The Republican Hymn Book: containing a new and original set of hymns and spiritual songs, suited to be sung at society meetings, family worship, public and social prayer meetings, etc. (2nd ed.)

Author: Thomas Herbert
Publisher: Published for the Author, Covington, Ky., 1845
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Why should we longer tarry here
102Ye valiant sons of glory
103Rise up my soul, why art thou sad
104My soul, had thou wings like a dove
105If one poor sheep should go astray
106O poor backsliders, where are you
107How long are you resolved to go
108It's I, be not afraid
109Dear Lord, what shall I do
110I know I'm born to die
111Ye living fountains where are you
112Alas my sins how great they be
113Could I but go to Christ, my Lord
114Jesus, thou Son of David, have
115All ye that love the Lord
116Did the Eternal, from his throne
117Dismiss us, Lord, we have to part
118Lord, let thy Spirit dwell with us
119Dismiss us, Lord, in love and fear
120I am the Door, the Shepherd said
121The shepherd has engaged to keep
122My sheep do hear my voice
123The dear disciples how they grieved
124The harvest, truly it is great
125Behold, the harvest field now white
126The harvest now is nearly done
127When Christ, our Lord, was here on earth
128Behold whom God, the Father, sent
129O God, thy works display thy power
130Shall mortals be ashamed of God
131Thy great tremendous name, O Lord
132I'm Alpha, saith the almighty God
133There's none besides me, saith the Lord
134O Thou that reigns in worlds on high
135Lord of the heaven, and earth and seas
136Shall foolish virgins dare presume
137Shall men by Satan be deceived
138Is there a foolish virgin here
139The foolish virgins and the wise
140Who has a greater right than we
141The evening bids us to prepare
142Awake, my drowsy soul, awake
143That awful day comes hastening on
144The day has now come to a close
145Ye holy angels that's before
146Jerusalem, thou happy place
147I'm Christ your Savior who went down
148The stream is found in Judah's land
149See the young, humble converts go
150In 'non, near to Salim[Salime] was
151How beautiful it is to see
152Think, O my soul, on that great day
153Mortals, awake, behold and see
154Eternity is just at hand
155The judgment day will come
156We soon shall meet that awful day
157That great and awful day has come
158Is it the case that I must die
159Zion, behold thy time draws nigh
160Behold, I come, saith Christ, the Lord
161That great, tremendous day has come
162See Jesus coming through the skies
163Behold the great redeemer comes
164Prepare my soul to meet thy Lord
165Soon will the Lord, himself, come down
166Alas my wretched heart I see
167Ye valiant soldiers of the cross
168O Lord, I wish of thee to know
169Lord, what a contrast is within
170My blessed Lord, would thou draw nigh
171How Long, dear Lord, shall I remain
172Dear Lord and Master, when shall I
173O is there any mourner here
174Ye heavy laden sinner come
175Unto thee, Lord, I come
176I come, O Lord, a helpless worm
177It's in Bethesda's healing pool
178Satan and sin doth surely vex
179If I but knew where I could find
180My mind appears to be cast down
181O Lord, is now the harvest past
182Ye billows that do rise and roll
183What voice is this that I do hear
184Is there a mourner here today
185O could I view that blest abode
186Ye ransomed sons of gospel grace
187O Lord our God, we shall we say
188Come gracious Lord, O come and bless
189Thy Holy Spirit, Lord
190Ye mourning souls that weep
191Soon as this day is past and done
192May we, O Lord, begin this day
193While in this wilderness I stay
194Thou art the Christ, the Son of God
195A sower went to sow his seed
196Ye poor, returning prodigals
197Come humble sinner, come today
198Alas our days they pass away
199Alas our days how fast they run
200A numerous multitude of bones

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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