Hugh Bourne

Hugh Bourne
Short Name: Hugh Bourne
Full Name: Bourne, Hugh, 1772-1852
Birth Year: 1772
Death Year: 1852

Bourne, Hugh, the principal founder of the Primitive Methodist Society, and the editor of their first hymn-books, was born at Fordhays, Stoke-on-Trent, April 3, 1772. His father, Joseph Bourne, a person in humble circumstances, was a member of the Church of England, whilst his mother belonged to the Wesleyan Society. His education, for his circumstances, was fairly good; and by earnest application to study he acquired some knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. His mind was of a strongly devotional cast, and the Methodist movement of those days had such attractions for him that he joined himself thereto in 1709. The following year he went to reside near the Mow Cop Colliery, near Burslem, where he had secured an engagement. There, with two or three men of kindred spirit, he carried on a system of Prayer Meetings which culminated in a great Camp Meeting, after the American fashion, upon the Mow Cop Mountain, on Sunday, May 31st, 1807. Other camp meetings followed, but were condemned by the Wesleyan Conference later in the same year. Hugh Bourne, however, continued his evangelistic work in connection with the Wesleyan Society until June 27, 1808, when he was excommunicated, without notice or trial, by the Quarterly Meeting held at Burslem on that day. Subsequent acts of coolness and indifference on the part of the Wesleyan authorities, together with continued success in his evangelistic work, led him gradually to organize the Primitive Methodist Connexion. The decisive break occurred in 1810. From that date to his death, on the 11th Oct., 1852, Bourne gave himself to the work of extending and building up the Society of which he was practically the founder. He was the first editor of its magazine, and the first to compile a hymnal for its use.

Hugh Bourne's first effort in hymnology was the published of a very small General Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs for Camp Meetings, Revivals, &c. 1809. This was enlarged and improved in 1819, 1820, 1821,1822, and again in 1824. To these editions he contributed 10 hymns. In 1829 a second collection was added by him to the foregoing, to which he contributed another 20 hymns. This is the Large Hymn Book, for the Use of the Primitive Methodists. From the first collection one hymn only is still retained in common use:—"Camp-meetings with success are crown'd,” altered to “Camp-meetings God has richly own'd," also rewritten by J. Flesher as, "This meeting with Thy presence crown," in the authorised hymnal of the Connexion; and from the second collection two hymns as follows:—
1. O Righteous Father, Lord of all. Prayer for Children.
2. We have a great High Priest. H. P. of Christ.
To the Large Hymn Book 146 hymns were also contributed which bore the signatures sometimes of "H. B. & W. S." and again "W. S. & H. B." In a note we are informed that the hymns with these ascriptions were by "Hugh Bourne and Wm. Sanders, jointly." Of these the following are at present in the authorized Primitive Methodist Hymn Book, 1853, and, in common with most of the hymns in that book, are greatly mutilated, and attributed now to Wm. Sanders and again to H. Bourne, without any apparent reason:—
