Psalms and Hymns for Public worship, Containing All the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts ...

Editor: William Allen
Publisher: Leavitt, Lord & Co. / D. Burgess & Co., Boston, Mass., 1835
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d601My spirit looks to God alone My rock and refuge
d602My spirit, Lord, Thou wilt not leave
d603My spirit sinks within me, Lord
d604Naked as from the earth we came
d605Never doth the sun arise
d606No eagle on his pinions strong
d607No man, who dwells in dust
d608No more, my God, I boast no more, Of all the duties I have done
d609No revellers are here
d610None can preserve his brother's breath
d611Nor eye hath seen nor ear hath heard
d612Not a freckle, or a stain
d613Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d614Not all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that God hath given
d615Not from the dust affliction grows
d616Not to condemn our guilty souls
d617Not to the terrors of the Lord the tempest fire and smoke
d618Not unto us be praise
d619Now be my heart [our hearts] inspired to sing
d620Now from the roaring lion's rage
d621Now go, thou little book
d622Now in the heat [flush] of youthful blood
d623Now let me die, 'Twas Simeon's word
d624Now let our mournful song [songs] record
d625Now may the God of [grace and power] power and grace
d626Now on the gladdened sight
d627Now shall my solemn vows be paid
d628Now tell me, who hath woe
d629Now throw away thy rod
d630Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] song
d631Now to the Lord, that [who] makes [made] us know
d632Now to the power of God Supreme
d633O, blessed day, when all shall know
d634O blessed souls are they
d635O blest indeed is he whose sin
d636O clap your hands, all ye people, with joy
d637O come and let us sing
d638O come, and praise the Lord
d639O come, and praise the Lord with me
d640O come, Jehovah's praise
d641O come, loud anthems let us sing, loud thanks
d642O come, ye nations, praise the Lord
d643O day, most calm, and pure, and bright
d644O day of rapture sweet
d645O, day of wrath, O dreadful day
d646O, dreadful God, enthroned on high
d647O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d648O for a closer walk with God
d649O for a shout of sacred joy
d650O, for a sight, a pleasing [pleasant] [blissful] sight
d651O for an overcoming faith
d652O for the death of those
d653O give thanks to the Lord
d654O, give thanks unto the Lord
d655O God, be merciful to me
d656O God, how doth thy love and grace
d657O God, in Zion shall thy name
d658O God, my God, for thee I thirst
d659O God, my refuge, hear my cries
d660O God, my sins are manifold
d661O God of hosts, no arm but thine
d662O God of mercy, hear my [our] call
d663O God of mercy, hear my prayer
d664O God of my salvation, how often
d665O God, why hast thou cast us off
d666O had I but wings like a dove
d667O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d668O hear me in distress
d669O how cheating, O how fleeting is the life of mortals
d670O how good and excellent
d671O how great thy goodness Lord
d672O how I love thy holy law
d673O how I love thy law, O Lord
d674O how lovely and how fair
d675O how much I love thy word
d676O how pleasant and how good
d677O how sweet in heaven to sing
d678O if my soul was [were] formed for woe
d679O Lamb, O Lamb, could I behold
d680O Lord, bow down thy gracious ear
d681O, Lord, enthroned above
d682O Lord have pity on my soul
d683O Lord, how many are my foes
d684O Lord, I trust in thee
d685O, Lord, I'm ever in thine eye
d686O Lord, in thy love thy mercies bestow
d687O Lord, in thy regardless ear
d688O Lord, my heart, once proud and blind
d689O Lord, my Rock, to thee I cry
d690O, Lord, now hear my prayer
d691O Lord, on darkness shed thy light
d692O Lord, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive ears
d693O Lord, our King, most dread
d694O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name
d695O Lord, rebuke me not in wrath
d696O Lord, supreme in might
d697O Lord, the glorious King above
d698O Lord, to thee I cry
d699O Lord, why standest thou afar
d700O love, how cheering is thy ray

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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