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How long beneath the law I lay

Author: Cowper Hymnal: Village hymns for social worship, selected and original #172 (1840) Meter: Topics: Law and Gospel
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The Lord declares his Will

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CXX (1766) Topics: Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 The Lord declares his Will, And keeps the World in Awe; Amidst the Smoke on Sinai's Hill Breaks out his fiery Law. 2 The Lord reveals his Face, And smiling from above, Sends down the Gospel of his Grace, Th' Epistles of his Love. 3 These sacred Words impart Our Maker's just Commands; The Pity of his melting Heart, And Vengeance of his Hands. [4 Hence we awake our Fear, We draw our Comfort hence; The Arms of Grace are treasur'd here, And Armoyr of Defence. 5 We learn Christ crucify'd, And here behold his Blood; All Arts and Knowledges beside Will do us little Good.] 6 We read the heav'nly Word, We take the offer'd Grace, Obey the Statutes of the Lord, And trust his Promises. 7 In vain shall Satan rage Against a Book divine, Where Wrath and Lightning guard the Page, Where Beams of mercy shine. Languages: English
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How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #286 (1941) Meter: Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 How shall the young secure their hearts, And guard their lives from sin? Thy Word the choicest rules imparts To keep the conscience clean. 2 'Tis like the sun, a heav'nly light That guides us all the day, And thro' the dangers of the night A lamp to lead our way. 3 The starry heav'ns Thy rule obey, The earth maintains her place; And these Thy servants, night and day Thy skill and pow'r express. 4 But still Thy Law and Gospel, Lord, Have lessons more divine; Not earth stands firmer than Thy Word, Nor stars so nobly shine. 5 Thy Word is everlasting truth; How pure is every page! That holy Book shall guide our youth And well support our age. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 119:6 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. PETER

How Shall I Come Before the Lord

Author: Dean McIntyre Hymnal: Worship and Song #3124 (2011) Meter: Topics: Law and Gospel; Law and Gospel Scripture: Micah 6:6-8 Languages: English Tune Title: O WALY WALY
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Go preach my Gospel, saith the Lord

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.CXXVIII (1766) Topics: Law and Gospel sinned against Lyrics: 1 "Go preach my Gospel, saith the Lord; "Bid the whole Earth my Grace receive: "He shall be sav'd that trusts my Word, "He shall be damn'd that won't believe. [2 "I'll make your great Commission known, "And ye shall prove my Gospel true, "By all the Works that I have done, "By all the Wonders ye shall do. 3 "Go heal the Sick, go raise the Dead, "Go cast out Devils in my Name; "Nor let my Prophets be afraid, "Tho' Greeks reproach, and Jews blaspheme.] 4 "Teach all the Nations my Commands; "I'm with you till the World shall end; "All Pow'r is trusted in my Hands, "I can destroy, and can defend." 5 He spake, and Light shone round his Head; On a bright Cloud of Heav'n he rode; They to the farthest Nations spread The Grace of their ascended GOD. Scripture: Mark 16:15-20 Languages: English
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The Gospel Shows the Father's Grace

Author: Matthias Loy Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #297 (1941) Meter: Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 The Gospel shows the Father's grace, Who sent His Son to save our race, Proclaims how Jesus lived and died That we might thus be justified. 2 It sets the Lamb before our eyes, Who made th'atoning sacrifice, And call the souls with guilt opprest To come and find eternal rest. 3 It brings the Savior's righteousness Our souls to robe in royal dress; From all our guilt it brings release And gives the troubled conscience peace. 4 It is the pow'r of God to save From sin and Satan and the grave; It works the faith, which firmly clings To all the treasures which it brings. 5 It bears to all the tidings glad And bids their hearts no more be sad; The heavy-laden souls it cheers And banishes their guilty fears. 6 May we in faith its tidings learn Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn; May we in faith its truth confess And praise the Lord our Righteousness! Amen. Scripture: John 3:16 Languages: English Tune Title: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH
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Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: Matthias Loy; Ludwig Helmbold Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #288 (1941) Meter: Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us ever to retain The Catechism's doctrine plain As Luther taught the Word of Truth In simple style to tender youth. 2 Help us Thy holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin, and from it turn In faith to Thee and to Thy Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One. 3 Hear us, dear Father, when we pray For needed help from day to day That as Thy children we may live, Whom Thou in Baptism didst receive. 4 Lord, when we fall and sin doth stain, Absolve and lift us up again; And thro' the Sacrament increase Our faith till we depart in peace. Amen. Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 Languages: English Tune Title: HERR JESU CHRIST, MEIN'S
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Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures

Author: Robert Campbell; Adam of St. Victor Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #282 (1941) Meter: Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 Christians, come, in sweetest measures Sing of those who spread the treasures In the holy Gospels shrined; Blessed tidings of salvation, Peace on earth their proclamation, Love from God to lost mankind. 2 See the rivers four that gladden With their streams the better Eden, Planted by our Savior dear. Christ the Fountain, these the waters, Drink, O Zion’s sons and daughters; Drink and find salvation here. 3 Here our souls, by Jesus sated, More and more shall be translated Earth’s temptations far above; Freed from sin’s abhorred dominion, Soaring on angelic pinion, They shall reach the Source of love. 4 Then shall thanks and praise ascending For Thy mercies without ending Rise to Thee, O Savior blest. With Thy gracious aid defend us, Let Thy guiding light attend us, Bring us to Thy place of rest. Amen. Scripture: Genesis 2:10 Languages: English Tune Title: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN
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Hvor lystelig og yndig

Author: Joh. Petersen; Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #517 (1919) Topics: Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 Hvor lystelig og yndig Er deres Fødders Lyd, Som i Guds Ærind syndig Udraabe Fred og Fryd For dem, som er i Vaade Og føle Syndens Byld, At Gud dem byder Naade For Jesu Pines Skyld! 2 Den Lov, som Gud har givet, Er vel et helligt Bud, Men giver ingen Livet, Gjenføder ei til Gud. Naar vi den Gift fornemmer Af Kjødets onde Lyst, Og Satan Hjertet klemmer Veed Loven ingen Trøst. 3 Den vil, at Sjælen efter Guds Vilje fuldt skal gaa, Dog dertil ingen Kræfter Hos Loven er at faa; Den siger, vi skal høre Den Gud, som os har skabt, Men Evne det at gjøre, Har Sjælen ganske tabt. 4 Den Syndere kan vække Med sine Tordenslag, Samvittigheden skrække Med Dommens store Dag, Hvordan Guds Vrede brænder, Naar den er overtraad; Men naar man dette kjender, Veed Loven ingen Raad. 5 Saa tager da, I Arme, Det Ord i Hjertet ind, At Gud vil sig forbarme Med mer end Faders Sind, Og gjøre eder rene I Jesu dyre Blod, Og Livets Kraft forlene I eders Hjerte-Rod! 6 Gud, som os skulde straffe, Har selv udi sin Søn Os Redning villet skaffe, Da Syndens beske Løn Blev lagt paa Jesu Hjerte, Da han for Verdens Flok Led Dødens haarde Smerte, Det var Betaling nok. 7 Nu er vor Gud forsonet Og al vor Skyld forladt, Vor Jesus han er kronet Og Gud ved Siden sat, Og Satan han maa høre Den Sag med Skjæmsel paa, Hvad vil han os nu gjøre? Ham kan han ikke naa. 8 I Kristus fri vi blive Fra Lovens Torden-Sky, Gud vil i Hjertet give Sit eget Sind paany; Hans Aand vil Hjertet sætte I Kjærlighedens Brand, Og al vor Vandring rette Til Himlens Frydeland. 9 Den Naade vil jeg prise Til Døden inderlig, I Gjerning vil jeg vise, Hvad Gud har gjort mod mig; Jeg vil ham evig tjene, Og den Retfærdighed, Han vilde mig forlene, Er al den Pryd, jeg veed. Languages: Norwegian
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O, I Forældre, ser dog paa

Author: Kingo Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #199 (1919) Topics: Law and Gospel Lyrics: 1 O, I Forældre, ser dag paa, Hvor Josef og Maria gaa Hen op til Herrens Tempel, Og føre Barnet Jesus med Til Herrens Hus og Boligs Sted, O tager her Eksempel! 2 De kjære Børn, de Planter smaa, Som I af Gud til Gave faa, Om I dem Gavn vil gjøre, Da førger for, hvor I dem kan Ved godt Exsemple og Forstand I Jesu Fodspor føre. 3 Det er ei nok, om de end faar Nødtørstighed i Ungdoms Aar, Mad, Varetægt og Klæder; Den unge Gren den bøies vil, Her hører Tugt og Age til, Gudsfrygt og gode Seder. 4 Du, som er sat i Høiheds Stand, Og du, som eier ei et Grand, Guds Aand er rig hos begge, Saa Børn kan i en fattig Vraa Saavel som de, paa Slotte gaa, Til Gudsfrygt Grunden lægge. 5 Eksempler meget her formaar, Fordi de Unges Aasyn staar Op paa Forældres Øie, Den Dyd de daglig hos dem ser, Den Synd og Last, som ved dem skeer, Den følge de saa nøie. 6 Saa vogter eder derfor vel, At ingen ung, unskyldig Sjæl Af eder skal forføres, Men at de kan i eders Trin Omsoles udaf Dyders Skin Og til Guds Ære røres. 7 Naar de kan gaa og tale ret, Ser til, at Jesus bliver sæt Dem udi Sjæle-Minde, Til Herrens Hus ved eders Haand Fremleder dem, paa det Guds Aand Maa Bolig i dem finde. 8 Saa faar I se, hvordan de skal, Som Træet i den grønne Dal, Opvokse, Frugter bære, Saa hæderlig en Alder faa, Paa Visdoms Veie altid gaa Og naadekronet være. Languages: Norwegian


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