1. A Pharisee unwisely stood. Lent.
2. Almighty God, of love divine. Praise.
3. Assist us, O Almighty Lord. Missions.
4. Come, let us lift our heart and voice. Christmas.
5. Come, with your sore diseases. Invitation.
6. Encouraged by Thy gracious word. Prayer.
7. Great Jehovah, Sovereign Lord. Prayer.
8. Hark, the Gospel news is sounding. Invitation.
9. Jesus, my Lord, was crucified. Passiontide.
10. Jesus, Who spilt His precious blood. The Advocate.
11. Led by the God of truth and grace. Seeking Heaven.
12. Light of the Gentile race. Missions.
13. My brethren in the Lord. Altered to— Ye foll'wers of the Lord. Faithfulness.
14. My soul is now united, &c. Altered to— By faith I am united. Union with Christ.
15. Now, Lord, I on Thy truth depend. Altered to— O Lord, I on Thy truth depend. Divine Aid.
16. Now, Lord, Thy blessing we implore. D. Blessing.
17. O, heavenly Zion, rise and shine. Altered to— Arise, O Zion, rise, &c. Missions.
18. See, in the mountain of the Lord. Missions.
19. Tho' in a world of sickness. Altered to— While in this world of sickness. Confidence.
20. To Thee, great Source of light. Confidence.
21. To Thee, O God of power divine. Goodness of God.
22. We now are journeying [going] to the place. Heavenward.
23. We read in Thy most holy word. Holy Baptism.
24. Ye sleeping souls, arise. Exhortation.
In addition to these, all of which are given in the official Collection of the Primitive Methodist Society, there is also:—
25. Welcome, 0 Saviour, to my heart. Prayer— which is well known to the American hymnals.
From a literary point of view these hymns are not worthy of the position which has been accorded to them for so many years. Their simplicity is their redeeming feature.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Bourne, Hugh, p. 165. ii., Nos. 14, "My soul is now united," and 19, "Tho' in a world of sickness," appeared in theSmall Hymn Book, 1821. Another hymn by Bourne and Sanders in the Primitive Methodist Hymnal, 1887, "Behold a sinner at Thy feet" (Penitence), is compiled from hymns 493 and 118 in the P. M. Large Hymn Book, 1824.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Hugh Bourne (3 April 1772 – 11 October 1852) along with William Clowes was the joint founder of Primitive Methodism, the largest offshoot of Wesleyan Methodism and, in the mid nineteenth century, an influential Protestant Christian movement in its own right.

Texts by Hugh Bourne (202)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A Pharisee unwisely stoodH. B. (Author)1
Abel, the shepherd, was sincereH. B. (Author)1
Abr'ham arose at God's commandH. B. (Author)1
Again in Jesus' name we meetHugh Bourne (Author)2
Almighty Father, God of love, Ancient of endless daysHugh Bourne (Author)2
Almighty God, in Persons threeH. B. (Author)1
Almighty God of love divineH. B. (Author)1
Arise, O Zion, rise and shine! Thy Maker gives commandH. B. (Author)2
As pilgrims in this vale of woeH. B. (Author)1
As truly as I liveH. B. (Author)1
Assist us, O almightly LordH. B. (Author)1
At God's command, who made the skiesH. B. (Author)1
At times we find it hard to partH. B. (Author)1
Attend, O Lord, they children's cryH. B. (Author)1
Attend, ye nations all aroundH. B. (Author)1
Be present at our lovefeast, LordH. B. (Author)2
Behold, a countless multitudeHugh Bourne (Author)2
Behold a sinner at thy feetH. B. (Author)1
Behold, how happy is the manH. B. (Author)1
Behold me, Savior, from aboveH. B. (Alterer)1
Behold us dying sinners, LordHugh Bourne (Author)2
Bless us, O Lord, before we partH. B. (Author)1
Blest are the humble souls, Who are in spirit poorHugh Bourne (Author)2
Brethren and sisters we must partHugh Bourne (Author)2
By faith we humbly traceH. B. (Author)1
By faith we view fair Canaan's coastHugh Bourne (Author)2
By living faith we now beholdHugh Bourne (Author)2
By Thine inward consecrationHugh Bourne (Author)English2
Camp meetings with success are crownedHugh Bourne (Author)6
Camp meetings with thy presence crownAnon. (Author)3
Come, ye followers of the Lord, In Jesus' service joinHugh Bourne (Alterer)English2
Come, let us lift our heart and voiceH. B. (Author)2
Come, my brethren, let us tryH. B. (Author)English1
Come, O thou weary pilgrim's FriendH. B. (Author)2
Come, Saviour, and bless usHugh Bourne (Author)2
Come, view the Saviour crucifiedHugh Bourne (Author)2
