Offices of Worship and Hymns: with tunes, 3rd ed., revised and enlarged

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Thou, Lord, must for thy sake forgivePage Scan
102Hail, church of Christ, bought with His blood!Page Scan
103When Jesus into Salem rodePage Scan
104Why do we mourn departing friendsPage Scan
105I love the Lord! He lent an earPage Scan
106I see the crowd in Pilate's hallPage Scan
107Alas! and did my Savior bleed? Page Scan
108How sad our state by nature isPage Scan
109My God, the Spring of all my joysPage Scan
110When God of old came down from heavenPage Scan
111Behold what love the Father hathPage Scan
112How sweet, how heavenly is the sightPage Scan
113Oh, that the Lord would guide my waysPage Scan
114Hail! kingly Jesus, to Thy feetPage Scan
115Jesus, Thy Word is my delightPage Scan
116Oh, for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
117Thee we address in humble prayerPage Scan
118There is a book, who runs may readPage Scan
119Almighty God, in humble prayerPage Scan
120Father! whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
121In duties and in sufferings tooPage Scan
122Lord, teach us how to pray arightPage Scan
123Oh help us, Lord, each hour of needPage Scan
124How are Thy servants blest, O Lord!Page Scan
125Thy law is perfect, Lord of lightPage Scan
126O God, our Help in ages pastPage Scan
127Oh! where are the kings and empires nowPage Scan
128Jesus, our Lord, how rich Thy grace!Page Scan
129I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
130My God! the covenant of Thy love Page Scan
131This is the day the Lord hath madePage Scan
132Arise, O King of grace, arisePage Scan
133Come in, thou blessed of the LordPage Scan
134Jesus, we lift ourselves to TheePage Scan
135My God, accept my heart this dayPage Scan
136Teach me yet more of Thy blest waysPage Scan
137The Lord, our God, is full of mightPage Scan
138If Christ is mine, then all is minePage Scan
139How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
140Let God the Father and the SonPage Scan
141Sing we the song of those who standPage Scan
142Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove!Page Scan
143Come, let us join our friends abovePage Scan
144To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
145To our Redeemer's glorious NamePage Scan
146Come, let us join our cheerful songsPage Scan
147The glorious universe aroundPage Scan
148Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspirePage Scan
149Dear Shepherd of Thy people hear!Page Scan
150O blessed Saviour, is Thy lovePage Scan
151Witness, ye men and angels, nowPage Scan
152My God, I love Thee! not becausePage Scan
153Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessPage Scan
154Our Father! through the coming yearPage Scan
155There is a house not made with handsPage Scan
156The Lord ascendeth up on highPage Scan
157Prayer is the soul's sincere desirePage Scan
158Lord! while for all mankind we prayPage Scan
159Oh for a principle withinPage Scan
160One prayer I have--all prayers in onePage Scan
161Remember thy Creator nowPage Scan
162All hail the power of Jesus' Name! Page Scan
162bAll hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name!
163Almighty God, Thy word is castPage Scan
164Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatPage Scan
165Search me, O God, and know my heartPage Scan
166When we devote our youth to GodPage Scan
167None God the Father's favor sharePage Scan
168Since Jesus freely did appearPage Scan
169Around the throne of God in heavenPage Scan
170How precious is the book divinePage Scan
171Not in Jerusalem alonePage Scan
172According to Thy gracious wordPage Scan
173Bright was the guiding star that ledPage Scan
174I'll praise Thee with my heart and tonguePage Scan
175Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we fleePage Scan
176There is a land of pure delightPage Scan
177Hosanna to the Prince of grace!Page Scan
178Behold, where in a mortal formPage Scan
179O Thou Who by a star didst guidePage Scan
180The royal banner is unfurledPage Scan
181Thou art the Way: to Thee alonePage Scan
182Father of mercies! in Thy wordPage Scan
183Jerusalem, my happy home!Page Scan
184How bright the glorious spirits shine!Page Scan
185Ye choirs of New JerusalemPage Scan
186When all Thy mercies, O my God! Page Scan
187For ever here my rest shall bePage Scan
188Oh for a faith that will not shrinkPage Scan
189Am I a soldier of the CrossPage Scan
190Jesus, Thy love exceeds by farPage Scan
191Joy to the world, the Lord is comePage Scan
192Through all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
193Awake my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
194Calm me, my God, and keep me calmPage Scan
195Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comesPage Scan
196O Jesus, King most wonderfulPage Scan
197Lord, when we bend before Thy thronePage Scan
198Why should the children of a KingPage Scan
199In thee I live, and move, and amPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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