Selected Hymns for the Use of Children in Families or Sunday School

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d1A man of kindness to his beast is kind
d2Again the Lord of life and light
d3Almighty Father, I am weak
d4Almighty God, most gracious power
d5Almighty God, whose tender care
d6And dost thou deign, O blessed Lord
d7Angels, ever bright and fair, take O take me to your care
d8Another day, O Lord, is gone
d9Another fleeting day is gone
d10Another smiling day I see
d11Assembled in our school once more
d12Awake, awake, my mind
d13Be thou, O God, by night, by day
d14Brothers and sisters, for his sake
d15But sure ye may on heaven depend
d16Children, beware, improve the present hour
d17Come let our songs resound
d18Come, let our voices join in one glad [joyful] song [songs] of praise
d19Come, let us adore Him, come bow at His feet
d20Earth has engrossed my love too long
d21Father, adored in worlds above
d22Father in heaven, to thee [whom] my [our] heart [hearts]
d23Father, to thee my soul I lift
d24Fold thy little hands in prayer
d25Foolish tongue, so quick to speak
d26For him, who is thy guard, thy shield
d27Forget to pray; that's strange indeed
d28Go, like your blessed Savior, feed the poor
d29Go, when the morning shineth
d30God of all, eternal Spirit
d31God our Father, great Creator
d32Great God, our Father and our Friend
d33Great God, this sacred day of thine
d34Greatest of beings, source of life
d35Guard me, O God from every sin
d36Hail, sacred season, peaceful day
d37Hail to the Lord's anointed
d38He caused the deaf his voice to hear
d39Hear the blest Redeemer call you
d40Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing on the instructions
d41Heavenly Father, hear my prayer
d42Here mines of knowledge, love and joy
d43How beautiful the setting sun
d44How can those, who daily share
d45How little do some children think
d46How many ways the young may find
d47How pleasant is Saturday night
d48How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound
d49I love my parents ever kind
d50I see them on their narrow way
d51If love, the noblest, purest, best
d52If solid happiness we prize, Within our breast
d53In Jordan's tide [waves] the Baptist [prophet] stands
d54I've passed another happy week
d55Jesus, and shall it ever be
d56Jesus, our gentle Shepherd, see
d57Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, o'er
d58Lord, let thy kingdom come
d59Lord, teach us [me] how to pray aright
d60Lord, when we bend before thy [the] throne
d61Lord, wilt thou spread thy guardian arm
d62Love and kindness we may measure
d63Loved Jesus not of heaven to talk
d64Man in his first creation
d65My love, you have [thou hast] met with a trial today
d66Now comes forth the glorious day
d67Now let our hearts unite to raise
d68O come and learn this kind commandment
d69[O] God, who [that] madest [made the] earth and heaven [sky]
d70O in the morn of life
d71O Lord, may we from sin depart
d72O Lord, my youthful voice I raise
d73O my soul, with all thy powers, Bless the Lord's most holy name
d74O our God, wilt thou hear us
d75O thou who lately closed my eyes
d76O to be pure as morning light
d77Once more the light of day I see
d78Onward, onward, may we press
d79Order my footsteps by thy word
d80Our Father, God, who dwellest in heaven
d81Our Father hears when sinners pray
d82Our Father, here again we raise
d83Praise to thee, thou [our] great creator
d84Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire
d85Sacred day forever blest
d86Safely through another week
d87Save me from my foes
d88See, another year is come
d89See how he loved, exclaimed the Jews
d90Seek ye the Lord, to him draw nigh
d91She loved her Savior
d92Softly now the light of day
d93Strength in duty's path to tread
d94Suppliant, lo, thy children bend
d95The Aged sufferer waited long
d96The fleeting sun
d97The long night is past, its shadows are fled
d98The morning dawns upon the place
d99The sun goes down another Sabbath day
d100There is a time when moments flow

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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