Progressive Songster

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d101One by one, the sands are flowing
d102One sweet [bright] flower has drooped and faded
d103Onward, onward, slow and steady
d104Our Father ever giveth
d105Praise, for the glorious light
d106Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky
d107See, see, angels are near us
d108Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trod
d109Shall we meet beyond the river, where the surges
d110She's crossed the shining river
d111Should sorrow o'er thy brow
d112Silent watchers of the night
d113Slowly, by thy [God's] hand unfurled
d114Something sweet to think of
d115Speak gently, it is better far
d116Speak the truth of heaven
d117Spring is coming, spring is coming
d118Star of progress, guide us onward
d119Sweet are the ties that bind in one
d120Sweet sister spirits, come
d121Tell me not, in mournful numbers
d122The breaking waves dashed high
d123The cause of life and what it's meaning
d124The dead are like the stars by day
d125The earth hath treasures fair and bright
d126The hosts of God, they come to us
d127The leaves around thee falling, are speaking
d128The man of charity extends
d129The outward world is dark and drear
d130The perfect world by mortals trod
d131The seraphs bright are hovering
d132The soul should never deign to stoop
d133The spacious firmament on high
d134The spirits of loved ones
d135The sunny spirit passed from sight
d136The turf shall be my fragrant shrine
d137The voice of an angel
d138The world has much of beautiful
d139The world hath felt a quickening breath
d140Theories, which thousands cherish
d141There are lonely hearts to cherish
d142There is a book who runs [that all] may read
d143There is a book who thinks may read
d144There is beauty all around when there's love at home
d145There's a land that is fairer [brighter] than day
d146There's a light in the window for thee, brother
d147There's a strife we all must wage
d148Think gently of the erring one
d149This world of strife is not our home
d150This world, sad and dreary
d151Thou art gone before us, brother
d152Thou God, beneath no temple's fane
d153Though far o'er the wide earth our footsteps
d154Though far o'er the wide earth our footsteps
d155Three angel [royal] spirits walk the earth
d156'Tis education's potent arm
d157'Tis the breath of the angels
d158Truth is dawning, see the morning
d159Unheard the dews around me fall
d160Watchman, tell us of the night
d161We are striving for the right, friends
d162We are waiting by the river
d163We come, we come, from a land of love
d164We have come unto the mountains
d165We love no triumphs sprung of force
d166We love the Father, he's so good
d167Weep not for those who have passed from thy sight
d168Welcome, angels, pure and bright
d169We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy
d170We're dreaming tonight of the loved ones dear
d171What precept, Jesus, is like thine
d172When in the busy haunts of men
d173When, in the hours of vernal bloom
d174When morning's purple gates unfold
d175When sorrow on the spirit feeds
d176When the hours of day are numbered
d177Who is thy neighbor, he whom thou
d178Why should I pause, when at my door
d179Why should we mourn that changes come
d180Without haste, [and] without rest
d181Work out your mission while yet ye live on earth
d182Ye realms below the skies

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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