Pleasures of Heaven: for Sunday-schools, singing-schools, revival, conventions, and general use in Christian work and worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
0Soon I'm going to heaven[Soon I'm going to heaven]Page Scan
1When together here we meet, singing songs divinely sweet[When together here we meet, singing songs divinely sweet]Page Scan
2With Jesus, my Lord, as Pilot aboard[With Jesus, my Lord, as Pilot aboard]Page Scan
3All the world around is bright to me[All the world around is bright to me]Page Scan
4There's no other way, but Jesus[There's no other way, but Jesus]Page Scan
5There's a Saviour, precious and true[There's a Saviour, precious and true]Page Scan
6In the gardens of glory near the palace of gold[In the gardens of glory near the palace of gold]Page Scan
7Tho' so oft we meet in His presence sweet[Tho' so oft we meet in His presence sweet]Page Scan
8"Almost persuaded," so often I've sung["Almost persuaded," so often I've sung]Page Scan
9I have a home that waits above[I have a home that waits above]Page Scan
10I have a Saviour who stays at my side[I have a Saviour who stays at my side]Page Scan
11I have something great to tell you[I have something great to tell you]Page Scan
12Since the Saviour took me under His divine control[Since the Saviour took me under His divine control]Page Scan
13You belong to Jesus who has saved you by His love[You belong to Jesus who has saved you by His love]Page Scan
14There's a land of joy and bliss[There's a land of joy and bliss]Page Scan
15When all my trials here shall end[When all my trials here shall end]Page Scan
16Though the path be dim, keeping close to Him[Though the path be dim, keeping close to Him]Page Scan
17Wheresoever I may chance to be[Wheresoever I may chance to be]Page Scan
18I'm going up to heaven some sweet day[I'm going up to heaven some sweet day]Page Scan
19Jesus in love is inviting you now[Jesus in love is inviting you now]Page Scan
20Once a feast was made and the guests invited[Once a feast was made and the guests invited]Page Scan
21When the saved of God shall meet above[When the saved of God shall meet above]Page Scan
22I had wandered, talents squandered[I had wandered, talents squandered]Page Scan
23Labor for the Lord, leaning on His word[Labor for the Lord, leaning on His word]Page Scan
24I was sinking in sin, and despairing[I was sinking in sin, and despairing]Page Scan
25Jesus is a Friend to all and hears our ev'ry call[Jesus is a Friend to all and hears our ev'ry call]Page Scan
26I have a Saviour who loves me I know[I have a Saviour who loves me I know]Page Scan
27Some wonderful day all our sorrows will vanish[Some wonderful day all our sorrows will vanish]Page Scan
28Since Jesus the Saviour redeemed me[Since Jesus the Saviour redeemed me]Page Scan
29If your soul is weary and your heart is sad[If your soul is weary and your heart is sad]Page Scan
30There is a land, a sunny land[There is a land, a sunny land]Page Scan
31'Tis in memory of our dear ones['Tis in memory of our dear ones]Page Scan
32I have been redeemed from sin's dark fetters[I have been redeemed from sin's dark fetters]Page Scan
33Since the Saviour pardoned all my shame[Since the Saviour pardoned all my shame]Page Scan
34Will you follow my Saviour and work for His glory[Will you follow my Saviour and work for His glory]Page Scan
35O I am sad and lonely[O I am sad and lonely]Page Scan
36No tho't of sadness we'll ever know[No tho't of sadness we'll ever know]Page Scan
37We are sailing on life's ocean day by day[We are sailing on life's ocean day by day]Page Scan
38We'll work together singing praise[We'll work together singing praise]Page Scan
39In sin my life was burdened with a load of care[In sin my life was burdened with a load of care]Page Scan
40Singing out the story[Singing out the story]Page Scan
41Since the Lord made whole my eternal soul[Since the Lord made whole my eternal soul]Page Scan
42Many snares and dangers may be in the road[Many snares and dangers may be in the road]Page Scan
43There is a hand that's reaching out[There is a hand that's reaching out]Page Scan
44Friends of earth so true and faithful[Friends of earth so true and faithful]Page Scan
45We need Thee Lord, we need Thee now[We need Thee Lord, we need Thee now]Page Scan
46A few more years may pass away[A few more years may pass away]Page Scan
47Tho' happy times all end, we know[Tho' happy times all end, we know]Page Scan
