Songs of Grace and Glory

Editor: W. F. Sherwin, S. J. Vail
Publisher: Horace Waters & Son, New York, 1874
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Except for the hymns at the end, which are numbered, letters are used for hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
102'Tis the Saviour's great commandPage Scan
103Sweet hallelujahs! the birds and the blossomsPage Scan
104Weary with walking alonePage Scan
105O Thou, in power and majesty transcendingPage Scan
106Little children to Jesus belongPage Scan
108See, O see! what love the FatherPage Scan
109And is it true what I am toldPage Scan
110O what shall I do to be saved?Page Scan
111Not long ago the moon was darkPage Scan
112aBehold me standing at the doorPage Scan
112bI think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
113O heavenly Guest, Thy call I hearPage Scan
114Oh, now I see the crimson wavePage Scan
115There is a Gate of shining pearlPage Scan
116I love to tell the storyPage Scan
117Saviour, who died for mePage Scan
118Let us sing of the Lamb that was slainPage Scan
119How shall the young secure their heartsPage Scan
120Work while the day lastsPage Scan
121aSee the sparkling water Flowing now so freePage Scan
121b"Christian! seek not yet repose"Page Scan
122The temp'rance flag aloft is raisedPage Scan
123Lord, before Thy holy altarPage Scan
124A song, a song for water brightPage Scan
125When the Lord Jehovah led his ancient peoplePage Scan
126Where the merry birds are singingPage Scan
127As distant lands beyond the seaPage Scan
128On this night of joyous greetingPage Scan
129Safe at home! Oh, joyful meetingPage Scan
130To Thee, O gracious Father, My New Year's hymn I raisePage Scan
131Dear mother, you will lay me soonPage Scan
132Oh, think of a home over therePage Scan
133Life has many a pleasant hourPage Scan
134Peace in Jesus! blessed promisePage Scan
135Carol, sweetly carolPage Scan
136Sounding from the bell of timePage Scan
137Hark! hark! the Merry Christmas bellsPage Scan
138Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!Page Scan
139Merry, merry chiming bellsPage Scan
140Jesus comes to hearts rejoicingPage Scan
141Jerusalem, the golden!Page Scan
142All hail to the Prince!Page Scan
143Dear Redeemer, only TheePage Scan
144I'm nearing the valley that leads to theePage Scan
145Beautiful mansions, home of the blestPage Scan
146We are sailing to the christian's port of gloryPage Scan
147My soul to Christ I bringPage Scan
148The quiet sea its mirror spreadsPage Scan
149There is a fold whence none can strayPage Scan
150When we reach our glorious dwellingPage Scan
151The sands of time are wastingPage Scan
152(1)All hail the power of Jesus' name!Page Scan
152(2)Obeying thy divine behestPage Scan
152(3)Come, thou almighty KingPage Scan
152(4)Awake, my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
152(5)One with Christ! O blessed thought!Page Scan
152(6)My faith looks up to TheePage Scan
152(7)How charming is the placePage Scan
153(8)Jesus who knows full wellPage Scan
153(9)Let us pray! the Lord is willingPage Scan
153(10)Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPage Scan
153(11)I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
153(12)Saviour, like a shepherd lead usPage Scan
153(13)Oh, for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
153(14)Hail! my ever blessed JesusPage Scan
153(15)In the cross of Christ I gloryPage Scan
153(16)There is a name I love to hearPage Scan
154(17)Call Jehovah thy salvationPage Scan
154(18)My soul, be on thy guardPage Scan
154(19)Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
154(20)My days are gliding swiftly byPage Scan
154(21)Make haste, O man, to livePage Scan
154(22)Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessingsPage Scan
154(23)Work, for the night is comingPage Scan
154(24)Now the sowing and the weepingPage Scan
155(25)Rock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
155(26)Jesus, lover of my soulPage Scan
155(27)Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
155(28)There is a fountain filled with bloodPage Scan
155(29)Nearer, my God, to theePage Scan
155(30)To-day the Saviour callsPage Scan
155(31)How precious is the book divinePage Scan
155(32)Holy Bible, book divinePage Scan
155(33)The heavens declare Thy glory, LordPage Scan
156(34)Sons of day! arise from slumbersPage Scan
156(35)Lord of the harvest! hearPage Scan
156(36)Sound, sound the truth abroadPage Scan
156(37)From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
156(38)Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleepPage Scan
156(39)'Tis sweet to think of those at restPage Scan
156(40)Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
156(41)Christian brethren, ere we partPage Scan
156(42)To Thee be praise for everPage Scan
156(43)O Father Almighty, to Thee be addrestPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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