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Hymnal, Number:fp2023

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Psalm 119 - 1 (ALEPH)

Hymnal: FP2023 #119-1 (2023) First Line: Blessed are they that undefil'd Lyrics: 1 Blessèd are they that undefiled, and straight are in the way; Who in the Lord's most holy law do walk, and do not stray. 2 Blessèd are they who to observe his statutes are inclined; And who do seek the living God with their whole heart and mind. 3 Such in his ways do walk, and they do no iniquity. 4 Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts carefully. 5 O that thy statutes to observe thou would'st my ways direct! 6 Then shall I not be shamed, when I thy precepts all respect. 7 Then with integrity of heart thee will I praise and bless, When I the judgments all have learned of thy pure righteousness. 8 That I will keep thy statutes all firmly resolved have I: O do not then, most gracious God, forsake me utterly. Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8 Languages: English

Psalm 41

Hymnal: FP2023 #41 (2023) First Line: Blessed is he that wisely doth Lyrics: 1 Blessèd is he that wisely doth the poor man's case consider; For when the time of trouble is, the Lord will him deliver. 2 God will him keep, yea, save alive; on earth he blessed shall live; And to his enemies' desire thou wilt him not up give. 3 God will give strength when he on bed of languishing doth mourn; And in his sickness sore, O Lord, thou all his bed wilt turn. 4 I said, O Lord, do thou extend thy mercy unto me; O do thou heal my soul; for why? I have offended thee. 5 Those that to me are enemies, of me do evil say, When shall he die, that so his name may perish quite away? 6 To see me if he comes, he speaks vain words: but then his heart Heaps mischief to it, which he tells, when forth he doth depart. 7 My haters jointly whispering, 'gainst me my hurt devise. 8 Mischief, say they, cleaves fast to him; he li'th, and shall not rise. 9 Yea, ev'n mine own familiar friend, on whom I did rely, Who ate my bread, ev'n he his heel against me lifted high. 10 But, Lord, be merciful to me, and up again me raise, That I may justly them requite according to their ways. 11 By this I know that certainly I favored am by thee; Because my hateful enemy triumphs not over me. 12 But as for me, thou me uphold'st in mine integrity; And me before thy countenance thou sett'st continually. 13 The Lord, the God of Israel, be blessed for ever then, From age to age eternally. Amen, yea, and amen. Scripture: Psalm 41 Languages: English

Psalm 137

Hymnal: FP2023 #137 (2023) First Line: By Babel's streams we sat and wept Lyrics: 1 By Babel's streams we sat and wept, when Zion we thought on. 2 In midst thereof we hanged our harps the willow-trees upon. 3 For there a song requirèd they, who did us captive bring: Our spoilers called for mirth, and said, A song of Zion sing. 4 O how the Lord's song shall we sing within a foreign land? 5 If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget, skill part from my right hand. 6 My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave, if I do thee forget, Jerusalem, and thee above my chief joy do not set. 7 Remember Edom's children, Lord, who in Jerus'lem's day, Ev'n unto its foundätion, Raze, raze it quite, did say. 8 O daughter thou of Babylon, near to destrüction; Blessed shall he be that thee rewards, as thou to us hast done. 9 Yea, happy surely shall he be thy tender little ones Who shall lay hold upon, and them shall dash against the stones. Scripture: Psalm 137 Languages: English

Psalm 119 - 2 (BETH)

Hymnal: FP2023 #119-2 (2023) First Line: By what means shall a young man learn Lyrics: 9 By what means shall a young man learn his way to purify? If he according to thy word thereto attentive be. 10 Unfeignedly thee have I sought with all my soul and heart: O let me not from the right path of thy commands depart. 11 Thy word I in my heart have hid, that I offend not thee. 12 O Lord, thou ever blessèd art, thy statutes teach thou me. 13 The judgments of thy mouth each one my lips declarèd have: 14 More joy thy testimonies' way than riches all me gave. 15 I will thy holy precepts make my meditätion; And carefully I'll have respect unto thy ways each one. 16 Upon thy statutes my delight shall constantly be set: And, by thy grace, I never will thy holy word forget. Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16 Languages: English

Psalm 119 - 20 (RESH)

