B. C. Unseld

B. C. Unseld
Short Name: B. C. Unseld
Full Name: Unseld, B. C. (Benjamin Carl), 1843-1923
Birth Year: 1843
Death Year: 1923

Benjamin Carl Unseld, 1843-1923

Born: Oc­to­ber 18, 1843, Shep­herd­stown, West Vir­gin­ia.
Died: No­vem­ber 19, 1923.
Buried: Elm­wood Ceme­te­ry, Shep­herd­stown, West Vir­gin­ia.

After leav­ing school at age 14, Un­seld worked as a clerk in a coun­try store. He re­ceived his first mu­sic­al in­struct­ion around age 15, from a com­pan­ion who had at­tend­ed a sing­ing school. He was shown the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the scale in the old Car­mi­na Sac­ra, and had it sung for him. At the friend’s sug­gest­ion, he got per­mis­sion from his pas­tor to prac­tice on the church or­gan. Since both boys worked, their on­ly chance to prac­tice was af­ter the store closed at 9:00 p.m., and oc­casion­al­ly at noon­time. They went to the church to­ge­ther and took turns, one at the key­board and the other at the bel­lows.

Shortly af­ter the Bat­tle of An­tie­tam in Sep­tem­ber 1862, some of which Un­seld wit­nessed, he left home and be­came a book­keep­er in the gen­er­al of­fic­es of a rail­road in Co­lum­bia, Penn­syl­van­ia. He sang in a choir, and gained fur­ther prac­tice read­ing mu­sic. He rent­ed a mel­o­de­on and spent much time in his room im­pro­vis­ing on it. He bought a co­py of Wood­bur­y’s Har­mo­ny and Mu­sic­al Com­po­si­tion, and stu­died it as well as he could with­out a teach­er. He ac­cept­ed an in­vi­ta­tion to play the or­gan in the lo­cal Meth­od­ist church, on the con­di­tion that he re­ceived the tunes ear­ly in the week so he could learn them. This was his first po­si­tion as an or­ga­nist.

In the spring of 1866, he en­tered the Mu­sic­al In­sti­tute in Pro­vi­dence, Rhode Is­land, con­duct­ed by Eben Tour­jée (found­er of the New Eng­land Con­serv­a­to­ry in Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts, and fa­ther of Liz­zie Tour­jée). There he stu­died voice, pi­a­no, or­gan, and har­mo­ny. Af­ter learn­ing of Un­seld’s bus­i­ness ex­per­i­ence, Dr. Tour­jée made him sec­re­ta­ry of the school; in 1867, Un­seld be­came the first sec­re­ta­ry of the New Eng­land Con­ser­va­to­ry.

Starting in 1870, Un­seld at­tend­ed schools led by The­o­dore F. Sew­ard. There he met George Webb, Low­ell Mason, James Mc­Gran­a­han, Charles Case, and other not­a­bles in the mu­sic com­mun­i­ty. In 1874, Uns­eld taught at Fisk Un­i­ver­si­ty in Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see, and helped train Fisk’s Ju­bi­lee Sing­ers for their Eur­o­pe­an trip. In 1877 and 1878, he was or­gan­ist and choir mas­ter at St. James’ Epis­co­pal Church, Lan­cas­ter, Penn­syl­van­ia.

In 1879, Un­seld moved to New York Ci­ty, and for 15 years taught, led choirs, com­posed and pub­lished. In New York, his mu­sic­al head­quar­ters was the pub­lish­ing house of Big­low & Main Com­pa­ny, where he was in al­most dai­ly con­tact with the pop­u­lar com­pos­ers and teach­ers of the day: Ira San­key, Ho­ra­tio Palm­er, Hu­bert Main, Ro­bert Low­ry, et al. In 1894, Un­seld moved to Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, and worked as an ed­it­or for the Fill­more Mu­sic House. In 1898, he moved to Day­ton, Ohio, and worked in a sim­i­lar ca­pa­ci­ty for the Lo­renz Pub­lishing Com­pa­ny. He moved back to New York Ci­ty in 1901, then to Ha­gers­town, Ma­ry­land in 1905. He and his wife Sal­lie were ap­par­ent­ly liv­ing in Ten­nes­see as of 1920. Un­seld’s works in­clude:
The Chor­al Stan­dard (New York: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1895)
Progress in Song, with E. T. Hil­de­brand (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: The Fill­more Bro­thers Com­pa­ny)

Unseld was in­duct­ed in­to the South­ern Gos­pel Mu­sic As­so­ci­a­tion Hall of Fame in 2004.

Hall, pp. 239-44

He Is Ris­en
Make Haste!
Twilight Is Fall­ing
Wonderful Mess­age


Wikipedia Biography

Benjamin Carl Unseld (October 18, 1843 – November 19, 1923), better known as B. C. Unseld, was a gospel music teacher, composer, and publisher.

