
Short Name: Grail
Full Name: Grail (Organization) does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Grail (69)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Lord, now let your servant go in peaceThe Grail (Author)English, Spanish2
Come, ring out our joy to the LordThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English, Spanish2
Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth (Grail 1963)Ladies of the Grail (Translator)English4
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (Grail)The Grail (Author)English1
Give thanks to the Lord who is goodThe Grail (Author (verses))English1
God is for us a refuge and strengthGrail (Author (Antiphon))Latin2
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness (Grail)The Grail (Author)English10
The sacrifice you accept, O GodLadies of the Grail (Translator)1
Have mercy on me, O God, According to your merciful love (Misericordia, Dios)The Grail (Author)English, Spanish1
Have mercy on me, O LordLadies of the Grail (Author)English2
How great is your name, O Lord our GodThe Grail (Author (Verses))English2
How lovely is your dwelling placeThe Grail (Author)English1
How lovely is Your dwelling place (The Grail)The Grail (Author)English3
I lift up my eyes to the mountains (Grail)The Grail (Versifier)English, Spanish1
I love the Lord, for the Lord has heardThe Grail (Author)English, Spanish2
We shall go up with joyThe Grail (Author)English1
I rejoiced when I heard them say: Let us go to the house of the LordThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English4
I said: So I must go awayThe Grail (Author)English2
I thank you, Lord, You were angry with meThe Grail (Author)English2
I will bless the Lord at all times, With praise always on my lips (Grail 1963)The Grail (Translator)English1
I will hear what the Lord has to sayThe Grail (Translator)English, Latin1
I will praise the LORD with all my heartThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English2
I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued meThe Grail (Translator)English1
I will sing to the LORD; glorious his triumph! (Cantaré al Señor, sublime es su vitoria)The Grail (Author (verses))English, Spanish2
If the LORD does not build the houseThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English2
Keep me safe, O God, I take refuge in youThe Grail (Translator (verses))1
Like the deer that yearns for running streamsThe Grail (Author)5
Lord, hear a cause that is justThe Grail (Author)English2
Lord, listen to my prayer, Turn your ear to my appealThe Grail (Author)English1
Lord, you are my shepherdThe Grail (Versifier)English6
My shepherd is the Lord, There is nothing I shall wantThe Grail (Author)English, French2
My soul, give thanks to the LordThe Grail (Author)English, Spanish2
My soul glorifies the LordThe Grail (Author (verses))English, Spanish7
The Lord will bless those who fear himThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English1
O all you works of the LordThe Grail (Author)3
O come, bless the Lord, all you who serve the LordThe Grail (Author)English1
O give thanks to the Lord for he is goodThe Grail (Author)English1
O God, you are my God, for you I longThe Grail (Versifier)English, Spanish4
O Jerusalem, glorify the LORD!The Grail (Author (Antiphon))English2
O LORD, I have heard what is said of youThe Grail (Author)English2
O praise the Lord, all you nationsThe Grail (Author)Latin, Spanish1
O praise the Lord, all you nations, Acclaim him all you peoplesThe Grail (Author)English3
O shepherd of Israel, hear us, Shine forth from your cherubim throneThe Grail (Author)English2
O sing a new song to the LordThe Grail (Author (antiphons and verses))English6
O sing a new song to the Lord, Sing to the Lord all the earth (Grail)Grail (Author)English2
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord (Grail 1963)The Grail (Author (Antiphon II and verses))English8
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, Lord, hear my voice! (Grail 2010)The Grail (Author (Antiphon))English1
Praise God in his holy placeThe Grail (Author)English2
Put no trust in the powerful, mere mortals in whom there is no helpThe Grail (Author)English2
Sing to the Lord, all you on earthThe Grail (Adapter)English2
The just shall rejoice at the presence of GodThe Grail (Translator)English2
The Lord is king, let earth rejoice, Let all the coastlands be gladThe Grail (Translator)English1
The Lord is King, with majesty enthronedThe Grail (Author)English, Spanish6
The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed (Dios reina, vestido de majestad)Grail (Author)English, Spanish2
The Lord is my light and my helpThe Grail (Translator)English2
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want (Grail 1963)The Grail (Translator)English, Spanish1
The Lord is my shepherd, There is nothing I shall want (Grail 2010)The Grail (Author)1
The Lord will bless His people with peaceThe Grail (Translator)English1
The Lord's is the earth and its fullness (Grail 1963)The Grail (Translator)English1
This is my prayer to you, My prayer for your favorThe Grail (Author (verses))1
Those who dwell in the shelter of the Most HighThe Grail (Author)English, Spanish4
Those who sow in tears and sorrowLadies of the Grail (Author)English2
Vengan los hambrientosThe Grail (Author (Psalm 34 verses))English, Spanish2
When I call, answer me, O God of justiceThe Grail (Translator)English1
When Israel came forth from EgyptThe Grail (Author (Antiphon))English2
When the Lord delivered Zion from bondageThe Grail (Translator)English2
"With my chosen one I have made a covenant"The Grail (Versifier)2
You are blest, Lord God of our fathersThe Grail (Author)2
Your majesty is praised above the heavensGrail (Author)English2

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