that [who] dream of heaven
d317Mortals, awake, with angels join
d318Must friends and kindred droop and die
d319My Captain sounds the alarm of war
d320My dear Redeemer, and my Lord
d321My drowsy powers, why sleep ye [you] so
d322My God, accept my early vows
d323My God, how endless [lasting] is thy love
d324My God, how excellent thy grace
d325My God, I bow before thy feet
d326My God, my [mine] everlasting hope, I live upon thy truth
d327My God, permit me [us] not to be a stranger
d328My God, permit my tongue this joy, to call thee mine
d329My God the covenant of thy love abides forever sure
d330My God, the spring of all my joys
d331My harp untuned, and laid aside
d332My helper God I bless his [thy] name
d333My never ceasing song [songs] shall show
d334My Savior, my almighty Friend
d335My sorrows, like a flood
d336My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth
d337My soul forsakes her [each] vain delight
d338My soul lies cleaving to the dust, Lord, give me
d339My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so
d340My times of sorrow and of joy Great God, are in
d341Naked as from the earth we came
d342Nature with open volume stands
d343No, I'll repine at death no more
d344No more, dear Savior, will I boast
d345No more, my God, I boast no more, Of all the duties I have done
d346Nor eye hath seen nor ear hath heard
d347Not all the nobles of the earth who boast the honors of their birth
d348Not different food nor different dress, Compose the kindgom of our Lord
d349Not to condemn the sons of men did Christ the son
d350Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smoke
d351Not with our mortal eyes have we beheld the Lord
d352Now begin the heavenly theme
d353Now by the bowels [mercies] of my [our] God [Lord]
d354Now far above these [the] starry skies
d355Now from the altar of my heart [our hearts]
d356Now in the heat [flush] of youthful blood
d357Now let our mournful song [songs] record
d358Now let our mourning [drooping] hearts revive
d359Now let our souls, on wings sublime
d360Now let our voices join
d361Now, Lord, inspire the preacher's heart
d362Now shall my inward joys arise, and burst
d363Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] song
d364Now to the Lord, that [who] makes [made] us know
d365Now we are met in holy fear to hear the happy saints
d366O blessed souls are they
d367O for a heart to praise and pray
d368O for a shout of sacred joy
d369O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d370O for an overcoming faith
d371O for the wings of the bright early morning
d372O God, my Sun, thy blissful rays
d373O God of mercy, hear my [our] call
d374O God, thou bottomless abyss
d375O Lord, another day [week] has [is] flown
d376O Lord, my best desire [desires] fulfill
d377O Lord my God, whose sovereign love
d378O Lord, our languid souls inspire
d379O Lord, thou God of all my joys
d380O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight
d381O thou to whom the grateful song
d382O what a cruel wretch am I to leave my Jesus so
d383O what stupendous mercy shines
d384O with what pleasure we behold
d385O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darkness
d386Of all the joys we mortals [which creatures] know
d387Oft have I turned my eye [eyes] within
d388On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d389On us, oppressed beneath thy stroke
d390On whom the Lord has placed his love
d391Once more, my soul, the rising day salutes thy waking eyes
d392ôTis finished, so the Savior cried, and meekly
d393Our land, O Lord, with songs of praise
d394Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus [Savior] is gone
d395Our Savior's bleeding sacrifice
d396Out of the deeps of long distress
d397Plunged in a [the] gulf of dark [deep] despair
d398Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name
d399Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join in work so pleasant
d400Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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