The Service of Song for Baptist Churches

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d101Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d102Commit thou all thy griefs
d103Crown his head with endless blessing
d104Dear Savior, I am thine by everlasting bands
d105Dear Savior, When my thoughts recall The wonders of thy grace
d106Dear Shepherd of thy people here, Thy presence
d107Depth of mercy, can there be, Mercy still reserved for me?
d108Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help
d109Do not I love thee, O my Lord [God]? Behold my heart and see
d110Done is the work that saves
d111Down to the sacred wave
d112Dread Sovereign, let my evening song
d113Early, my God, without delay
d114Earth to earth and dust to dust, Lord, we own the sentence just
d115Eternal God, we look to thee
d116Eternal source of every joy
d117Eternal Spirit, we confess
d118Faith is a living power from heaven
d119Far as thy name is known
d120Far from my heavenly home
d121Far from my [our] thoughts, vain world, be gone
d122Father, I stretch my hand [hands] to thee
d123Father of mercies, bow thine ear
d124Father of mercies, in thy [your] word
d125Father of mercies, send thy grace
d126Father, to thee I come, owning how weak I am
d127For all thy [your] saints, O Lord [God]
d128For thy mercy and thy grace
d129Forever with the Lord [our God], amen, so let it be
d130Forth from the dark and [the] stormy sky
d131Forth in thy name [strength], O Lord, I [we] go
d132Fountain of mercy, God of love
d133Free from the law, O happy condition
d134Frequent the [this] day of [O] God returns
d135Friends of temperance, lift your banners
d136From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies
d137From every stormy wind [sense] that blows
d138From Greenland's icy mountains
d139From the cross uplifted high
d140From thy dear pierced side
d141Gently, Lord, O gently lead us
d142Give me the wings of faith to rise
d143Give thanks to God, he [who] reigns above
d144Give to our God [the Lord] immortal praise
d145Glorious things of thee are spoken
d146Glory to God on high, Let praises fill the sky
d147God bless our native land, Firm may she
d148God calling yet, shall I not hear
d149God, in the gospel of his [the] Son
d150God is love, his mercy brightens
d151God is the name my soul adores
d152God is the refuge of his saints
d153God moves in a mysterious way
d154God of my life, through all its [my] days
d155God of my life, whose gracious power
d156God of my [our] life, to [on] thee I [we] call
d157God of the morning, at whose [thy] voice
d158Grace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] sound
d159Gracious Spirit, Dove divine
d160Great Father of each perfect gift
d161Great God, attend, while Zion sings [children sing] [here we sing]
d162Great God, how infinite art thou
d163Great God indulge my humble claim
d164Great God, let all my [our] tuneful powers
d165Great God, to thee my evening song
d166Great God, we sing that mighty hand
d167Great God, what do I [we] see and hear
d168Great God, whose hand outpours [pours out] the rills
d169Great God, whose universal sway
d170Great is the Lord our God
d171Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
d172Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews
d173Hail, morning known among the blest
d174Hail, thou once despised Jesus
d175Hail to the Lord's anointed
d176Hail to the prince of life and peace
d177Hallelujah, raise, O raise
d178Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
d179Hark, the glad sound, the Savior comes
d180Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King
d181Hark, the Savior's voice from heaven
d182Hark, the sound of holy voices
d183Hark to the trump, behold it breaks
d184Hark, what mean those holy voices
d185Hast thou said, exalted Jesus
d186Hast thou within a care so deep
d187Haste [Hasten], [O] sinner [sinners] [now] to be wise
d188Haste, traveller, haste, the night comes on
d189He leadeth me, O blessed thought
d190He lives, the [that] great Redeemer [Creator] lives
d191He who on earth as man was known
d192Hear, gracious God [Lord], a sinner's cry
d193Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims
d194Hearts of stone, relent, relent
d195Heavenly Father, bless me now
d196Heavenly Father to whose eye
d197Here at thy table, Lord, we meet to feed
d198Here I can firmly rest
d199Ho, my comrades, see the signal waving
d200Holy and reverend is the name

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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