48Often we shrink with fear when the story we hear[Often we shrink with fear when the story we hear]Page Scan
49The Lord is my Shepherd, each day He is guiding[The Lord is my Shepherd, each day He is guiding]Page Scan
50Tell to me the story, full of tenderness[Tell to me the story, full of tenderness]Page Scan
51My Saviour has gone to prepare me a home[My Saviour has gone to prepare me a home]Page Scan
52While I'm kneeling now dear Saviour[While I'm kneeling now dear Saviour]Page Scan
53Lord, I make a full surrender[Lord, I make a full surrender]Page Scan
54Daddy's gone to live with Jesus[Daddy's gone to live with Jesus]Page Scan
55Daddy is gone from day to day[Daddy is gone from day to day]Page Scan
56We shall all forget the night[We shall all forget the night]Page Scan
57When we wander from the light[When we wander from the light]Page Scan
58Millions are enlisted in the ranks of Jesus[Millions are enlisted in the ranks of Jesus]Page Scan
59There's a spring of glory flowing through my soul[There's a spring of glory flowing through my soul]Page Scan
60Some happy day my soul will rise[Some happy day my soul will rise]Page Scan
61List, O my soul! There's heav'nly music ringing[List, O my soul! There's heav'nly music ringing]Page Scan
62'Mid the turmoil and the strife['Mid the turmoil and the strife]Page Scan
63Why should I worry when foes assail?[Why should I worry when foes assail?]Page Scan
64Awake and sing, ye lovers of the Holy One[Awake and sing, ye lovers of the Holy One]Page Scan
65There are many still who doubt it[There are many still who doubt it]Page Scan
66There is a happy carol in my soul[There is a happy carol in my soul]Page Scan
67The martyrs who stood for Christ and died[The martyrs who stood for Christ and died]Page Scan
68As along you go thro' this gloomy life below[As along you go thro' this gloomy life below]Page Scan
69In fancy oft I see the home[In fancy oft I see the home]Page Scan
70While walking down life's rugged way[While walking down life's rugged way]Page Scan
71The question's asked both day and night[The question's asked both day and night]Page Scan
72On some happy day we'll reach our home supernal[On some happy day we'll reach our home supernal]Page Scan
73Adrift was I on sin's rough sea[Adrift was I on sin's rough sea]Page Scan
74The Lord is now my happy song[The Lord is now my happy song]Page Scan
75As along life's way you go[As along life's way you go]Page Scan
76There's a carol in my soul[There's a carol in my soul]Page Scan
77Whene'er our hearts grow tired and weary[Whene'er our hearts grow tired and weary]Page Scan
78Are you needing strength and cheer[Are you needing strength and cheer]Page Scan
79Twilight is stealing over the sea[Twilight is stealing over the sea]Page Scan
80Come and join the song of a lively throng[Come and join the song of a lively throng]Page Scan
81Soon from this world of sin and pain[Soon from this world of sin and pain]Page Scan
82O we are only pilgrims in this world below[O we are only pilgrims in this world below]Page Scan
83When He cometh, when He cometh[When He cometh, when He cometh]Page Scan
84Jesus is so wonderful, I love Him more and more[Jesus is so wonderful, I love Him more and more]Page Scan
85O listen to our wondrous story[O listen to our wondrous story]Page Scan
86What a morning it will be[What a morning it will be]Page Scan
87The Saviour died upon the cross[The Saviour died upon the cross]Page Scan
88There's a country far over the river[There's a country far over the river]Page Scan
89Jesus has taken a beautiful bud[Jesus has taken a beautiful bud]Page Scan
90No more I roam away from home[No more I roam away from home]Page Scan
91My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
92There is a story, best that I've heard[There is a story, best that I've heard]Page Scan
93How sweet the tho't to me[How sweet the tho't to me]Page Scan
94Awake, awake! The Harvest Master calls![Awake, awake! The Harvest Master calls!]Page Scan
95O thou Lover of my deathless soul[O thou Lover of my deathless soul]Page Scan
96Jesus is my Pilot on life's rolling tide[Jesus is my Pilot on life's rolling tide]Page Scan
97Oh, Thou blessed Saviour[Oh, Thou blessed Saviour]Page Scan
98Once when the day turned to darkness and fear[Once when the day turned to darkness and fear]Page Scan
99My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan

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