Frank Pollock

Short Name: Frank Pollock
Full Name: Pollock, Frank does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Frank Pollock (30)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
All the day long would I look to thee, LordFrank Pollock (Author)3
Better than gold is the love of GodFrank Pollock (Author)English4
Dear Lord, I come to Thee in needRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English2
Father, I have sinned against heavenRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English1
From all of guilt and anxious fearFrank Pollock (Author)English4
Gethsemane! Gethsemane! The Lord once bore my grief in theeRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English3
Holy Spirit, in thy lightRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English3
How good, how beautiful art ThouRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English2
I have thought of the good in their laborRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English3
I love Thy holy law, my LordFrank Pollock (Author)English2
I yield to Thee, my FatherRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English8
I'm living for Jesus! myself and my treasureRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English3
I'm sinking down in the mire of sinFrank Pollock (Author)English4
Jesus loved JerusalemRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English2
Lost! lost! lost! the words of truth declareFrank Pollock (Author)English2
Mourning at the cross of JesusFrank Pollock (Author)English2
My mortal eyes have never seenFrank Pollock (Author)English7
Neglect not thy salvation, O sinner heed the wordFrank Pollock (Author)English4
O the bliss of an hour spent with JesusFrank Pollock (Author)English2
O, the "precious things" of heavenFrank Pollock (Author)English2
Oppressed with sin beyond degreeRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English5
Poor sinner, where art thou today?Rev. Frank Pollock (Author)English6
Precious Jesus, Son of gloryRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English3
Revive Thy work, O God, amid the passing yearsRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English4
Sing the glad and wondrous storyFrank Pollock (Author)2
The joy of our life and the light of our loveFrank Pollock (Author)English1
The precious blood of Christ, The Lamb of God once slainFrank Pollock (Author)English3
The rose that bloomed in beauty diesRev. Frank Pollock (Author)English2
Wake, ye sons and heirs of gloryFrank Pollock (Author)English4
Yield so meekly to thy LordFrank Pollock (Author)English4
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