Tunes by B. C. Unseld (79)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A storm gathers dark over the foam crested deep]Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)312333 54332 21223
[Again to the blessed Redeemer let happy voices rise]B. C. Unseld (Composer)2
ALRANTEB. C. Unseld (Composer)655345 67155 76543
ANCYRABenjamin C. Unseld (Composer)1733111 17744 67663
[Any little corner, Lord] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)233533 22445 23556
ATWELLB. C. Unseld (Composer)455112 31771 22211
BITTLEB. C. Unseld (Composer)455132 21117 16555
BRANTFORDB. C. Unseld (Composer)532121 76715 13643
[Calling, calling, hear the Master calling]B. C. Unseld (Composer)235651 71235 25657
[Christmas time has come at last, all our cares aside we cast]B. C. Unseld (Composer)432155 65176 2232
[Come, sinner come]B. C. Unseld (Composer)251655 62165 56535
[Cheerily hail the Christmas morn]Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)354576 54332 35422
EUPHEMIABenjamin C. Unseld (Composer)832156 65556 71232
[Father, let me feel Thy presence]B. C. Unseld (Composer)255132 72176 56543
[O Word of God incarnate] (Unseld)Benjamin C. Unseld (Composer)451134 65511 223
GOD GAVE THE INCREASEB. C. Unseld (Composer)233231 56716 56717
[Gracious King enthroned above]Benjamin C. Unseld (Composer)332156 15123 22321
[Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)233355 56545 32161
[Hark, hark again, angelic voices blending]B. C. Unseld (Composer)256711 32171 56664
[Have you heard the call to battle in the cause of right and truth?]B. C. Unseld (Composer)2
[He is ris'n, our Lord is risen]Benjamin Carl Unseld, 1843-1923 (Composer)412334 13271 22123
[Let hearts and hands be joined in one]Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)351115 34565 133
[How blest the man that doth not stray] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)251131 76517 72713
[How our souls will rejoice when we look upon the King]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234545 17656 53223
[How precious is the book divine] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)253517 61517 21655
[I am going on my way]B. C. Unseld (Composer)212333 33132 22227
[I think, when I read that sweet story of old] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)255655 67111 17676
[If we have the love of Jesus]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234533 21567 11332
[If you want an honored name]B. C. U. (Composer)212335 43345 51766
[I'm bound for a land of palaces grand]B. C. Unseld (Composer)213231 35453 13231
[Jesus, if Thy child should stray]B. Carl Unseld (Composer)233123 43345 33222
[Jesus still lead on] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)251123 33234 44423
[Jesus, Thou canst make me]B. C. Unseld (Composer)215671 33127 12271
[Joy! again the earth is waking]B. C. Unseld (Composer)232172 16651 23234
KAGEYB. C. Unseld (Composer)253215 54325 55217
[Let us sing our Father's love]B. C. Unseld (Composer)355171 21755 21232
[Let us work for God]B. C. Unseld (Composer)255176 56654 32342
[Let voices rise in praise again]B. C. Unseld (Composer)253515 36554 52576
[Like a tree beside a river]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234556 76534 53543
[Long, O Master, in Thy vineyard]B. C. Unseld (Composer)1035433 25211 71322
[Love-light brightens all the way]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234531 23167 16556
MARCH OF LIFEB. C. Unseld (Composer)334565 32123 17614
MESCHACHBenjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)333331 36532 22432
[My trouble, Lord, do Thou regard]B. C. Unseld (Composer)235453 21216 55671
[O blessed cross that I must bear]B. C. Unseld (Composer)253215 66517 76715
[O fisherman toiling in shallows]B. C. Unseld (Composer)355451 76511 77771
[O praise the Savior's holy name]B. C. Unseld (Composer)153217 76443 13215
[O the soul-redeeming blood]B. C. Unseld (Composer)355117 65345 56657
[O when we remember the words of our Lord]B. Carl Unseld (Composer)255345 65543 43234
[On Thee my heart is resting] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)355653 12132 25435
[Onward to labor, quickly away]B. C. Unseld (Composer)214565 14453 55113
OXFORD (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)454333 21177 61765
["Peace, peace on earth", the angels sang]B. C. Unseld (Composer)235433 32123 65332
[Praise to the Lord, our Redeemer]B. C. Unseld (Composer)333312 34332 17121
[Raise the standard, Christian army]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234531 23134 55671
[I am Jesus' little lamb] (Unseld)Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)353343 22221 71222
SHEPHERDSTOWNB. C. Unseld (Composer)213335 52365 31231
[Sinking to his golden rest]B. C. Unseld (Composer)217656 65365 11713
[Soldiers in the army of the King of kings] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)2
ST. DENIS (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)451312 16176 55772
SWEET DAY (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)1811112 33335 55333
[Tell it to others as onward you go]Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)251132 12343 54332
[The children's day has come again] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)255123 34333 32672
[The Earth and the fulness with which it is stored] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)2
THE GOLDEN CITYB. C. Unseld (Composer)251167 15334 47655
[The Savior is mine and grace divine]B. C. Unseld (Composer)255345 56455 52345
[There is a name I love to hear, so sweet, so sweet]B. C. Unseld (Composer)253372 11512 52315
[There's a carol in my soul, hallelujah!]B. C. Unseld (Composer)2
[There's a Friend that's ever near us]B. C. Unseld (Composer)234556 54515 34554
['Tis sweet to trust in Jesus]B. C. Unseld (Composer)213334 53322 55313
[Twilight is falling over the sea]Benjamin C. Unseld (Composer)3911235 13327 71244
[Lead me, O my Savior, lead me] (Unseld)B. C. Unseld (Composer)931441 23125 65712
UNSELD (Unseld)Benjamin Carl Unseld (Composer)1351765 45655 54323
VACHÈB. C. Unseld (Composer)355566 65551 1712
VERNAL DAYB. C. Unseld (Composer)255515 32156 11655
[We are coming, precious Savior, in the fervor of our youth]B. C. Unseld (Composer)434556 65534 55671
[We love the Holy Bible]B. C. Unseld (Composer)251171 65544 54351
[What a mighty King is over us]B. C. Unseld (Composer)232156 65132 15765
[When we shall stand in sunlight clear]B. C. Unseld (Composer)255332 13557 64655

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