H. M. Eagle

Short Name: H. M. Eagle
Full Name: Eagle, H. M.

20th Century

For a while, Eagle was a singing teacher at Anthony Showalter’s Southern Normal Institute. As of 1914, he was living in Burke’s Garden, Virginia. In 1918, he was a member of the Big Quartet, which performed & promoted songs for Showalter’s music publishing company.


Tunes by H. M. Eagle (52)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[Although this world is fair to see]H. M. Eagle (Composer)253234 32122 12353
[Angels from the realms of glory] (Eagle)H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[As to the home in glory-land you go]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[At evening time I often gaze]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Awake, ye saints, and sing unto the Lord]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[Crossing the river]H. M. Eagle (Composer)311115 77121 71111
[God's angels encampeth]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Great is the story of God and His love]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Hark! I hear the songs of angels]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Hosannas raise in joyous praise]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[I am pressing along in the love-lit way]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[If you knew the blessed Savior as I know Him]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[If you would unlock the door of peace]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[I'm going home to glory-land]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[In God's great Son rejoicing]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[In the dark and stormy day]H. M. Eagle (Composer)256113 21132 17655
[In the footsteps of the King, making all the valleys ring]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[In the gospel way to the realms of day]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[In the west descended]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[In this world I've had my troubles]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Just over the river there lies a fair land]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Learning how to fight]H. M. Eagle (Composer)255345 77671 55176
[Lo, a mighty army marches to the fray!]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[Looking to Thee from day to day]H. M. Eagle (Composer)11
[March onward, army of the Lord]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[My mother's hand was on my head]H. M. Eagle (Composer)356711 76771 23326
[O rejoice and sing, let hosannas ring]H. M. Eagle (Composer)5
[O to be filled with the Spirit]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[O sing today]H. M. Eagle (Composer)253215 43217 65533
[Onward, with a song of jubilation]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[Over the hills of doubt and strife]H. M. Eagle (Composer)256533 22156 53322
[Press along, soldiers strong, keep the standard high]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Shall we all meet at home in the morning] (Eagle)H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[Some one will plead for salvation too late]H. M. Eagle (Composer)4
[Standing again together before Him]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[The world's Redeemer marches on]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[There will be triumphant singing in that sinless summerland]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[There's a call loud and clear]H. M. Eagle (Composer)234567 17121 23334
[There's a city bright and fair] (Eagle)H. M. Eagle (Composer)255111 11123 33333
[There's a home past the stars]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[There's a song triumphant ringing]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[They have reached the sunny shore] (Eagle)H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
[Thou hast gone to yonder city]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[We are walking in the blessed way]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[We shall lose our grief and care]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[When I am through with toil and care]H. M. Eagle (Composer)851133 55353 33211
[When the clouds hang heavy over my way]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[When the Spirit came in to remove all my sin]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[When the way is weary]H. M. Eagle (Composer)254565 35443 42345
[Words of love from above]H. M. Eagle (Composer)632354 55435 43421
[Would you have a song to sing?]H. M. Eagle (Composer)2
[You will have a helper near and no foe will give you fear]H. M. Eagle (Composer)3
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