Shaker Hymnal

Publisher: Canterbury Shakers, East Canterbury, N.H., 1908
Denomination: Shakers
Notes: Page scans:
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101Lion hearted, brave and true
d102Listen, O my Savior
d103Live my soul as peace shall
d104Lo ye are the light of the world
d105Look a little higher up
d106Make the Lord thy God, who shall bring thee
d107May thy kingdom come
d108My disciples, forbear ye
d109My heart to Thy work is committed
d110My kingdom's not divided
d111My little barque is frail
d112My soul hears the echo
d113My voice shall sing the hymns
d114No one can sing the psalm for me
d115No other God will I adore, For I have felt Jehovah's power
d116No time like today for thine
d117Not below the clouds
d118Not enough to sing god's praise
d119Not one sparrow is forgotten
d120O brighter than the morning star
d121O, build as the wise build
d122O builder would'st thou raise
d123O climb a steeper height
d124O Father, to thy throne we come
d125O Father, with the signet of thy undying love
d126O give me language wholly pure
d127O give thanks, give thanks
d128O God of mercy, truth anf love
d129O let us not hunger nor thirst
d130O lift the standard higher
d131O list, our Father, to our prayer
d132O long have I sought thee
d133O Lord, in thee I place
d134O sacred hour of worship
d135O shall I forgive
d136O sing in the morning the blessing of peace
d137O sing, my soul, in accents
d138O sing to the Lord, all ye lands
d139O sing with joy, and let
d140O Source of light, of truth
d141O tarry not mid worldly strife
d142O the blessedness of love that is pure
d143O the blessings rich and many
d144O the love of God how precious
d145O there'll be a song of triumph
d146O virgin church, how great
d147O what is the mission appointed to me
d148O where should I look for the blessing of heaven
d149O write my name in heaven
d150O Zion, be law abiding
d151O Zion, sing praise mid thy sorrow
d152O Zion, thy growth is my care
d153On the work of our hands
d154Open to my vision clearly
d155Our Father, we ask thee
d156Our God who marks the sparrow's
d157Pass me not by, O minister
d158Patient and faithful, yet joyful
d159Peace divine, increasing measure
d160Peace I leave with you
d161Praise ye the Lord, O praise
d162Press on on triumphantly
d163Redemption's song, for thee I long
d164Rejoice in the strength
d165Seems the reaper yet to linger
d166Send not Christ's needy ones
d167Shall earth respond with harvest full
d168Shall mountains fall
d169Shun the thorn and grow the flower
d170Sing, sing, my soul
d171Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms
d172So much need have I to thank thee
d173Sweet angels, come nearer
d174Sweet summer land, O land of bright glory
d175The blind shall see
d176The Lord is gracious and right
d177The seedtime is past
d178The Spirit is calling earnestly calling
d179The sun and stars may roll
d180The sun fails not nor the dews and showers
d181The vine groweth the stream rolls on its way
d182The work that brings the blessing
d183There are notes of joy and beauty
d184There are roses on my cross
d185There comes down the ages a message
d186There has come unto thee, O thou Zion of God
d187There is a treasure
d188There is always a care
d189There's a peace that surpasseth
d190There's land beyond, I see the height
d191There's wealth in mines of gold
d192Thou shalt love the Lord
d193Thou uplifting Spirit, Thou Christ
d194Though frail the barque and fierce the gale
d195Thy goodness hath covered the land
d196Thy goodness hath followed my life
d197Time may be long and full length
d198To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me
d199To the kingdom we're advancing
d200Turn the feet of those who wander

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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