L. L. Dunn

Short Name: L. L. Dunn
Full Name: Dunn, L. L.
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by L. L. Dunn (17)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Amazing thought, how could it ever beL. L. Dunn (Author)2
Death like a sea dividesL. L. Dunn (Author)3
Has your soul been redeemedL. L. Dunn (Author)2
How sad the thought we all must dieL. L. Dunn (Author)English4
I am resolved nevermoreL. L. Dunn (Author)2
I had gone astrayL. L. Dunn (Author)2
I will ever praise the Savior of my soulL. L. Dunn (Author)3
In the everlasting life insurance companyL. L. Dunn (Author)2
My precious mother's form was laid within the darkL. L. Dunn (Author)2
O the glory that waits at the faithful ones of earthL. L. Dunn (Author)2
O what a privilege is mineL. L. Dunn (Author)3
O how I love to tell the story, God is love, is loveL. L. D. (Author)English2
There is a city, radiant its lightL. L. Dunn (Author)2
When doubts arise within the soulL. L. Dunn (Author)2
When we've crossed o'er death's dark streamL. L. Dunn (Author)2
With thankful hearts we come before theeL. L. Dunn (Author)2
Working for the Lord while time is flyingL. L. Dunn (Author)English2
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