A Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for Social and Private Worship. (11th ed.)

Editor: J. P. Dabney
Publisher: Munroe & Francis, Boston, 1832
Language: English
Notes: Hymns, Benedictions and Occasional pieces are numbered separately. Some pages are missing from the page scan.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
302From north and [to] south, from east and [to] westPage Scan
303There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reignPage Scan
304Far from the [these] narrow [gloomy] scenes of night [life]Page Scan
305There is a glorious world on highPage Scan
306From this world's joys, and senseless mirth
307This feast was Jesus' high behestPage Scan
308Canst thou, my soul, forget that friendPage Scan
309Ye followers of the Prince of peacePage Scan
310Jesus is gone above the skies [sky]Page Scan
311Father and is thy table spreadPage Scan
312O here if ever God of lovePage Scan
313Jesus, the friend of manPage Scan
314Bless the God of our salvationPage Scan
315Eat, drink, in memory of your FriendPage Scan
316Lo Isr'l's gentle shepherd standsPage Scan
317Lord, what our ears have heardPage Scan
318Hark, what celestial sounds, What music fills the airPage Scan
319Behold, the grace appears [appear]Page Scan
320O Thou! from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
321What shall we render, God of lovePage Scan
322Lord of life, all praise excellingPage Scan
323Blest is the man whose heart is kindPage Scan
324O ye, who seek Jehovah's facePage Scan
325Hear, Lord, the song [voice] of praise and prayerPage Scan
326I love thy Zion, Lord!Page Scan
327Great God, the nations of the earthPage Scan
328Upward we lift our eyesPage Scan
329He that [who] hath [has] made [for] his refuge, GodPage Scan
330While to the grave our friends are bornePage Scan
331Blest hour, when virtuous friends shall meetPage Scan
332Thou, God of mercy, wilt indulgePage Scan
333Eternal God! how frail is man!Page Scan
334Life is a span, a fleeting hourPage Scan
335Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tombPage Scan
336While beauty clothes the fertile valePage Scan
337The rising morn the closing dayPage Scan
338The rolling year almighty LordPage Scan
339Great God, at whose all-powerful callPage Scan
340House of our God, with cheerful anthemsPage Scan
341My guardian God! I bless thy namePage Scan
342God of our lives [life] thy constant carePage Scan
343Remark my soul [with awe] the narrow boundsPage Scan
344And now, my soul another yearPage Scan
345Our life advancing [advanced] to its closePage Scan
346Lo another year has gonePage Scan
347While with ceaseless [careless] course the sunPage Scan
348Great Framer of unnumbered worldsPage Scan
349O God of grace! how oft have wePage Scan
350While sounds of war are heard aroundPage Scan
351God, to correct a [the] guilty worldPage Scan
352Great Ruler of the earth and skiesPage Scan
353Father Supreme of heaven and earthPage Scan
354How rich thy gifts, almighty KingPage Scan
355Eternal source of every joyPage Scan
356And wilt thou, great and glorious GodPage Scan
357Arise, O God of grace, arisePage Scan
358Great Lord of all angels, we adorePage Scan
359O thou, before whose gracious thronePage Scan
360Though earthly shepherds dwell in dustPage Scan
361Father of men, thy care we blessPage Scan
362Father divine, thy piercing eyePage Scan
363The highest heaven cannot containPage Scan
364O the abundance of thy [thine] housePage Scan
365When opening life its scenes unfoldsPage Scan
366O happy is the man [child] who [that] hears instruction's [religion's] [Messiah's] warning voice
367Hark, it is the wisdom's voice
368Blest are the sons of peacePage Scan
369How blest the sacred tie that bindsPage Scan
370Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
371The man whose faith and hope are strongPage Scan
372How happy is he born and [or] taughtPage Scan
373My God, thy service well demandsPage Scan
374My Sovereign, to Thy thronePage Scan
375Let coward guilt, with pallid fearPage Scan
376Let songs of praise from all belowPage Scan
377God of the morning, at whose [thy] voicePage Scan
378With sleep's oblivion o'er me spreadPage Scan
379To thee, let my [our] first offering [offerings] risePage Scan
380Awake, my soul, and with the sunPage Scan
381My God, how endless [lasting] is thy lovePage Scan
382Lord of my life! each morn on theePage Scan
383Glory to thee, my [our] God [O Lord], this night [day]Page Scan
384Thus far, thou, Lord, hast led me onPage Scan
385What though downy slumbers fleePage Scan
B1Praise to thee, thou great CreatorPage Scan
B2To God the only wisePage Scan
B3O may we live before thy facePage Scan
B4Lord! dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
B5To thee, supreme, the ever-blestPage Scan
B6Blest are the souls that hear and knowPage Scan
B7Glorious in thy saints appearPage Scan
B8From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
B9Pity thine erring world, O God!Page Scan
B10Lord of nature! Source of light!Page Scan
B11Thou, who dost our powers sustainPage Scan
B12Gracious Source of every blessingPage Scan
O1From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
O2Holy, Holy, HolyPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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