Praise Evangel: for Sunday-schools, revivals, singing-schools, conventions and general use in Christian work and worship

Editor: James D. Vaughan
Publisher: James D. Vaughan, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., 1919
Language: English
Notes: There are some damaged scan pages
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Let anthems of praise forever rise[Let anthems of praise forever rise]Page Scan
2For the glory of the Master, giving hope and light and cheer[For the glory of the Master, giving hope and light and cheer]Page Scan
3One word is full of music sweet[One word is full of music sweet]Page Scan
4Let us do the Master's will, bravely meeting ev'ry ill[Let us do the Master's will, bravely meeting ev'ry ill]Page Scan
5Gone my sadness, all is gladness[Gone my sadness, all is gladness]Page Scan
6Free as the air and sunshine[Free as the air and sunshine]Page Scan
7I've started for the kingdom, a crown to win[I've started for the kingdom, a crown to win]Page Scan
8My soul was in darkness and utter despair[My soul was in darkness and utter despair]Page Scan
9Christ died on the cross that the lost mighty be saved[Christ died on the cross that the lost mighty be saved]Page Scan
10Following storm clouds, cometh the sunlight[Following storm clouds, cometh the sunlight]Page Scan
11I know my Saviour cares for me[I know my Saviour cares for me]Page Scan
12With gladness we join in a festival song[With gladness we join in a festival song]Page Scan
13Fear not, my dear child, for I am thy God[Fear not, my dear child, for I am thy God]Page Scan
14In the church thro' its portals are opportunities[In the church thro' its portals are opportunities]Page Scan
15As you live your life each day[As you live your life each day]Page Scan
16When the world is dark and dreary[When the world is dark and dreary]Page Scan
17My country 'tis of thee[My country 'tis of thee]Page Scan
18When you see a brother who has sunken far in sin[When you see a brother who has sunken far in sin]Page Scan
19Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANYPage Scan
20Often I've heard how the Lord from the sky[Often I've heard how the Lord from the sky]Page Scan
21How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]Page Scan
22There is a home it's just above[There is a home it's just above]Page Scan
23My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
24Christ, the blessed Master is the light and way[Christ, the blessed Master is the light and way]Page Scan
25Upon the cross where Jesus died[Upon the cross where Jesus died]Page Scan
26We are on the road to the soul's abode[We are on the road to the soul's abode]Page Scan
27I am happy and free ev'ry day that goes by[I am happy and free ev'ry day that goes by]Page Scan
28Press onward loyal soldiers, at the Leader's call[Press onward loyal soldiers, at the Leader's call]Page Scan
29Amazing grace, how sweet the sound[Amazing grace, how sweet the sound]Page Scan
30What will be your soul's possession[What will be your soul's possession]Page Scan
31Down at the cross where my Saviour died[Down at the cross where my Saviour died]Page Scan
32I've volunteered for service with Christ, the King[I've volunteered for service with Christ, the King]Page Scan
33Take the name of Jesus with you[Take the name of Jesus with you]Page Scan
34There's a loving faithful mother in a homestead far away[There's a loving faithful mother in a homestead far away]Page Scan
35O 'tis sweet to sing this story[O 'tis sweet to sing this story]Page Scan
36When the light of God shone in[When the light of God shone in]Page Scan
37Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer[Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer]Page Scan
38I wonder if some mother's boy[I wonder if some mother's boy]Page Scan
39The King of heav'n His table spreadsELIZABETHTOWNPage Scan
40On the Saviour dear depending[On the Saviour dear depending]Page Scan
41Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed[Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed]Page Scan
42There's a beautiful land of glory[There's a beautiful land of glory]Page Scan
43From Greenland's icy mountains[From Greenland's icy mountains]Page Scan
44O the gladness and the glory of the souls who live[O the gladness and the glory of the souls who live]Page Scan
45Safe in the arms of Jesus[Safe in the arms of Jesus]Page Scan
46What a mighty King is o'er us[What a mighty King is o'er us]Page Scan
47Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall[Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall]Page Scan
48Before us is the Promised Land where milk and honey flow[Before us is the Promised Land where milk and honey flow]Page Scan
