John Scott

Short Name: John Scott
Full Name: Scott, John does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by John Scott (16)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
All seeing God, 'tis Thine to knowJ. Scott (Author)English3
Father of light! my footsteps guideJohn Scott (Author)1
God reigns, events in order flowJ. Scott (Author)10
Great Author of all nature's frameJohn Scott (Author)11
Happy the meek, whose gentle breastJ. Scott. (Author)English12
How many millions draw their breathScott (Author)8
I hear the voice of woe, a fellow mortal mournsJ. Scott (Author)1
If high or low our station beJ. Scott (Author)2
I'm almost home! My pilgrim feetJohn Scott, D.D. (Author)English3
Imposture shrinks from lightJ. Scott (Author)English1
O, may we still maintainJ. Scott (Author)3
Our Father, throned above the sky!J. Scott (Author)1
Sages of ancient lettered timesJohn Scott (Author)English6
The uplifted eye and bended kneeJ. Scott (Author)English1
O time, how few thy value weighJ. Scott (Author)English1
Wandering in the paths of follyJohn Scott (Author)3
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