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Lord, while for all mankind we pray

Author: Wreford Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #791 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Lord, while for all mankind we pray, Of every clime and coast, Oh, hear us for our native land-- The land we love the most. 2 Oh, guard our shores from every foe; With peace our borders bless- Our cities with prosperity, Our fields with plenteousness. 3 Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and thee; And let our hills and valleys chant The songs of liberty. 4 Lord of the nations, thus to thee Our country we commend; Be thou her refuge and her trust-- Her everlasting friend. Scripture: Psalm 147:14
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Children of a free-born race

Author: Anon. Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #794 (1873) Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Children of a free-born race, Happy in your dwelling-place, As your blessings ye retrace, Think from whence they flow: Think of that Creative Hand, Author of the sea and land, By whose power the nations stand In their weal or woe. 2 Here are freedom, health, and peace; Here oppression's surges cease; Streams of knowledge here increase, Deepening far and wide: Science here her tribute pours, Industry collects her stores, Wealth flows in from foreign shores Like a swelling tide. 3 Here, religion undefiled, With an influence pure and mild, Reaches to the humblest child, E'en from door to door: Let us then our offerings bring, Thanks unto the heavenly King; From the heart his praises sing Now and evermore.
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God of our fathers, let thy face

Author: Samuel Wolcott Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #789 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 God of our fathers, let thy face Toward the Republic ever be! Encompass it with strength and grace, And law combine with liberty. 2 Unto our President impart Sustaining trust, discerning sight, The homage of the loyal heart, The steadfast courage for the right. 3 Within our Congress let the fire Of patriotic love abide; Its counsels lead, its acts inspire, And in the nation's halls preside. 4 Upon our Judges let the seal Of thy divine anointing be-- The wisdom calm, the righteous zeal, The robes of truth and equity. 5 God of our fathers, let thy face Toward the Republic ever be! Encompass it with strength and grace, And law combine with liberty.
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Nature hath seasons of repose

Author: Anon. Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #804 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Nature hath seasons of repose; Her slumbering clouds and quiet sky; And many a bright-faced stream that flows Onward for ever noiselessly. 2 The stormy winds are hushed to rest, And hang self-poised upon their wings; And, nursed on mother nature's breast, Sweet flowers lie like sleeping things. 3 The ocean, that in mountains ran, Spreads boundlessly without a wave; And is it only said of man, His peace is in the gloomy grave? 4 Oh, for the coming of the end, The last long Sabbath-day of time, When peace from heaven shall descend Like heaven's own light, on every clime. 5 When men in ships far off at sea Shall hear the happy nations raise The song of peace and liberty, The chant of overflowing praise. 6 Mankind shall be one brotherhood; One human soul shall fill the earth; And God shall say, The world is good, As in the day I gave it birth.
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Hush the loud cannon's roar

Author: Johnson Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #802 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Hush the loud cannon's road, The frantic warrior's call! Why should the earth be drenched with gore? Are we not brothers all? 2 Want, from the wretch depart! Chains, from the captive fall! Sweet mercy, melt th' oppressor's heart-- Suff'rers are brothers all. 3 Churches and sects, strike down Each mean partition wall! Let love each harsher feeling drown-- Christians are brothers all. 4 Let love and truth alone Hold human hearts in thrall, That heaven its work at length may own, And men be brothers all.
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O God of love! O King of peace!

Author: Campbell Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #763 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation At Peace Lyrics: 1 O God of love! O King of peace! Make wars throughout the world to cease; The wrath of sinful man restrain: Give peace, O God! give peace again. 2 Remember, Lord, thy works of old, The wonders that our fathers told; Remember not our sins' dark stain: Give peace, O God! give peace again. 3 Whom shall we trust but thee, O Lord? Where rest but on thy faithful word? None ever called on thee in vain: Give peace, O God! give peace again. 4 Where saints and angels dwell above, All hearts are knit in holy love; Oh, bind us in that heavenly chain: Give peace, O God! give peace again.
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O God, thy righteousness we own

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #768 (1873) Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 O God, thy righteousness we own; Judgment is at thy house begun; With humble awe thy rod we hear, And guilty in thy sight appear; We can not in thy judgment stand, But sink beneath thy mighty hand. 2 Our mouth as in the dust we lay, And still for mercy, mercy pray; Unworthy to behold thy face, Unfaithful stewards of thy grace, Our sin and wickedness we own, And deeply for acceptance groan. 3 We have not, Lord, thy gifts improved, But basely from thy statutes roved; Yet do not drive us from thy face, A stiff-necked and hard-hearted race: The melting power of love impart; Soften the marble of our heart.
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Why, O God! thy people spurn?

Author: Hatfield Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #771 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 Why, O God! thy people spurn? Why permit thy wrath to burn? God of mercy! turn once more; All our broken hearts restore. 2 Thou has made our land to quake, Heal the sorrows thou didst make; Bitter is the cup we drink, Suffer not our souls to sink. 3 Be thy banner now unfurled, Show thy truth to all the world; Save us, Lord, we cry to thee, Lift thine arm--thy chosen free. 4 Give us now relief from pain-- Humain aid is all in vain: We, through God, shall yet prevail, He will help when foes assail. 5 Sing we to our God above Praise eternal as his love; Praise him, all ye heavenly host-- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost--
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Is this a fast for me?

Author: Drummond Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #773 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 Is this a fast for me? Thus saith the Lord our God: A day for man to vex his soul And feel affliction's rod? 2 No; is not this alone The sacred fast I choose-- Oppression's yoke to burst in twain, The bands of guilt unloose? 3 To nakedness and want Your food and raiment deal, To dwell your kindred race among, And all their sufferings heal? 4 Then like the morning ray, Shall spring your health and light; Before you, righteousness shall shine, Behind, my glory bright!
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On thee, O Lord our God, we call

Author: Anon. Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #774 (1873) Meter: Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 On thee, O Lord our God, we call, Before thy throne devoutly fall; Oh, whither should the helpless fly? To whom but thee direct their cry? 2 Lord, we repent, we weep, we mourn, To our forsaken God we turn; Oh, spare our guilty country, spare The church thine hand hath planted here! 3 We plead thy grace, indulgent God! We plead thy Son's atoning blood; We plead thy gracious promises; And are they unavailing pleas? 4 These pleas, presented at thy throne, Have brought ten thousand blessings down On guilty lands in helpless woe: Let them prevail to save us, too. Scripture: Isaiah 26:9


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