The Salvation Army Solos

Editor: Thomas E. Moore
Publisher: Headquarters: Lyceum, New York, N.Y., 1885
Denomination: Salvation Army
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d1All my doubts I give to Jesus
d2But can it be that I should prove
d3Come, poor sinner, come to Jesus, He will all your sins forgive
d4Come shout and sing, make heaven ring
d5Could I see my dear Jesus
d6Dear [Lord] [Well] Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole
d7Don't you think I'd make a salvation soldier
d8Forward, Christian soldiers, let your voices
d9How bold and brave the righteous are
d10I am a sinner saved by grace
d11I am happy now in Jesus
d12I am marching today with my Savior
d13I have entered the valley of blessing so sweet
d14I hear the voice of Jesus, he sets the sinner
d15I tell you, my brother
d16I'm saved and washed in Jesus' blood
d17I've [I have] found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me
d18I've just arrived in Beulah land
d19I've knocked at your [thy] heart's door often
d20I've left the path of sin and woe
d21Lord, I come to thee for cleansing
d22Lord, I make a full surrender, All I have I yield to thee
d23Lord, in the strength of grace
d24Lord Jesus, my heart has been hard and unclean
d25Lord Jesus on Calvary, And he died
d26Many times poor Tom came home
d27My childhood's home was a happy one
d28My heart was very full of sin
d29My mind's at rest, my soul is blest
d30Now my experience I'll tell to you
d31O come, and dwell in [with] me [us]
d32O do not let the Word depart, and close thine eyes
d33O glorious hope of perfect [heavenly] love
d34O my comrades in the fight
d35O my comrades, true and faithful
d36O my Jesus, my Jesus, how charming is thy name
d37O my Lord, my great Creator
d38O no, there's nothing more to [I] seek
d39O remember Calvary, and take my sins away
d40O soldier of Jesus, how blessed art thou
d41O thou God of every nation
d42O wanderer knowing not the smile
d43O who'll stand up for Jesus
d44Once I was far in sin, But Jesus took me in
d45Once I was wretched with doubts and fears
d46Sad and weary with my longing
d47Salvation soldiers do not tire
d48Savior, come and take possession
d49Shall we ever all meet again
d50Sinners, whither are you going
d51Sleeping saints of God, arise
d52The devil's mad, and I am glad
d53The eye of God is on us at morn
d54The fight will soon be ended
d55The gospel ship along is sailing
d56The mistakes of my life which were many
d57The sun shines bright in my once sin stricken home
d58The time has come my worthy comrades
d59There are many things I love on earth
d60There is a better world, they say
d61There is a land without a storm
d62'Tis the very same power
d63We don't mean to mix up with worldlings
d64We have started for glory
d65We talk of a home in heaven
d66We're a band of happy workers
d67We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy
d68We've come to tell of Jesus' blood
d69We've enlisted in the army as soldiers
d70What joy in serving Jesus
d71Why are you doubting and fearing
d72With a sorrow for sin let [must] repentance begin
d73With my faint, weary soul
d74With my heart so bright in the heavenly light
d75Ye ho, my friends, I sing with glee
d76You remember when a mother
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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