Hymnal: FP2023 #119-20 (2023) First Line: Consider mine affliction Lyrics: 153 Consider mine afflïction, in safety do me set: Deliver me, O Lord, for I thy law do not forget. 154 After thy word revive thou me: save me, and plead my cause. 155 Salvation is from sinners far; for they seek not thy laws. 156 O Lord, both great and manifold thy tender mercies be: According to thy judgments just, revive and quicken me. 157 My persecutors many are, and foes that do combine; Yet from thy testimonies pure my heart doth not decline. 158 I saw transgressors, and was grieved; for they keep not thy word. 159 See how I love thy law! as thou art kind, me quicken, Lord. 160 From the beginning all thy word hath been most true and sure: Thy righteous judgments ev'ry one for evermore endure. Scripture: Psalm 119:153-160 Languages: English

Psalm 132

Hymnal: FP2023 #132 (2023) First Line: David, and his afflictions all Lyrics: 1 David, and his afflictions all, Lord, do thou think upon; 2 How unto God he sware, and vowed to Jacob's mighty One. 3 I will not come within my house, nor rest in bed at all; 4 Nor shall mine eyes take any sleep, nor eyelids slumber shall; 5 Till for the Lord a place I find, where he may make abode; A place of habitätion for Jacob's mighty God. 6 Lo, at the place of Ephratah of it we understood; And we did find it in the fields, and city of the wood. 7 We'll go into his tabernacles, and at his footstool bow. 8 Arise, O Lord, into thy rest, th' ark of thy strength, and thou. 9 O let thy priests be clothèd, Lord, with truth and righteousness; And let all those that are thy saints shout loud for joyfulness. 10 For thine own servant David's sake, do not deny thy grace; Nor of thine own anointed one turn thou away the face. 11 The Lord in truth to David sware, he will not turn from it, I of thy body's fruit will make upon thy throne to sit. 12 My cov'nant if thy sons will keep, and laws to them made known, Their children then shall also sit for ever on thy throne. 13 For God of Zion hath made choice; there he desires to dwell. 14 This is my rest, here still I'll stay; for I do like it well. 15 Her food I'll greatly bless; her poor with bread will satisfy. 16 Her priests I'll clothe with health; her saints shall shout forth joyfully. 17 And there will I make David's horn to bud forth pleasantly: For him that mine anointed is a lamp ordained have I. 18 As with a garment I will clothe with shame his en'mies all: But yet the crown that he doth wear upon him flourish shall. Scripture: Psalm 132 Languages: English

Psalm 58

Hymnal: FP2023 #58 (2023) First Line: Do ye, O congregation Lyrics: 1 Do ye, O congregätion, indeed speak righteousness? O ye that are the sons of men, judge ye with uprightness? 2 Yea, ev'n within your very hearts ye wickedness have done; And ye the vi'lence of your hands do weigh the earth upon. 3 The wicked men estrangèd are, ev'n from the very womb; They, speaking lies, do stray as soon as to the world they come. 4 Unto a serpent's poison like their poison doth appear; Yea, they are like the adder deaf, that closely stops her ear; 5 That so she may not hear the voice of one that charm her would, No, not though he most cunning were, and charm most wisely could. 6 Their teeth, O God, within their mouth break thou in pieces small; The great teeth break thou out, O Lord, of these young lions all. 7 Let them like waters melt away, which downward still do flow: In pieces cut his arrows all, when he shall bend his bow. 8 Like to a snail that melts away, let each of them be gone; Like woman's birth untimely, that they never see the sun. 9 He shall them take away before your pots the thorns can find, Both living, and in fury great, as with a stormy wind. 10 The righteous, when he vengeance sees, he shall be joyful then; The righteous one shall wash his feet in blood of wicked men. 11 So men shall say, The righteous man reward shall never miss: And verily upon the earth a God to judge there is. Scripture: Psalm 58 Languages: English

Psalm 127

Hymnal: FP2023 #127 (2023) First Line: Except the Lord do build the house Lyrics: 1 Except the Lord do build the house, the builders lose their pain: Except the Lord the city keep, the watchmen watch in vain. 2 'Tis vain for you to rise betimes, or late from rest to keep, To feed on sorrows' bread; so gives he his belovèd sleep. 3 Lo, children are God's heritage, the womb's fruit his reward. 4 The sons of youth as arrows are, for strong men's hands prepared. 5 O happy is the man that hath his quiver filled with those; They unashamèd in the gate shall speak unto their foes. Scripture: Psalm 127 Languages: English