Come, with your sore diseasesHugh Bourne (Author)3
Come, ye children, young and dearH. B. (Author)1
Come, ye weary sinners, come, Christ the Lord invites you homeH. B. (Author)1
Commissioned by the great I AMHugh Bourne (Author)3
Creation calls aloud for praiseH. B. (Author)1
Days and years are rolling onH. B. (Author)1
Dear brethren and sister, awhile we must partH. B. (Author)1
Direct me in thy way, O LordH. B. (Author)1
Encourag'd by thy gracious wordHugh Bourne (Author)2
Enoch, by faith, with Jesus walk'dH. B. (Author)1
Enoch, the seventh, walk'd with GodHugh Bourne (Author)2
Ere long, the trump of God shall soundH. B. (Author)1
Eternal Father, God of grace, Our sacrifice receiveHugh Bourne (Author)2
Eternal Source of Light, ariseHugh Bourne (Author)1
Eternal triune God, Most HighH. B. (Author)1
Fare ye well, ye pious bandH. B. (Author)1
Farewell, my Christian friends, farewellHugh Bourne (Author)2
Fountain of life, thy fullness shedH. B. (Author)1
Fulfil, O God, thy promised wordHugh Bourne (Author)2
Great everlasting KingHugh Bourne (Author)2
Great God, it is thy fix'd decreeH. B. (Author)1
Great God of truth our hearts inspireH. B. (Author)1
Great is the Lord on Zion's hillH. B. (Author)2
Great Jehovah, sovereign LordH. B. (Author)2
Great King of heaven and earthH. B. (Author)1
Great Savior of the fallen raceH. B. (Author)1
Great Sheperd of thy chosen sheepH. B. (Author)1
Great Source of uncreated lightH. B. (Author)2
Happy are the saints above!H. B. (Author)1
Hark, the gospel news is soundingH. B. (Author)English7
Hark! 'tis the voice of GodH. B. (Author)1
Heaven is a place of endless restHugh Bourne (Author)2
His inward enemies are goneH. B. (Alterer)1
How many weeks and months are fledH. B. (Author)1
How short is life! How sure is death!H. B. (Author)1
How weak, how feeble, Lord, is manH. B. (Author)1
I know in thee all fulness dwellsH. B. (Alterer)2
If faithful, we shall wear the crownH. B. (Author)1
In Dura's plains an image stoodH. B. (Author)1
In Jesus Christ, our living HeadH. B. (Author)1
Israel had known Jehovah's powerH. B. (Author)1
Jehovah is a sun and shieldH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, behold me sore distrest H. B. (Author)1
Jesus, meet thy saints to-dayH. B. (Author)2
Jesus my Lord was crucified H. B. (Author)1
Jesus, my Shepherd, and my FriendH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, my soul is much cast down!H. B. (Author)2
Jesus, thine ear in mercy bowH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, thou bleeding LambHugh Bourne (Author)2
Jesus, thou Corner StoneH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, thou God of truth and loveH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, Thou hast bid us prayHugh Bourne (Alterer)English2
Jesus, thou Source of light and loveH. B. (Author)2
Jesus, thou sovereign Lord, Thy grace is rich and freeH. B. (Author)2
Jesus, thy blessing now affordHugh Bourne (Author)2
Jesus, thyself on me bestowHugh Bourne (Author)2
Jesus, to thee in faith we bowH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, who split his precious bloodH. B. (Author)1
Jesus, wipe away my tearsHugh Bourne (Author)2
Led by God of truth and graceH. B. (Author)English1
Let eastern tribes their offerings bringH. B. (Author)1
Let thousands, Lord, be sent abroadH. B. (Author)3
Light of the Gentile raceHugh Bourne (Author)3
Lord, from th' oppressive power of sinH. B. (Alterer)1
Jesus, friend of sinners hearH. B. (Alterer)English1
Jesus, let Thy pitying eyeH. B. (Alterer)English1
Most holy Lord, we bless thy nameH. B. (Author)1
My brethren in the Lord, Your Christian course pursueH. B. (Author)1
My Savior left the realms aboveH. B. (Author)English1
My soul is now united to Christ, the living vineHugh Bourne (Author)English19
None is like Jeshurun's GodH. B. (Alterer)English1
Now in the power of God I riseH. B. (Alterer)1
Now, Jesus, in our midst appearH. B. (Author)1
Now Jesus makes his gospel knownH. B. (Author)1
Now let our eyes, by faith surveyH. B. (Author)2
Now let us cease from mourningHugh Bourne (Author)1
Now let us raise a joyful songH. B. (Author)1
Now, Lord, I ask thy Spirit's aidH. B. (Author)1
Now, Lord, I on thy truth dependH. B. (Author)1
Now, Lord, the power of sin controlH. B. (Author)1
Now, Lord, thy blessings we imploreH. B. (Author)1
