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Hymnal, Number:nchs1793

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Not ashamed of Christ

Author: Joseph Grigg Hymnal: NCHS1793 #I (1793) First Line: Jesus! and shall it ever be? Lyrics: 1 Jesus! and shall it ever be? A mortal man asham'd of thee! Asham'd of thee whom angels praise Whose glory shines through endless days. 2 Asham'd of Jesus! sooner far, Let evening blush to own a star: He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Asham'd of Jesus! just as soon Let midnight be asham'd of noon; 'Tis midnight with my soul, till he, Bright morning star, bid darkness flee. 4 Asham'd of Jesus— that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend? No— when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 5 Asham'd of Jesus! Yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away; No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell no soul to save. 6 Till then, (nor is my boasting vain) Till then I'll boast my Saviour slain; And, O, may this my glory be, That Christ is not asham'd of me. 7 His institutions I will prize, Take up the cross, the shame despise; Dare to defend his noble cause, And yeild obedience to his laws. Languages: English

A Parting Blessing

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #XXI (1793) First Line: Jesus, grant us all a blessing Lyrics: 1 Jesus, grant us all a blessing, Send it down, Lord, from above; May we all return home a praying, And rejoicing in thy love. Farewel, Brethren, farewel Sisters, Till we all shall meet again. 2 Jesus, pardon all our follies, Since together we have been; Make us humble, make us holy, Cleanse us all from ev'ry sin. Farewel, Brethren, farewel Sisters, Till we all shall meet above. 3 May thy blessing, Lord, go with us To each one's respective home; And the presence of our Jesus Rest upon us ev'ry one. Farewel, Brethren, farewel Sisters, Till we all shall meet at home. Languages: English

The Marriage Hymn

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #XXVIII (1793) First Line: Let Christ, the glorious lover Lyrics: 1 Let Christ, the glorious Lover, Have everlasting praise! He comes for to discover, The riches of his grace: He courts a wretched sinner, To be his loving bride; Resolving for to win her, And will not be deny'd. 2 When first he calls upon her, Herself for to deny, To cast away her honour, And lay her peasures by; To part with ev'ry notion, That puffs her up with pride, To take him for her portion, And be his loving bride. 3 The offers he makes to her, Is what she can't endure; She thinks it will undo her, To part with all her store; She wilfully refuses, To yield unto his will, And in her heart she chooses, Her former lover still. 4 She bolts the door upon him, And bids her Lord depart, No more will serve his honour, Nor give to him her heart; But Jesus loves the sinner, And will not leave the door, But cries, O, charming creature! Reject my suit no more. 5 My love, my dove, my jewel, Arise and let me in; How can you be so cruel, To bar your heart with sin; If calls and invitations Will not excite your love, Prepare for condemnation, For I will not remove. 6 He then displays his power, By an almighty word, And threatens to devour, And shows his flaming sword: She now begins to tremble At what she sees and hears, And feign she would be humble, And wash her crimes with tears. 7 She does not yet discover The filth of her inside, But hopes the Lord will love her, And take her for his bride: But like refiners fire, That searches ev'ry part; Convictions rising higher, She feels a wretched heart. 8 She now begins to languish, There's none can her relieve; Her heart is full of anguish, To find she can't believe: Her Saviour has departed, And left her full of woe, And being broken hearted, She cries, What shall I do? 9 But Jesus has compassion Still moving in his breast, Intends to give salvation, And ease the soul distrest: One gleam or love and power, Makes her forget her pain; She cries, O happy hour! Is Jesus come again! 10 If he whom I rejected, Stoops down to me so low, Good news, but unexpected— It hardly can be true! But still she cries more fervent, Lord, don't thy mercy hide; May I become a servant, And fit to be a bride. 11 The marriage is made ready, The parties are agreed; The holy son of David, And Adam's wicked seed; The sinner is adorned With raiment clean and white, Her sins are freely pardon'd, She is her Lord's delight. 12 They eat and drink together, And mutually embrace; Both Saints and Angels wonder At this surprising grace: This union shall continue, For evermore the same, And nothing part asunder, The CHRISTIAN and the LAMB. Languages: English

A Morning Song

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #XXVI (1793) First Line: Lord, in the morning I will send Lyrics: 1 Lord, in the morning I will send My cries to reach thine ear; Thou art my father and my friend, My help forever near. 2 O lead me, keep me all this day, Near thee in perfect peace; Help me to watch, to watch and pray, To pray, and never cease. 3 I know my roving feet will err, Unless thou be my guide; Warn me of ev'ry foe and snare, And keep me near thy side. 4 Then shall I pass all dangers safe, And tread the tempter down; My trust, my hope, joy, and relief, Shall be in thee alone. 5 Then let my moments smoothly run, And sing my hours away, 'Till evening shades and setting suns Conclude in endless day. Languages: English