Psalm 37

Hymnal: FP2023 #37 (2023) First Line: For evil-doers fret thou not Lyrics: 1 For evil-doers fret thou not Thyself unquietly; Nor do thou envy bear to those That work iniquity. 2 For, even like unto the grass, Soon be cut down shall they; And, like the green and tender herb, They wither shall away. 3 Set thou thy trust upon the Lord, And be thou doing good; And so thou in the land shalt dwell, And verily have food. 4 Delight thyself in God; he'll give Thine heart's desire to thee. 5 Thy way to God commit, him trust, It bring to pass shall he. 6 And, like unto the light, he shall Thy righteousness display; And he thy judgment shall bring forth, Like noon-tide of the day. 7 Rest in the Lord, and patiently Wait for him: do not fret For him who, prospering in his way, Success in sin doth get. 8 Let anger cease within thy heart, And wrath forsake thou too: Fret not thyself in any wise, That evil thou should'st do. 9 For those that evil-doers are Shall be cut off and fall: But those that wait upon the Lord The earth inherit shall. l0 For yet a little while, and then The wicked shall not be; His place thou shalt consider well, But it thou shalt not see. 11 But by inheritance the earth The meek ones shall possess: They also shall delight themselves In an abundant peace. 12 The wicked gnashes with his teeth, And plots the just to slay; 13 The Lord shall laugh at him, because At hand he sees his day. 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, And bent their bow, to slay The poor and needy, and to kill Men of an upright way. 15 But their own sword, which they have drawn, Shall enter their own heart; Their bows which they have bent shall break, And into pieces part. 16 A little that a just man hath Is more and better far Than is the wealth of many such As vile and wicked are. 17 For sinners' arms shall broken be; The Lord the just sustains. 18 The Lord doth know the just man's ways; Their heritage remains. 19 They shall not be ashamed when they The evil time do see; And when the days of famine are They satisfied shall be. 20 But wicked men, Jehovah's foes, As fat of lambs, decay; They shall consume, yea, into smoke They shall consume away. 21 The wicked borrows, but the same Again he doth not pay; Whereas the righteous mercy shows, And gives his own away. 22 For such as blessèd be of him The earth inherit shall; And they that cursèd are of him Shall be destroyèd all. 23 A good man's footsteps by the Lord Are orderèd aright; And in the way wherein he walks He greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fall, yet shall he not Be cast down utterly; Because the Lord with his own hand Upholds him mightily. 25 I have been young, and now am old, Yet have I never seen The just man left, nor that his seed For bread have beggars been. 26 He's ever merciful, and lends: His seed is blest therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good, And dwell for evermore. 28 For God loves judgment, and his saints Leaves not in any case; They are kept ever: but cut off Shall be the sinner's race. 29 The just inherit shall the land, And ever in it dwell; 30 The just man's mouth doth wisdom speak; His tongue doth judgment tell. 31 His God's law is within his heart; His steps slide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watch the just, And seeketh him to slay. 33 Yet him the Lord will not forsake, Nor leave him in his hands: The righteous will he not condemn, When he in judgment stands. 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, And thee exalt shall he Earth to inherit; when cut off The wicked thou shalt see. 35 I saw the wicked great in power Spread like a green bay-tree: 36 He passed, yea, was not: him I sought, But found he could not be. 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold The man of uprightness; Because that surely of this man The latter end is peace. 38 But those men that transgressors are Shall be destroyed together; The latter end of wicked men Shall be cut off for ever. 39 But the salvation of the just Is from the Lord above; He in the time of their distress Their stay and strength doth prove. 40 The Lord shall help and rescue them; He shall them free and save From wicked men; because in him Their confidence they have. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English

Psalm 4

Hymnal: FP2023 #4 (2023) First Line: Give ear unto me when I call Lyrics: 1 Give ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness; Have mercy, hear my prayer; thou hast enlarged me in distress. 2 O ye the sons of men! how long will ye love vanities? How long my glory turn to shame, and will ye follow lies? 3 But know, that for himself the Lord the godly man doth choose: The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will not refuse. 4 Fear, and sin not; talk with your heart on bed, and silent be. 5 Off'rings present of righteousness, and in the Lord trust ye. 6 O who will show us any good? is that which many say: But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. 7 Upon my heart, bestowed by thee, more gladness I have found Than they, ev'n then, when corn and wine did most with them abound. 8 I will both lay me down in peace, and quiet sleep will take; Because thou only me to dwell in safety, Lord, dost make. Scripture: Psalm 4 Languages: English


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