Samuel Rickards

Short Name: Samuel Rickards
Full Name: Rickards, Samuel, 1796-1865
Birth Year: 1796
Death Year: 1865

Rickards, Samuel, son of Thomas Rickards, was born in 1796, and educated at Oriel College, Oxford, B.A. 1817, M.A. 1820. He was the Newdigate Prizeman in 1815, and took second class Classical Honours in 1817. From 1819 to 1823 he was a Fellow of his College, and contemporary with Keble, Newman, and other men of note. He was Curate of Ulcombe in 1825, and became Rector of Stowlangtoft, Ely, in 1832, and died Aug. 24, 1865. His published works included The Christian Householder, or Book of Family Prayers; A Parish Prayer-Book; Short Sermons, &c. His Hymns for Private Devotion for the Sundays and Saints' Days throughout the Year, were published in 1825 (Lond. Hatchards). Very few of these hymns have come into common use. That for Christmas Day, “Though rude winds usher thee, sweet day," has supplied two centos, one beginning with stanza i. and the second with stanza ii., "Bright is the day when Christ was born." Another hymn, For Holiness, “O God, from Whom alone proceeds," is No. 1175 in Kennedy, 1863.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

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