We Sing of Life: Songs for Children, Young People, Adults

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d1A day of joyful singing
d2A fierce unrest seethes
d3A little bit of blowing
d4A mighty fortress is our God
d5All are architects of fate
d6All creatures of our God and King
d7All the past we leave behind
d8America triumphant, Brave land of pioneers
d9At work beside his father's bench
d10Bend thy rays upon the cornfields
d11Blest is that man who sets his soul's desire
d12Brother, sing your country's anthem
d13Dawn is like a gate that opens
d14Deck the halls with boughs of holly
d15Deep under plain and mountain lie
d16Divinity is round us, never gone
d17Eternal spirit of the chainless
d18Fair is their fame who stand
d19Faith of the larger liberty
d20For flowers that bloom about our feet
d21For the beauty of the earth
d22Freedom is the finest gold
d23Give thanks for the corn and the wheat that are reaped
d24God of the earth, the sky, the sea
d25God, though this life is but a wraith
d26Great is the sun, and wide he goes
d27Hail the glorious golden city
d28Hail the hero workers of the mighty past
d29He came when days were perilous
d30Hear, hear, O ye nations, and hearing obey
d31Heir of all the ages, I
d32I walk the unfrequented road
d33I'm glad our house is a little
d34I'm thankful for the daily food
d35In spring the day is early
d36Is there, for honest poverty
d37It came upon the [a] midnight clear
d38It sounds along the ages
d39It swells upon the noonday breeze
d40Jesus came on Christmas Day
d41Jesus, our Brother, strong [kind] and good
d42Jesus walked this lonesome valley
d43Leaning last night from my window so high
d44Life has loveliness to sell
d45Life of ages, richly poured, Love of God, unspent and free
d46Light of ages and of nations
d47Light of ages, shed by man
d48Little Jesus sweetly sleep
d49Love that is hoarded
d50Lovely secret gardens grow
d51Man is the earth upright and proud
d52Men whose boast it is, that ye
d53Morning, so fair to see
d54My country is the world, My flag with stars impearled
d55My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d56Not gold, but only men can make
d57Now sing we of the brave of old
d58O beautiful for spacious skies
d59O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother
d60O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant
d61O life that maketh all things new
d62O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see
d63O we believe in Christmas
d64On this night, let us light
d65Once more is the woodland ringing
d66Once to every man and nation
d67One world this, for all its sorrow
d68Peace, the perfect word is
d69Ring, bells, ring
d70Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky
d71Rock of ages, let our song [songs]
d72Sail on, sail on, O thou ship of state
d73Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright
d74Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
d75Spirit of man, ascend thy throne
d76Splendor of the morning sunlight
d77Spring has now unwrapped the flowers
d78The babe is cold
d79The children of far distant lands
d80The crest and crowning of all good
d81The first Noel, the angel did say
d82The gentle Shepherd leads his sheep
d83The goldenrod has lighted
d84The great ocean liners sail
d85The morning hangs its signal
d86The spacious firmament on high
d87The world has come awake
d88The world itself rejoices now
d89There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave
d90These things shall be, a loftier race
d91Thou, earth, art ours, and ours to keep
d92'Tis winter now, the fallen [gleaming] snow
d93To him who felt a human sea
d94Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways
d95Wake viol and flute
d96We lift our hearts in thanks today
d97We sing of golden mornings
d98We will speak out
d99When a deed is done for freedom
d100When courage fails, and faith burns low

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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