Ocean Melodies, and Seamen's Companion: a collection of hymns and music; for the use of Bethels, Chaplains of the Navy and private devotion of Mariners

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
95dThere is a Friend who's always nighPage Scan
96aAm I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
96bHow changed the vision of the seaPage Scan
97aOf old did Jesus condescendPage Scan
97bAnd didst thou, Jesus, condescendPage Scan
97cWith reverence let the saints appearPage Scan
97dUpon a hill there stands a treePage Scan
98aWhen floating o'er life's troubled seaPage Scan
98bUpon the waters, glorious LordPage Scan
99aGod of the earth and boundless seaPage Scan
99bGod moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
99cThere is a hope, a blessed hopePage Scan
99dSeamen who love the Saviour's namePage Scan
100aFar, far from childhood's homePage Scan
100bA hardy marinerPage Scan
101aThe Spirit, in our heartsPage Scan
101bSow in the morn thy seedPage Scan
101cNow is th' accepted timePage Scan
101dFaith is a precious gracePage Scan
102aThe billows swell; the winds are highPage Scan
102bThe Bible! is a Polar StarPage Scan
103aLaunch'd on blue ocean's restless wavesPage Scan
103bInscribed upon the cross we seePage Scan
103cThe sailor boy, how hard his lot!Page Scan
103dWhat fearful cry, so wild and shrillPage Scan
104aSailor! is it well with thee?Page Scan
104bThey that toil upon the deepPage Scan
105aJesus, refuge of my soulPage Scan
105bSinner, what has earth to showPage Scan
105cHaste, O sinner; now be wisePage Scan
105dOn that great day, that awful dayPage Scan
106aGive me the wings of faith, to risePage Scan
106bJesus! delightful, charming name!Page Scan
107aBright was the guiding star that ledPage Scan
107bO for a faith that will not shrinkPage Scan
107cBorne o'er the ocean's stormy wavePage Scan
107dAwake, my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
108aBehold the spirit from abovePage Scan
108bThough to the wanderer o'er the seaPage Scan
109aWhile some in folly's pleasures rollPage Scan
109bLike morning, when her early breezePage Scan
109cAsleep in Jesus! O, how sweet To be for such a slumber meetPage Scan
109dThere is a pure and peaceful wavePage Scan
110aPalms of glory, raiment brightPage Scan
110bHark! the bell! the hour of prayerPage Scan
111aWatchman! tell us of the seaPage Scan
111bGo, ye messengers of GodPage Scan
111cHark! that shout of rapturous joyPage Scan
112aWhile o'er life's troubled deep we sailPage Scan
112bWe seek a rest beyond the skiesPage Scan
113aCome, Lord, and warm each languid heartPage Scan
113bThere is a world of perfect blissPage Scan
113cOn Jordan's stormy banks I standPage Scan
113dBlest be that voice, now heard afarPage Scan
114aO how I love thy name my LordPage Scan
114bUpon the waters glorious GodPage Scan
115aFlag of the pure and azure heaven!Page Scan
115bWhile o'er the angry sea of timePage Scan
115cThe glorious gospel now allaysPage Scan
115dNo peace! no peace! Jehovah criesPage Scan
116aNot in the churchyard shall he sleepPage Scan
116b"Remember me," my Saviour GodPage Scan
117aWhat if the little rain should sayPage Scan
117bThere is an hour of hallowed peacePage Scan
117cThere is a time, we know not whenPage Scan
118aSailor, enter not life's voyagePage Scan
118bSailor on the trackless oceanPage Scan
119aHardy seamen, listen gladlyPage Scan
119bHoly Bible, blessed treasurePage Scan
119cChristian Heralds, like your SaviourPage Scan
119dSinners, hear the mighty SaviourPage Scan
120The truths of the Bible, shall spread o'er the earthPage Scan
121aSee! daylight is fading o'er earth and o'er oceanPage Scan
121bO think on the Sailor toss'd on the billow!Page Scan
122The Lord is our shepherd, our guardian and guidePage Scan
123aHow sweet is that home where the weary shall restPage Scan
123bThe Cross is My Anchor, though wave follow wavePage Scan
124O, worship the King, all glorious abovePage Scan
125aYe servants of God, your Master proclaimPage Scan
125bJesus, at thy commandPage Scan
125cBeset with snares on every handPage Scan
126aOur little bark, on boist'rous seasPage Scan
126bSeamen! there's noble work for youPage Scan
126cJesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
126dO for a breeze of heavenly lovePage Scan
127aThe morning light is breakingPage Scan
127bRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
127cTo thee be praise foreverPage Scan
128aHow sweet on thy bosom to restPage Scan
128bFrom whence doth this union arisePage Scan
128cO chief of all the heavenly throngPage Scan
128dDear Saviour, hear our prayerPage Scan
129aMy soul has fixed her firmest hopePage Scan
129bHow happy is the child who hearsPage Scan
129cCome, let us now forget our mirthPage Scan
129dDeath has been here, and borne awayPage Scan
129eWe are but young--yet we may singPage Scan
130aYe Christian Seamen, praise the LordPage Scan
130bPray for the Sailor--pray for himPage Scan
130cAppear for my defence, my GodPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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