Rodeheaver's Gospel Anthems No. 1

Publisher: The Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Co., Winona Lake, Indiana, 1949
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Could we understand the sorrow and the pain our Savior bore[Could we understand the sorrow and the pain our Savior bore]
2We are Thine for service, Master[We are Thine for service, Master]
4Behold the One they crucified[Behold the One they crucified]
5What tho' life's trials thick and fast[What tho' life's trials thick and fast]
6There is a love that always guides me[There is a love that always guides me]
8Praise ye Jehovah, praise ye Jehovah[Praise ye Jehovah, praise ye Jehovah]
10Teach us to pray as Thou hast taught[Teach us to pray as Thou hast taught]
12Just for today, I humbly plea[Just for today, I humbly plea]
13I longed for peace and rest and joy[I longed for peace and rest and joy]
14Lift your glad voices in triumph on high[Lift your glad voices in triumph on high]
16There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave[There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave]
17Down at the feet of my Lord, one day[Down at the feet of my Lord, one day]
18Ashamed of Christ! Of Him who died[Ashamed of Christ! Of Him who died]
20On the cross of Calvary my Savior died[On the cross of Calvary my Savior died]
21Lo, I see a hill and upward Climbs One[Lo, I see a hill and upward Climbs One]
22There's a day that's surely coming[There's a day that's surely coming]
24Thro' pastures green, by waters still[Thro' pastures green, by waters still]
25Have you heard of the name, that most wonderful name[Have you heard of the name, that most wonderful name]
26There will come a glorious morning[There will come a glorious morning]
28I lift my soul to Jesus[I lift my soul to Jesus]
30Lift up your heads ye gates of gold[Lift up your heads ye gates of gold]
31From paths of pleasure, ease and sin[From paths of pleasure, ease and sin]
32Not in my own strength, can I please God[Not in my own strength, can I please God]
33My yielded life henceforth would be[My yielded life henceforth would be]
34Hail the mighty Prince of Nations[Hail the mighty Prince of Nations]
36In gloom or in sorrow, affliction or woe[In gloom or in sorrow, affliction or woe]
37Sometime I'll see that city[Sometime I'll see that city]
38Praise the Lord of glory[Praise the Lord of glory]
40Jesus like a shepherd lead me[Jesus like a shepherd lead me]
42Onward to victory, soldiers true and loyal[Onward to victory, soldiers true and loyal]
43All the way at Jesus feet[All the way at Jesus feet]
44Praise the mighty Son of Jehovah[Praise the mighty Son of Jehovah]
45I dare not trust strength of my own[I dare not trust strength of my own]
46All honor to the noble men[All honor to the noble men]
47Covered over with glory they're sleeping[Covered over with glory they're sleeping]
48We've enlisted in the fight[We've enlisted in the fight]
49Have you told anyone about Jesus[Have you told anyone about Jesus]
50O Lord, make bare, make bare Thy mighty arm[O Lord, make bare, make bare Thy mighty arm]
52O give thanks unto the Lord[O give thanks unto the Lord]
54Set high the measure of your faith: the word of God is true[Set high the measure of your faith: the word of God is true]
56O Love that passeth understanding[O Love that passeth understanding]
58O cross of Calvary divine[O cross of Calvary divine]
60I will raise a song to my dear native land[I will raise a song to my dear native land]
61Mighty Jehovah[Mighty Jehovah]
64Sing hosanna, sing hosanna[Sing hosanna, sing hosanna]
66Keep faith in God[Keep faith in God]
67Savior thy dying love[Savior thy dying love]
68Thanks be to God[Thanks be to God]
70Above the barren plains of strife[Above the barren plains of strife]
72Lo! thro' the darkness that hangs o'er the sea[Lo! thro' the darkness that hangs o'er the sea]
73I am trying to follow the path Christ trod[I am trying to follow the path Christ trod]
74The lore of morning lights the skies[The lore of morning lights the skies]
76For His love is like a fragrant flow'r[For His love is like a fragrant flow'r]
78Go, proclaim the joyful tidings[Go, proclaim the joyful tidings]
80Arise, arise, arise and shine, for thy light is come[Arise, arise, arise and shine, for thy light is come]
82Salvation, salvation belongeth to the Lord[Salvation, salvation belongeth to the Lord]
84When my feet had gone astray[When my feet had gone astray]
85Onward, Christian Soldiers[Onward, Christian Soldiers]
88Behold the King they crucified[Behold the King they crucified]
89Depth of mercy! can there be[Depth of mercy! can there be]
90Behold! on ev'ry hand today, today[Behold! on ev'ry hand today, today]
92Uplift the Christ! to men reveal[Uplift the Christ! to men reveal]
94Stand fast in the faith, all ye people of God[Stand fast in the faith, all ye people of God]
96Onward to the battle, soldier[Onward to the battle, soldier]
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