M. Louise Smith

Short Name: M. Louise Smith
Full Name: Smith, M. Louise
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by M. Louise Smith (22)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A glad, sweet assuranceM. Louise Smith (Author)2
A joy divine now fills my heartM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
Birdies sing their songs of praiseM. Louise Smith (Author)English3
Brother, give heed to the Master's callM. Louise Smith (Author)English4
How blessed is the throne of graceM. Louise Smith (Author)2
I once was a wanderer, far from GodM. Louise Smith (Author)English4
It is hard to keep the narrow path withinM. Louise Smith (Author)2
My Jesus a rock of salvation will beM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
My sky no more overcastM. L. Smith (Author)English2
O beautiful Star of Bethlehem, Thy beams still light the wayM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
Open the door and let Jesus come inM. Louise Smith (Author)English5
Songs of deep joy fill my heart todayM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
The charms of the world allure me no moreM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
The clouds no longer 'round me rollM. Louise Smith (Author)English3
Though we are but children smallM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
'Twas when I was comfortless, lonely, and sadM. Louise Smith (Author)English4
We are little soldiers, Fighting for the right (Smith)M. Louise Smith (Author)English2
We're a youthful Christian bandM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
What happiness! what joy divineM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
When Jesus came from heaven aboveM. Louise Smith (Author)English2
Wie freundlich ruft mir Gottes SohnM. Louise Smith (Author)German2
Wilt thou not come to the Savior?Mrs. M. L. Smith (Author)English2
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