Plymouth Collection of Hymns and Tunes; for the use of Christian Congregations

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
701Lowly and solemn bePage Scan
702Come, all ye saints of GodPage Scan
703Hail, sweetest, dearest, tie that bindsPage Scan
704Let saints below in concert singPage Scan
705Not to the terrors of the LordPage Scan
706Our souls, by love together knitPage Scan
707Bless'd be the dear, uniting lovePage Scan
708The glorious universe aroundPage Scan
709O, it is joy in one to meetPage Scan
710How sweet and heav'nly is the sightPage Scan
711What poor despised companyPage Scan
712How happy every child of gracePage Scan
713How sweet the melting layPage Scan
714How charming is the placePage Scan
715Jesus, who knows full wellPage Scan
716Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
717I love Thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
718Let party names no morePage Scan
719When shall we all meet again?Page Scan
720Children of the heavenly KingPage Scan
721Jesus, Lord, we look to TheePage Scan
722Brethren, while we sojourn herePage Scan
723When, my Saviour, shall I bePage Scan
724For a season called to partPage Scan
725How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPage Scan
726Daughter of Zion! awake from thy sadnessPage Scan
727And are we yet alivePage Scan
728To keep the lamp alivePage Scan
729Oh! how happy are theyPage Scan
730O Thou, in whose presencePage Scan
731The Lord is my ShepherdPage Scan
732O! tell me, Thou life and delight of my soulPage Scan
733From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
734All mortal vanities, be gonePage Scan
735The turf shall be my fragrant shrinePage Scan
736Light of the soul! O Saviour blest!Page Scan
737Not seldom, clad in radiant vestPage Scan
738When groves by moonlight silence keepPage Scan
739Far from my thoughts, vain world!Page Scan
740Who is this fair one in distressPage Scan
741Be still, my heart! these anxious caresPage Scan
742With tearful eyes I look aroundPage Scan
743The darkened sky, how thick it lowers!Page Scan
744God of my life, to Thee I callPage Scan
745Wait, O my soul, thy Maker's willPage Scan
746The waters of Bethesda's poolPage Scan
747When we, our wearied limbs to restPage Scan
748'Tis by the faith of joys to comePage Scan
749When power divine, in mortal formPage Scan
750The billows swell, the winds are highPage Scan
751While to its grief my soul gave wayPage Scan
752Thy will be done! I will not fearPage Scan
753If life in sorrow must be spentPage Scan
754My heart lies dead; and no increasePage Scan
755O God, Thou art my God alonePage Scan
756The floods, O Lord, lift up their voicePage Scan
757O Lord, Thy counsels and Thy carePage Scan
758My spirit sinks within me, LordPage Scan
759Holy Saviour, Friend unseenPage Scan
760Thee will I love, O Lord, my strengthPage Scan
761The tempter to my soul hath saidPage Scan
762When gathering clouds around I viewPage Scan
763To weary hearts, to mourning homesPage Scan
764O, let my trembling soul be stillPage Scan
765When adverse winds and waves arisePage Scan
766Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moanPage Scan
767Though waves and storms go o'er my headPage Scan
768"Perfect in love!" Lord, can it bePage Scan
769As oft, with worn and weary feetPage Scan
770aMust Jesus bear the cross alonePage Scan
770bUpon the crystal pavement downPage Scan
771Now to the haven of Thy breastPage Scan
772Jesus! Thy love shall we forgetPage Scan
773Come to the ark--come to the arkPage Scan
774O Thou, who driest the mourner's tearPage Scan
775When grief and anguish press me downPage Scan
776Our pathway oft is wet with tearsPage Scan
777Dear Refuge of my weary soulPage Scan
778In time of fear, when trouble's nearPage Scan
779When waves of trouble round me swellPage Scan
780Where shall the child of sorrow findPage Scan
781Though faint and sick, and worn awayPage Scan
782'Twas in the watches of the nightPage Scan
783Thousands, O Lord of Hosts, to-dayPage Scan
784I worship Thee, sweet Will of God!Page Scan
785Author of good, we rest on TheePage Scan
786Firm as the earth Thy gospel standsPage Scan
787There is an hour of peaceful restPage Scan
788This world is poor from shore to shorePage Scan
789I cannot call affliction sweetPage Scan
790In trouble and in grief, O GodPage Scan
791Christ leads me through no darker roomsPage Scan
792It is the Lord--enthroned in lightPage Scan
793Affliction is a stormy deepPage Scan
794O God, my Refuge, hear my criesPage Scan
795Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
796My God, my Father--blissful namePage Scan
797O Lord! I would delight in TheePage Scan
798Unshaken as the sacred hillPage Scan
799O Lord, hadst Thou been here! but whenPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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