49We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love[We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love]Page Scan
50I am so happy in Jesus today[I am so happy in Jesus today]Page Scan
51Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
52When I shall cross over the dark rolling tide[When I shall cross over the dark rolling tide]Page Scan
53We read in the Bible of miracles wrought[We read in the Bible of miracles wrought]Page Scan
54O blessed morn, when grief and care[O blessed morn, when grief and care]Page Scan
55I am so happy ev'ry day[I am so happy ev'ry day]Page Scan
56We are waiting for the dawning of that happy time[We are waiting for the dawning of that happy time]Page Scan
57If we come to God believing[If we come to God believing]Page Scan
58Ev'ry dark cloud has its lining[Ev'ry dark cloud has its lining]Page Scan
59Shall we meet beyond the river[Shall we meet beyond the river]Page Scan
60Winning for the Saviour ev'ry day[Winning for the Saviour ev'ry day]Page Scan
61How busy they are ev'ry hour of the day[How busy they are ev'ry hour of the day]Page Scan
62Once my life was full of care[Once my life was full of care]Page Scan
63When the joy of the morning leaves us[When the joy of the morning leaves us]Page Scan
64It was His love for me, His boundless love[It was His love for me, His boundless love]Page Scan
65My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
66Under the standard bright keeping the cross in sight[Under the standard bright keeping the cross in sight]Page Scan
67When your heart is troubled, peace will come[When your heart is troubled, peace will come]Page Scan
68Dare to be a Daniel[Dare to be a Daniel]Page Scan
69Look up to Jesus and, with loving trust[Look up to Jesus and, with loving trust]Page Scan
70Jesus Christ, the mighty one is passing by[Jesus Christ, the mighty one is passing by]Page Scan
71I am marching with the King of heaven[I am marching with the King of heaven]Page Scan
72Don't you want to go to that happy home on high?[Don't you want to go to that happy home on high?]Page Scan
73Christ is worthy of our praise unceasing[Christ is worthy of our praise unceasing]Page Scan
74Somewhere in halls immortal fair[Somewhere in halls immortal fair]Page Scan
75Jesus, Lover of my soul[Jesus, Lover of my soul]Page Scan
76O the happiness divine that will reach your heart and mine[O the happiness divine that will reach your heart and mine]Page Scan
77Guilty, nail pierced vein[Guilty, nail pierced vein]Page Scan
78I am walking in the way that will lead to perfect day[I am walking in the way that will lead to perfect day]Page Scan
79I have a loving Saviour[I have a loving Saviour]Page Scan
80Come ye now, saith God, let us reason together[Come ye now, saith God, let us reason together]Page Scan
81Does Jesus care when my heart is pained[Does Jesus care when my heart is pained]Page Scan
82Go into the highways, 'mid the struggling throng[Go into the highways, 'mid the struggling throng]Page Scan
83Rescue the perishing[Rescue the perishing]Page Scan
84I am saved by grace, my soul is sweetly singing[I am saved by grace, my soul is sweetly singing]Page Scan
85What a Friend we have in Jesus[What a Friend we have in Jesus]Page Scan
86If ev'ry knee would humbly bow[If ev'ry knee would humbly bow]Page Scan
87He leadeth me, O blessed tho't[He leadeth me, O blessed tho't]Page Scan
88See the precious, golden grain[See the precious, golden grain]Page Scan
89There's no place to me like the Sunday-school[There's no place to me like the Sunday-school]Page Scan
90Glory to Jesus, I am singing today[Glory to Jesus, I am singing today]Page Scan
91I come to the garden alone[I come to the garden alone]Page Scan
92Since Jesus washed my sins away[Since Jesus washed my sins away]Page Scan
93"Almost persuaded" now to believe["Almost persuaded" now to believe]Page Scan
94Lift your eyes, ye pilgrims, t'ward the promised land[Lift your eyes, ye pilgrims, t'ward the promised land]Page Scan
95I'm happy since my sins have all been washed away[I'm happy since my sins have all been washed away]Page Scan
96I've a Friend whose name is Jesus, who is all to me[I've a Friend whose name is Jesus, who is all to me]Page Scan
97Brightly beams our Father's mercy[Brightly beams our Father's mercy]Page Scan
98I am so glad salvation's free to all who will receive it[I am so glad salvation's free to all who will receive it]Page Scan
99There is a fountain filled with blood[There is a fountain filled with blood]Page Scan
100Come, listen to my story[Come, listen to my story]Page Scan

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