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Tune Identifier:"^the_moon_shines_bright_and_stars_english$"

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Behold the Wretch Whose Lust and Wine

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #456 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Behold the wretch whose lust and wine Had wasted his estate, He begs a share among the swine, To taste the husks they eat! 2. I die with hunger here, he cries, “I starve in foreign lands; My father’s house has large supplies, And bounteous are his hands. 3. I’ll go, and with a mournful tongue Fall down before his face— Father, I’ve done thy justice wrong, Nor can deserve thy grace. 4. He said, and hastened to his home, To seek his father’s love; The father saw the rebel come, And all his bowels move. 5. He ran, and fell upon his neck, Embraced and kissed his son; The rebel’s heart with sorrow brake For follies he had done. 6. Take off his clothes of shame and sin, The father gives command, “Dress him in garments white and clean, With rings adorn his hand. 7. A day of feasting I ordain, Let mirth and joy abound; My son was dead, and lives again, Was lost, and now is found. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS' SONG

A Child For Us Is Born This Day

Author: Unknown Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8388 Meter: Lyrics: 1 A child for us is born this day, The angels’ king is He; The Lord who over all has sway, Nursed here vouchsafes to be. 2 In manger where the asses fed The Child divine is laid; Whom they as Christ acknowledgèd, As King and Lord obeyed. 3 With joy the angels fillèd were, And with the Lord do sing; Glory to God above the sphere In tuneful notes does ring. 4 Then Herod, who with fear was seized, His envy great displays; With slaughtered babes must be appeased, Whose gore his fear allays. 5 Thou who wast born as on this day Of virgin Mary pure, Lead and conduct us in the way To joys which e’er endure. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS' SONG

My Life Declines, My Strength Is Gone

Author: Susannah Harrison Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8689 Meter: Lyrics: 1 My life declines, my strength is gone, Disease and pains prevail; Death threatens to arrest me soon, My heart and flesh doth fail. 2 Soon must I leave this body here, Soon must my soul away; O awful thought—my soul, prepare For that tremendous day! 3 Soon must I pass the solemn test, How soon, my judge can tell! When He with smiles shall call me blest, Or frown me down to hell. 4 O how shall I prepare my heart Eternal life to gain? Jesus, Thy grace, Thy strength impart, Or all I do is vain. 5 I cannot for one sin atone— I swell with pride no more: All the best duties I have done I’ve reason to deplore. 6 Jesus, on Thee alone I lean, Do Thou my soul prepare; O cleanse my heart from every sin, And fix Thy dwelling there. 7 Renewed and justified by grace, Complete I then shall stand, Before th’almighty Father’s face, When He my life demand. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS' SONG

Thou God Of Love, Thou Ever Blessed

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12487 Meter: First Line: Thou God of love, Thou ever blest Lyrics: 1 Thou God of love, Thou ever blest Pity my suffering state; When wilt Thou set my soul at rest From lips that love deceit? 2 Hard lot of mine! My days are cast Among the sons of strife, Whose never ceasing brawlings waste My golden hours of life. 3 O might I fly to change my place How would I choose to dwell In some wide lonesome wilderness, And leave these gates of hell! 4 Peace is the blessing that I seek, How lovely are its charms! I am for peace; but when I speak, They all declare for arms. 5 New passions still their souls engage, And keep their malice strong: What shall be done to curb thy rage, O thou devouring tongue! 6 Should burning arrows smite thee thro’, Strict justice would approve; But I had rather spare my foe, And melt his heart with love. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS' SONG

Death and Resurrection

Author: Priscilla J. Thompson Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14134 Meter: First Line: The priests, the elders, and the scribes Lyrics: 1 The priests, the elders, and the scribes, From council had adjourned; And Pilate’s proffered sacrifice, The mob had promptly spurned. 2 And up Golgotha’s rising slope, A boisterous, cruel, band, With taunts, and jeers, and foul rebuke, Leads forth the Son of Man. 3 Oh, what a scene for human eyes! Our Savior, bowed in grief; And tortured by the very ones To whom He brings relief. 4 Close at His side, a swarthy man Beneath His cross doth bow; Oh Simon! Ne’er did mortal bend To nobler task than thou. 5 And, on the brow of Calvary, With scoffing, and with scorn, They nailed our Savior to the cross, With diadem of thorn. 6 ’Tis done, and Joseph now has laid His body in the tomb; And none except the guards keep watch, Amid the somber gloom. 7 But what can bar our holy Lord, Or cross His wondrous plan? The stronghold ’bout His lonely tomb. Shows unbelief of man. 8 When, to the tomb, the women came, In grief, at break of day, An angel, ’mid an earthquake vast, Had rolled the stone away. 9 No power within this great domain, Can stay our mighty king; Oh grave, where is thy victory, Oh death, where is thy sting! 10 Despite the grave, despite the bar, In triumph He hath flown. And sitteth now at God’s right hand, Joint-ruler of His own. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS' SONG

How Strong Thine Arm Is, Mighty God!

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16328 Meter: First Line: How strong Thine arm is, migh­ty God! Lyrics: 1 How strong Thine arm is, migh­ty God! Who would not fear Thy name? Jesus, how sweet Thy grac­es are! Who would not love the Lamb? 2 He has done more than Mos­es did, Our pro­phet and our king; From bonds of hell He freed our souls, And taught our lips to sing. 3 In the Red Sea by Mo­ses’ hand Th’Egyptian host was drowned; But Christ’s own blood hides all our sins, And guilt no more is found. 4 When thro’ the de­sert Is­ra­el went, With man­na they were fed; Our Lord in­vites us to His flesh, And calls it liv­ing bread. 5 Moses be­held the pro­mised land, Yet ne­ver reached the place! But Je­sus brings His fol­low­ers home To see His Fa­ther’s face. 6 Then shall our love and joy be full, And feel a warm­er flame, And sweet­er voic­es tune the song Of Mo­ses and the Lamb. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WAITS SONG


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