Text Is Public Domain |
| | Cantemos al Amor (Come Sing to God) | Cantemos al Amor de los amores (Come sing to God, the Love beyond all others) | #469 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | ¡Gloria a Cristo Jesús! (Glory to you, Jesus Christ! | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Restituto del Valle, 1865-1930; Mary Louise Bringle, n. 1953 | Juan Ignacio Busca de Sagastizábal, 1868-1950; Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | | Matthew 18:20 | AMOR DE LOS AMORES | F Major | 5U123435432114564553 | | English; Spanish | | | | | | 2013 | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1278078 |
| | Cuando Sientas Que Tu Hermano (When Our Sisters or Our Brothers) | Cuando sientas que tu hermano necesita de tu amor (When our sisters or our brothers stand in need of loving care) | #657 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | ¡Gloria, gloria, aleluya! (Glory, glory! Hallelujah!) | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Anónima; Mary Louise Bringle, n. 1953 | William Steffe, m. 1911 | | Matthew 5:3-8 | BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC | B♭ Major | 55554351233321176667 | | English; Spanish | | | | | | 2013 | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1272469 |
| | Canto de Alegría (Joyfully We Sing Here) | Canto de alegría porque tengo amor (Joyfully we sing here of the Savior's grace) | #549 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | Canto porque tengo amor (Singing of the Savior's grace) | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Enrique S. Turrall, 1867-1953; Mary Louise Bringle, n. 1953 | Anónima; Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | | Romans 8:28-39 | ARGENTINA | G Major | 321766662622176 | | English; Spanish | Estrofas 1, 4 anómina | | | | | 2013 | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1271250 |
| | Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana (O How Glorious Will Be That Great Morning) | Cuán gloriosa será la mañana (O how glorious will be that great morning) | #702 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | No habrá necesidad (For the brilliance of that dawn) | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Felicia Beltrán; Mariano Beltrán; Mary Louise Bringle, n. 1953 | Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | | Psalm 96:13 | [Cuán gloriosa será la mañana] | C Major | 1355344235556671176 | | English; Spanish | | | Tradicional | | | 2013 | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1274180 |
| | Come to the Water (Ven Acá a las Aguas) | O let all who thirst (Si tú tienes sed) | #487 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | John Foley, SJ, b. 1939; Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946 | John Foley, SJ, b. 1939 | | Isaiah 55:1-2 | [O let all who thirst] | F Major | 513161655565513 | | English; Spanish | | | | | | 2013 | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1269940 |
| | Como el Ciervo ansioso Brama (As a Deer in Want of Water) | Como el ciervo ansioso brama (As a deer in want of water) | #729 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Théodore de Béze, 1519-1605; M. Gutiérrez Marín ; Federico J. Pagura, b. 1923 | Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | | Psalm 42:2-6 | LAGRIMAS AMARGAS | d minor | 56543451234564556543 | | English; Spanish | Tr. inglesa Psalter Hymnal | | | | | 2013 | | | | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1275797 |
| | Confitemini Domino | Confitemini Domino (Come and fill our hearts with your peace) (Llénanos, Señor, de tu paz) | #537 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Taizé Community | Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994 | | Psalm 136 | [Confitemini Domino] | D Major | 33333311344335224444 | | English; Latin; Lithuanian; Spanish | Give thanks to the Lord for he is good | | | | | 2013 | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1270156 |
| | Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (Cristo, Firme Fundamento) | Christ is made the sure foundation (Cristo, firme fundamento) | #607 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | John M. Neale, 1818-1866; Alberto Merubia, b. 1919 | Henry Purcell, 1659-1695; Ernest Hawkins, 1807-1868 | | Psalm 118:19-24 | WESTMINSTER ABBEY | G Major | 353142751232176 | Latin | English; Spanish | 11th C. | | Adapted from an anthem of Henry Purcell | | | 2013 | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1271798 |
| | Corazón Santo (Heart of Christ Jesus) | Venid, cristianos, y a cá en el suelo (Come, all you faithful, come to your Savior) | #470 | Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song | Corazón Santo, tú reinarás (Heart of Christ Jesus, radiant and bright) | Amor de Dios para Nosotros | | | Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | Ronald F. Krisman, n. 1946 | | Psalm 103:8-13 | CORAZÓN SANTO | D Major | 5435434342234655 | | English; Spanish | Tradicional | | Tradicional | | | 2013 | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1269797 |