E. Sexton Daugherty

Short Name: E. Sexton Daugherty
Full Name: Daugherty, Elbert Sexton
Birth Year: 1917
Death Year: 1994
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by E. Sexton Daugherty (15)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
As we daily travel down life's road of no returnE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
As we journey thru this old world of grief and painE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
Don't build your house on sinking sand (Daugherty)E. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
Every day I'm singing, to my Savior clingingE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)English2
Here on earth we are but pilgrims looking for a better landE. S. D. (Author)2
I am just a pilgrim on my journey homeE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
Many the wonderful moments, here we together have knownE. S. D. (Author)2
Often when dreaming, I wandering goE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
Our Savior went to Calvary my debt of sin to payE. S. D. (Author)English2
Over the mystical ocean of timeE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
Ready for the morning train, soon the promised home I'll gainE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)English2
Sinner, the Savior is calling today (Daugherty)E. S. D. (Author)English4
There is a city across the seaE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
We will sail across the riverE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
While out on life's sea so boundless and wideE. Sexton Daugherty (Author)2
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