The Widow's Hymn

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #XIII (1793) First Line: My head and stay is took away Lyrics: 1 My head and stay is took away, And I am left alone: My husband dear, which was so near, Is took away and gone. 2 It breaks my heart—Tis heard to part With one who was so kind; Where shall I go to tell my woe, Or ease my tortur'ed mind. 3 In wisdom's ways we spent our days, Much comfort we did find: But he is gone, his glass is run, And I am left behind. 4 Nought can i find to ease my mind, In things which are below; For earthly toys but vex my joys, And aggravate my woe. 5 But I'll repair to Jesus, where I'll ease my troubled breast; To Christ above, who is my love, And mine eternal rest. 6 And, Oh, that he would send for me, And call my spirit home To worlds of rest, among the bless'd, Where troubles never come. Languages: English

A Song of Praise to JESUS

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #III (1793) First Line: Now in a song of grateful praise Lyrics: 1 Now in a song of grateful praise, To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise: With all the saints I'll join to tell My Jesus has done all things well. 2 All worlds his glorious power confess; His wisdom all his works express; But O his love! what tongue can tell? My Jesus has done all things well. 3 His sov'reign mercy, full and free; His heav'nly love to sinful me, Has pluck'd me from the jaws of hell: My Jesus has done all things well. 4 I spurn'd his grace— I broke his laws, And then he undertook my cause; To save me, though I did rebel: My Jesus has done all things well. 5 And since my soul has known his love, What mercy has he made me prove! Mercies which doth all praise excel— My Jesus has done all things well. 6 If e'er my Saviour or my God, Have on me laid their chast'ning rod, I knew, whatever me befel, My Jesus whould do all things well. 7 Though many a fiery flaming dart Be aim'd to wound me to the heart; With this I all their rage repel, My Jesus has done all things well. 8 Oft times my Lord his face doth hide, To make me pray, or kill my pride; Yet on my mind it still doth dwell, My Jesus has done all things well. 9 Soon I shall pass this vale of Death, And in his arms resign my breath; Then, then my happy soul shall tell, My Jesus has done all things well. 10 And when to that bright world I rise, And join sweet Seraphs in the skies, Above the rest this note shall swell, My Jesus has done all things well. Languages: English

An exhortation to praise

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #IX (1793) First Line: O come, my brethren, let us view Lyrics: 1 O come, my brethren, let us view Our Jesus' glories, always new; Behold the glorious gospel's grace Is beaming in our Saviour's face. 2 Behold the Angels round the throne! O see them all in glory crown'd! Methings I hear the Angels' sing All glory to our God and King. 3 O come, my brethren, join their song, Great glory to our God belong; And glory, glory, we will sing, Because his glory is the theme. 4 O sinners! leave your carnal mirth, Come and rejoice at Jesus' birth; See him sit godlike on the throne, And he'll receive you for his own. 5 Come, let us all, with one accord, Now join to praise our glorious Lord; Immortal praise to God belongs, And let our feasts be crown'd with songs. Languages: English

The Slow Traveller

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #V (1793) First Line: O happy souls, how fast you go Lyrics: 1 O happy souls, how fast you go, And leave me here behind? Don't stop for me, for now I see The Lord is just and kind. 2 Go on, go on, my soul says go, And I'll come after you; Though I'm behind, yet I can find, I'll sing hosanna too. 3 Lord give you strength that you may run, And keep your footsteps right; Though fast you go, and I so slow, You are not out of sight. 4 When you get to the world above, And all the glory see; When you get home, your journey's done, Then look you out for me— 5 For I will come, fast as I can, Along that way I steer; Lord, give me strength—I shall at length Be one among you there. 6 There all together we shall be; Together we shall sing, Together we shall praise our God And everlasting King. Languages: English

The Union

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #VI (1793) First Line: O whence doth this union arise Lyrics: 1 O whence doth this union arise, That hatred is conquer'd by love! That fastens our souls in such ties, That nature and time can't remove. 2 This cannot in Eden be found, Nor yet in Paradise lost; It grows on Immanuel's ground, And Jesus' dear blood it hath cost. 3 My friends are indeed dear to me, Our hearts are united in love; Where Jesus is gone we shall be, In yonder blest mansions above. 4 O why then so loth thus to part, Since there we shall all meet again, Ingrav'd on Immanuel's heart, A distance we cannot remain. 5 And when we shall see that bright day, And unite with the choir above, We'll quit these vile bodies of clay, And join with Christ Jesus in love. 6 With Jesus we ever will reign, And all his bright glory we'll see; And sing, Allelujah, Amen, Amen, ever so let it be. Languages: English

Pilgrims Parting Hymn

Hymnal: NCHS1793 #VII (1793) First Line: Pilgrims, with pleasure let us part Lyrics: 1 Pilgrims, with pleasure let us part; Since we are all bound up in heart, No length of days, no distant place, Can ever break these bands of grace. 2 Parting with joy, we'll join to sing The wonders of our bleeding King; Our distant bodies may remove, But nothing shall divide our love. 3 In vain may earth and hell combine To quench that love which is divine; It will not cease with dying breath, Nor cool, when we are cold in death. 4 And now, in love with Jesus' name; Let bodies part and spread his fame, That other souls may learn their woe, And share with us in glory too. 5 A few more rolling days or years, Shall bring a periodd to our tears; Soon we shall reach the blissful shore, Where parting hours are known no more 6 There shall our souls adore the hand That led us through this desert land; Lose all our grief, forget our pains, And join in everlasting strains. Languages: English


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