A Pocket hymn book, designed as a constant companion for the pious: collected from various authors

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
IO for a thousand tongues to singTextPage Scan
IICome, ye sinners, poor and needyTextPage Scan
IIICome, sinners, to the gospel-feastTextPage Scan
IVSinners, turn, why will ye die?TextPage Scan
VSinners, obey the gospel wordTextPage Scan
VIBehold the Saviour of mankindTextPage Scan
VIIO Love divine! what hast thou done!TextPage Scan
VIIIThee we adore, eternal nameTextPage Scan
IXWhen rising from the bed of deathTextPage Scan
XAnd am I born to die?TextPage Scan
XIAnd am I only born to die?TextPage Scan
XIIThou Judge of quick and deadTextPage Scan
XIIIHe comes! he comes! the Judge severeTextPage Scan
XIVLo! he comes with clouds descendingTextPage Scan
XVBlow ye the trumpet, blowTextPage Scan
XVITerrible thought! shall I aloneTextPage Scan
XVIIThou God of glorious majestyTextPage Scan
XVIIIFather of Lights, from whom proceedsTextPage Scan
XIXO that I could repent!TextPage Scan
XXJesu, let thy pitying eyeTextPage Scan
XXILet the world their virtue boastTextPage Scan
XXIIWith glorious clouds encompast roundTextPage Scan
XXIIIJesu, if still the same thou artTextPage Scan
XXIVJesus, if still thou art to-dayTextPage Scan
XXVJesu, lover of my soulTextPage Scan
XXVIO love divine, how sweet thou art!TextPage Scan
XXVIIAh! whither should I goTextPage Scan
XXVIIIFather of Jesus Christ the justTextPage Scan
XXIXO Jesus my hopeTextPage Scan
XXXCome, holy celestial DoveTextPage Scan
XXXIStay, thou insulted Spirit, stayTextPage Scan
XXXIIWeary of wand'ring from my GodTextPage Scan
XXXIIITo the haven of thy breastTextPage Scan
XXXIVO thou that hear'st when sinners cryTextPage Scan
XXXVO that I could my Lord receiveTextPage Scan
XXXVIDrooping soul, shake off thy fearsTextPage Scan
XXXVIIWhy should the children of a kingTextPage Scan
XXXVIIIMy drowsy pow'rs, why sleep ye so?TextPage Scan
XXXIXHappy soul, that free from harmsTextPage Scan
XLMaker, Saviour of mankindTextPage Scan
XLIGod of my salvation hearTextPage Scan
XLIICome, Lord, and help me to rejoiceTextPage Scan
XLIIIGod of all grace and majestyTextPage Scan
XLIVI want a principle withinTextPage Scan
XLVMy God, my life, my loveTextPage Scan
XLVIJesus, come, thou hope of gloryTextPage Scan
XLVIII thirst thou wounded Lamb of GodTextPage Scan
XLVIIISaviour, the world's and mineTextPage Scan
XLIXJesus, thou all-redeeming LordTextPage Scan
LO God! our help in ages pastTextPage Scan
LICome, let us anewTextPage Scan
LIILeader of faithful souls, and guideTextPage Scan
LIIISon of God, if thy free graceTextPage Scan
LIVLord, and is thine anger gone?TextPage Scan
LVThee will I love, my strength, my tow'rTextPage Scan
LVIInfinite, unexhausted Love!TextPage Scan
LVIIAll glory to God in the skyTextPage Scan
LVIIICome, Father, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
LIXO Almighty God of loveTextPage Scan
LXCome, Saviour, Jesu, from above!TextPage Scan
LXIThe praying spirit breatheTextPage Scan
LXIIShepherd divine, our wants relieveTextPage Scan
LXIIIJesu, my strength, my hopeTextPage Scan
LXIVHelp, Lord, to whom for help I flyTextPage Scan
LXVJesu, my Saviour, Brother friendTextPage Scan
LXVIA charge to keep I haveTextPage Scan
LXVIIBe it my only wisdom hereTextPage Scan
LXVIIIGod of almighty loveTextPage Scan
LXIXThe thing my God doth hateTextPage Scan
LXXO for a heart to praise my GodTextPage Scan
LXXIThou hidden love of God, whose heightTextPage Scan
LXXIIYe happy sinners hearTextPage Scan
LXXIIIFor ever here my rest shall beTextPage Scan
LXXIVJesu, my life, thyself applyTextPage Scan
LXXVHoly Lamb, who thee receiveTextPage Scan
LXXVIJesu, thou art our kingTextPage Scan
LXXVIILord, I believe thy ev'ry wordTextPage Scan
LXXVIIILove divine, all loves excellingTextPage Scan
LXXIXO that my load of sin were goneTextPage Scan
LXXXLight of life, seraphic fireTextPage Scan
LXXXIGod of all redeeming graceTextPage Scan
LXXXIILet him to whom we now belongTextPage Scan
LXXXIIIBehold the servant of the Lord!TextPage Scan
LXXXIVFather, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
LXXXVJesu, my truth, my wayTextPage Scan
LXXXVILo! in thy hand I layTextPage Scan
LXXXVIIGreat God, indulge my humble claimTextPage Scan
LXXXVIIIO thou, to whose all-searching sightTextPage Scan
LXXXIXJesus, thou everlasting KingTextPage Scan
XCCome, Lord, from aboveTextPage Scan
XCIAnd can I yet delayTextPage Scan
XCIIThou Shepherd of Israel, and mineTextPage Scan
XCIIIJesus, my Lord, attendTextPage Scan
XCIVBeing of Beings, God of LoveTextPage Scan
XCVO Sun of Righteousness, ariseTextPage Scan
XCVISon of God, thy blessing grantTextPage Scan
XCVIILord, we come before thee nowTextPage Scan
XCVIIICome, thou Almighty KingTextPage Scan
XCIXOf him who did salvation bringTextPage Scan
CHow tedious and tasteless the hoursTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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