The Old School Hymnal No. 7. Rev.

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d101How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours
d102Hungry, and faint and poor
d103I am a little scholar
d104I am a poor wayfaring stranger
d105I am a stranger here below, and what I am it's
d106I am coming to the cross, I am poor
d107I am dwelling on the mountain where the golden sunlight
d108I am thinking tonight of a far away home
d109I feel so strange, dear Father
d110I have a lot of friends so true and kind
d111I have heard of a land on the far away strand
d112I hear a song, a song so sweet
d113I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small
d114I know I love thee better, Lord
d115I know that my Redeemer lives, what comfort this
d116I love my Savior God
d117I love the sons of grace
d118I love thy kingdom, Lord
d119I love to steal awhile away
d120I love to tell the story of unseen things above
d121I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
d122I saw a wayworn traveler
d123I see one hanging on the tree
d124I sometimes think 'tis too good to be true
d125I want to be like Jesus, and with the angels
d126I want to feel as I near death
d127I want to speak kindly
d128I was a wandering sheep
d129I was once far away from the Savior, And as vile
d130I will sing you a song of that [a] [the] beautiful
d131I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d132I'm but a stranger [traveler] here, heaven is my home
d133I'm not ashamed to own my [the] Lord
d134In all my Lord's appointed ways
d135In mercy, Lord, remember me
d136In our journey below, there are times
d137In the Christian's home in [of] glory
d138In the rifted rock I'm resting
d139In thy great name, O Lord, we come
d140Is it wrong to wish to meet them
d141It may not be so far away, To perfect rest and endless
d142It was good for our fathers [mothers] [poor old Daniel] [the apostles]
d143I've [I have] found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me
d144I've seen the lightning [lightnings] [flash] flashing, And heard the thunder roll
d145Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for thee
d146Jesus, and shall it ever be
d147Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
d148Jesus grant us all a blessing
d149Jesus, his name it shall be called
d150Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d151Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d152Jesus, Savior, pilot me
d153Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend
d154Jesus went upon the mountain
d155Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d156Kindred in Christ, for his dear [name's] sake
d157Land ahead, its fruits are waving
d158Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
d159Let us sing of his love
d160Light after darkness, gain after loss
d161Look away from the cross
d162Lord, at thy table I [we] behold The wonders of thy grace
d163Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Fill our
d164Lord, how delightful 'tis to see A whole assembly worship thee
d165Lord, how sweet 'tis to see
d166Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d167Lord, in thy courts we now appear
d168Lord, in thy presence here we meet
d169Low in the grave he lay, Jesus, my Savior
d170Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow
d171Many are the name of him
d172Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d173Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d174My dearest friends in bonds of love
d175My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d176My Father is rich in houses and lands
d177My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d178My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on
d179My heavenly home is bright and fair nor pain nor death
d180My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d181My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
d182My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly run
d183My soul be on thy [your] guard
d184Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d185Nearer to thee, Lord, draw me today
d186Not in thy praise, eternal king
d187O, call it not death, when loved ones depart
d188O come, my dear Savior, withy thy smiling face
d189O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d190O for a breeze of heavenly love
d191O for a closer walk with God
d192O for that tenderness of heart
d193O God, may I in mercy trust
d194O help us Lord each hour of need
d195O how sweet the love of my Savior appears
d196O love surpassing knowledge
d197O Love that wilt [will] not let me go
d198O may I worthy prove to see The saints in full prosperity
d199O my Lord, I am thine, what a blessing divine
d200O sing to me of heaven When I am called to die

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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