James L. Elderdice

Short Name: James L. Elderdice
Full Name: Elderdice, James L., 1858-1934
Birth Year: 1858
Death Year: 1934

Early 20th Century

Pseudonym: Hermit.

Elderdice was both a minister and medical doctor. His works include:

Malcha Mechica, 1895



A popular and prolific poet of the period from 1877 to 1881 was James L. Elderdice, whose no de plume was “Hermit.” Like most authors who write so much, considerable of his work was weak. He possessed many poetical ideas, but was not always happy in expressing them.

In the April, 1880, number of the Pastime, he published a poem entitled “A Picture,” which he entered for the laureateship, but it was unsuccessful. The next year he made another attempt to win and was successful, his poem being entitle, “Progressiveness of Development.”

His poems were not highly figurative, but were nearly all reflective in their character.

excerpts from A Cyclopedia of the Literature of Amateur Journalism
By Truman Joseph Spencer

Texts by James L. Elderdice (8)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Beyond the gloom is gloryJames L. Elderdice (Author)English2
Brave men of blue, brave men of grayJames L. Elderdice (Author)English2
In the distant lands souls benighted dwellJames L. Elderdice (Author)2
O flag of our fathers, of men good and braveJames L. Elderdice (Author)English3
O glorious flag, thy stripes and starsJames L. Elderdice (Author)3
Sunshine on the hilltopsJames L. Elderdice (Author)English2
The summer's bright blossomsJames L. Elderdice (Author)2
When in the grave the Savior layJames L. Elderdice (Author)English2
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