The Psalmody: a collection of hymns for public and social worship

Publisher: Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment, Dover, N.H., 1853
Denomination: Free Will Baptists
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1001Hosanna, with a cheerful soundPage Scan
1002O Lord, how many are my foesPage Scan
1003Still evening comes, with gentle shadePage Scan
1004The mellow eve is glidingPage Scan
1005I love to steal awhile awayPage Scan
1006Dread Sovereign, let my evening songPage Scan
1007Indulgent God, whose bounteous carePage Scan
1008Great God, to thee my evening songPage Scan
1009Lord, thou wilt hear me when I prayPage Scan
1010The hours of evening closePage Scan
1011Begone, my earthly cares, awayPage Scan
1012Another day is pastPage Scan
1013The day is past and gonePage Scan
1014Father, breathe an evening blessingPage Scan
1015In mercy, Lord, remember mePage Scan
1016Thus far the Lord has led me onPage Scan
1017Where'er the Lord shall build my housePage Scan
1018My God, accept my early vowsPage Scan
1019To prayer, to prayer; for the morning breaksPage Scan
1020My God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
1021On thee, each morning, O my GodPage Scan
1022When morning's first and hallowed rayPage Scan
1023When, wakened by thy voice of powerPage Scan
1024Blessed be thy name foreverPage Scan
1025Come, let us now forget our mirthPage Scan
1026In Israel's fane, by silent nightPage Scan
1027O, in the morn of life, when youthPage Scan
1028When children give their hearts to GodPage Scan
1029Bestow, O Lord, upon our youthPage Scan
1030By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
1031How happy is the child who hearsPage Scan
1032How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
1033My son, know thou the LordPage Scan
1034Children, hear the melting storyPage Scan
1035Religion is the chief concernPage Scan
1036In the soft season of thy youthPage Scan
1037Ye hearts with youthful vigor warmPage Scan
1038"Remember thy Creator"Page Scan
1039Ye sons of Adam, vain and youngPage Scan
1040See Israel's gentle Shepherd standPage Scan
1041Great God, now condescendPage Scan
1042O Lord, behold us at thy feetPage Scan
1043With humble heart and tonguePage Scan
1044Where shall the child of sorrow findPage Scan
1045My God, my everlasting hopePage Scan
1046When in the vale of lengthened yearsPage Scan
1047God of my childhood and my youthPage Scan
1048How blest is he whose tranquil mindPage Scan
1049God of eternity, from theePage Scan
1050How swift, alas! the moments fly!Page Scan
1051Teach me the measure of my daysPage Scan
1052Time is winging us awayPage Scan
1053O what is life?-- 'tis like a flower Page Scan
1054Ere mountains reared their forms sublimePage Scan
1055As flows the rapid riverPage Scan
1056Almighty Maker of my framePage Scan
1057Time, what an empty vapor 'tis!Page Scan
1058How short and hasty is our life!Page Scan
1059Lord, what a feeble piecePage Scan
1060Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
1061To-morrow, Lord, is thinePage Scan
1062Alas! how poor and little worthPage Scan
1063These mortal joys, how soon they fade!Page Scan
1064Lo, on a narrow neck of landPage Scan
1065Thee we adore, eternal namePage Scan
1066O God, our help in ages pastPage Scan
1067Affliction is a stormy deepPage Scan
1068My righteous Judge, my gracious GodPage Scan
1069O God, to thee my sinking soulPage Scan
1070Consider all my sorrows, LordPage Scan
1071'Tis my happiness belowPage Scan
1072Break thou the clouds, dear Lord, and shinePage Scan
1073Father, I bless thy gentle handPage Scan
1074Thou only Centre of my restPage Scan
1075When sickness shakes the languid framePage Scan
1076My God, thy service well demandsPage Scan
1077Though, faint and sick, and worn awayPage Scan
1078O thou who dry'st the mourner's tearPage Scan
1079Deem not that they are blest alonePage Scan
1080When languor and disease invadePage Scan
1081Submissive to thy will, my GodPage Scan
1082When can I trust my all with GodPage Scan
1083O thou whose compassionate carePage Scan
1084It is the Lord, enthroned in lightPage Scan
1085Beneath our feet and o'er our headPage Scan
1086Heaven has confirmed the dread decreePage Scan
1087Hark! from the tombs a warning soundPage Scan
1088If I must die, O, let me diePage Scan
1089When the vale of death appearsPage Scan
1090When, bending o'er the brink of lifePage Scan
1091O for an overcoming faithPage Scan
1092To Jesus, the crown of my hopePage Scan
1093Death cannot make our souls afraidPage Scan
1094Why should we start, and fear to die?Page Scan
1095Great God, I own thy sentence justPage Scan
1096How sweet the hour of closing dayPage Scan
1097Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewellPage Scan
1098When the spark of life is waningPage Scan
1099When life's tempestuous storms are o'erPage Scan
1100Behold the western evening light!Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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