Now, Lord, thy chosen heralds blessHugh Bourne (Author)3
Now, Lord, we fall before thy faceH. B. (Author)1
Now, O my soul, arise and shineH. B. (Author)1
Nun hab ich Heil gefundenHugh Bourne (Author)German1
O heavenly Zion, rise and shineH. B. (Author)1
O how shall I true wisdom findH. B. (Author)1
O let us never cease to prayH. B. (Author)1
O may the Holy and the HighH. B. (Author)1
O may the Lord his grace impartH. B. (Author)1
O righteous Father, Lord of allH. B. (Author)1
O Savior, welcome to my heartHugh Bourne (Author)English12
O thou, who reign'st above the skiesH. B. (Author)1
O ye children of the lightH. B. (Author)1
O ye nations, hear the wordH. B. (Author)1
One thing, O Lord, do I requireH. B. (Author)1
Our parent Noah was uprightH. B. (Author)2
Praise the Lord, ye sons of menH. B. (Author)1
Repentance, gracious Lord, impartH. B. (Author)1
Saul, by the rulers sentH. B. (Author)1
See in the mountain of the LordH. B. (Author)1
See, where the bleeding Saviour standsHugh Bourne (Author)2
Sprinkle our hearts, O Lord, this hourH. B. (Author)1
Supply, O Lord, our children's wantsH. B. (Author)1
That happy day is drawing nearH. B. (Author)1
That happy day will shortly comeH. B. (Author)1
The crown is just before mine eyes!H. B. (Author)2
The harvest fields are whiteningHugh Bourne (Author)1
The last great day is drawing nighHugh Bourne (Author)3
The life we live on earth belowH. B. (Author)1
The Lord, who is by angels seenH. B. (Author)1
The Lord's into his vineyard come, The blossoms yield a sweet perfumeHugh Bourne (Author)English2
The saints of God, in ancient daysH. B. (Author)1
The Saviour's love is sung aboveH. B. (Author)1
The way to glory we'll pursueH. B. (Author)1
There is a heaven above to gainH. B. (Author)1
Thick darkness hath the world o'erspreadH. B. (Author)1
This child we now present to thee, O take him, Savior, in thy handsH. B. (Author)2
This infant, Lord, we now baptizeH. B. (Author)1
Thou call'st us, Lord, to fight for theeH. B. (Author)1
Thou God, who reignest enthroned on highH. B. (Author)2
Good Thou art, and good Thou dostH. B. (Alterer)English1
Thou, Lord, hast bid us always prayH. B. (Author)1
Thou Lord, who dost in glory reignH. B. (Author)1
Though in a world of sicknessHugh Bourne (Author)4
Thy flesh, O Lord, is meat indeedH. B. (Author)1
Thy sons and daughters, Lord beholdH. B. (Author)1
Time is swiftly rolling onH. B. (Author)1
Time swiftly flies, and calls awayH. B. (Author)2
To Christ, the everlasting KingH. B. (Author)1
To God I now my tribute bringH. B. (Author)1
To God our daily thanks we oweH. B. (Author)1
To him who fills th' eternal throneH. B. (Author)1
To thee, great God, in songs of praiseH. B. (Author)1
To thee, great Source of lightHugh Bourne (Author)6
To thee, O God of power divineH. B. (Author)1
To thee, O Lord, we prayH. B. (Author)1
Triumphant Lord, come downH. B. (Author)1
Unto our children, LordH. B. (Author)1
Unto our never-ceasing criesHugh Bourne (Alterer)2
We have a great High Priest Over the house of GodH. B. (Author)1
We now approach the table, LordHugh Bourne (Author)2
We now are journeying to the placeH. B. (Author)1
We read in thy most holy wordH. B. (Author)1
We thy last supper can't forgetH. B. (Author)1
Welcome, O Savior, to my heartHugh Bourne (Author)English27
When God came down on SinaiH. B. (Author)2
When God look'd down from heaven, and sawH. B. (Author)1
When Jesus Christ resign'd his breathH. B. (Author)1
When Moses stretched forth his rodH. B. (Author)1
When Nicodemus came by nightH. B. (Author)1
When shall I quit this vale of woeH. B. (Author)English1
When trials scatter, Lord, the sheepH. B. (Author)1
While passing through this dreary valeH. B. (Author)1
While passing through this vale of woeH. B. (Author)English1
While through the wilderness we goH. B. (Author)1
While waiting at the throne of graceHugh Bourne (Author)2
Who hath despised or contemn'dH. B. (Alterer)1
Why do I wander from my GodH. B. (Author)1
Why do the creatures gain my heartH. B. (Author)1
With humble boldness we draw nighH. B. (Author)1
Without thy aid, Almighty GodH. B. (Author)1
Ye servants of the great I AMH. B. (Author)1
Ye servants of the Lord, rejoiceH. B. (Author)1
Ye sleeping souls, ariseH. B. (Author)1
Ye sons and daughters of the Lord, Arise, and prophesyH. B. (Author)1

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