Tilly Lubis

Short Name: Tilly Lubis
Full Name: Lubis, Tilly
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Tilly Lubis (5)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Gembala baik bersuling nan merdu (My Shepherd LORD, with flute so true of tone)Tilly Lubis (Translator (English))English, Indonesian2
Hallelujah! Sing praise to your CreatorTilly Lubis, 1925-2002 (Author)English3
Jangan takut hai tanah (Have no fear, all you earth-lands)Tilly Lubis (Translator (English))English, Indonesian2
Nyanyikanlah nyanyian baru bagi AllahTilly Lubis (Author (Indonesian))Bahasa, Indonesian9
O Roh Kudus Ilahi (Now come, O Holy Spirit)Tilly Lubis (Translator)Indonesian2
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